
How to pay for Dida Travel's pre payment GPT4.0: Dida Travel's financial insurance game: h


Today I want to share with everyoneoneA very interesting topic, this topic is about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I hope everyone can enjoy this article and learn from itoneSome practical suggestions.

Nowadays, anyone who occupiesoneThe internet platforms in the land of traffic have either explicitly or implicitly extended their tentacles to finance as the most basic function of payment, which has become a must-have for internet giantsabsenceYes, there are currently a few platforms that lack payment licenses, which have sparked controversy over payment methods and fund flows in recent times in financebusinessThe frequent action of 'TikTok' travel on the internet has attracted doubts from consumers and the industry due to the pre payment mode of fund management.

Dispute: Why the settlement fund was retained for nearly two days, a consumer reported to the Beijing Business Daily reporter that the fund flow showed that the payee was neither the owner nor the payment platform, but the platform account of Dida Travel itself:WhyFlow to Dida's own platform account, so that we canFare associationabsenceIs there a risk

On February 20th, a reporter from Beijing Business Daily conducted a personal test on this situation. After logging into the Dida Travel App, you can select a destination and travel time to prepay the fare in advance. From the perspective of payment methods, Dida Travel currentlysecondaryThe transaction page shows that the full name of the receiving merchant is indeed "Beijing Changxing Information Technology Co., Ltd." (hereinafter referred to as "Changxing Information"), the main body of Dida Chuxing, after the successful payment of four payment methods, namely, Dida Baitiao, Alipay, WeChat Pay and JD Baitiao.

absenceYes, the reporter tried many orders on the same day, but no car owner answered the order. According to the details of Alipay and WeChat Pay transactions, the refund sources were all displayed as Changxing information

absenceSame as the way of charging by distance for online booking express trains and taxis, when passengers take the Dida Hitchhiking, they need to confirm the boarding and pay the fees when they get on the train. This is also the current customary prepayment mode of Dida Travel. From the perspective of capital flow, the payment fees will be reserved in the capital account of Dida PlatformIf there is a click on the car owner to receive the order, the payment will be settled to the car owner after the travel confirmation is completed. If there is no one to receive the order, it will be automatically returned to the original payment channel.

this1Dian also got the confirmation from Dida's customer service. On February 20, Dida's customer service told the reporter of Beijing Business Daily that Dida Hitchhiking had orderedsecondaryAdopting pre payment mode, passengers pre pay fees on the platform, if the passenger's journey endsafterArrived during App operationafterThe funds will be immediately credited to the driver's account; If there is no action to click on the arrival button, the funds will be credited to the driver's account within 4 or 12 hours on the platform.

In addition, reporters from Beijing Business Daily1In the interview with the owner, several drivers of the Hitchhiking told reporters that they were ticking as the owner of the Hitchhiking, and the passengers didn't arrive on time,1The platform will settle the fare within 24 hours after the car owner clicks on it,1A car owner who has been registered on the Dida platform for many years told reporters, "After deducting some commission from Dida, all the settled car fees will be kept in my Dida accountIf I want to use it, I need to enter1Step by step, bind the bank card and apply for it before withdrawing, and1Heaven can only mention1Times.

It should be noted that,1If the car owner forgets to withdraw the funds in a timely manner, this fund will also1Directly stored in the car owner's Dida account, this pre payment mode and settlement fund flow have also raised doubts among consumers and the industry. Most of the latter believe that travel platforms without payment licenses, through their own platform account instructions, settle transaction funds with car owners. How can we ensure the authenticity of transaction information provided by the platform? Settlement to the owner's Dida accountEgoHow to ensure the safety of funds?.

As Wang Shiqiang, a senior researcher at the Ice Science and Technology Research Institute, said, "Funds stay in platform accountssecondaryThe existing risks include funds being misappropriated by the platform or its financial personnel, as well as funds being stolen by hackers. Previously, cases of misappropriation of funds have already occurred in licensed payment companies. Therefore,1When there is too much funds left behind, this type of model may expose significant risks.

Botong Consulting FinanceSenior analyst Wang Pengbo also believes that there may be a risk of violation in this model. "Dida once stated in the prospectus that it is a distribution system cooperating with banks, but without a payment license, if all funds are received into the platform's own account,"1If the platform runs out or there is a shortage of funds causing difficulty in redemption, it may cause losses to the corresponding merchants and users.

Besides, this1There are also many issues with the model that have not been explicitly stated, such as whether the system's clearing and settlement process is compliant, whether Dida can freely transfer relevant account funds, whether there are corresponding provisions and regulatory warnings, etc1It is mentioned that the Notice on Strengthening the Work of the Whole Chain Joint Supervision of the Online Booking Taxi Industry Before, During and After the Event, jointly revised and issued by the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other eight departments recently clearly mentioned that the Ridesharing company industry implements the whole chain joint supervision before, during and after the event, and emphasized thatabsencePayment and settlement of illegal business funds.

Response: Yes3Party custodyA reporter from Beijing Business Daily, a bank regulator, learned that Dida Travel, which is in the midst of a dispute over pre payment, does not hold a payment license. According to public information, Dida Travel was established in 2014 and was formerly known as "Dida carpool", which focused on sharing private small buses and allowing owners and passengers to ride on the road. In 2018, the brand was upgraded to Dida Travel, which is currently1It covers the travel platform of taxi and Hitchhiking products, mainly Hitchhikingbusiness.

Regarding the issue of pre payment funds, Dida platform responded to a reporter from Beijing Business Daily, stating that "the payment for all orders on Dida platform will directly enter the cooperation3Each user of the fund supervision account of the custodian bank on this page3Each custodian bank has its own virtual account, and all settlements are conducted in the3Completed between the virtual accounts of the users of the custodian bank.

The user account amounts displayed on the Dida platform are all based on the user's3The balance in the virtual account of the custodian bank can be withdrawn by users at any timeabsenceThe Dida platform also pointed out that,For cost and risk control considerations, users can only withdraw cash every day1Regarding the settlement time, click to respond,1In general, when passengers click to confirm arrival, the platform considers the order completed and will immediately transfer the fare to the owner for payment.

If the passenger forgets to click to confirm arrival, the intercity order will be received within 12 hours, and the city order will be received within 4 hours. According to the instructions for Dida Travel, if the capital flow enters the "No3The fund supervision account of the custodian bank ",WhyDoes the billing details and transaction flow show that the payee is Dida Travel's main company? Is the deduction information instruction issued by Dida platform? Dida Travel has not responded to this issue to the Beijing Business Daily reporter yet.

absenceA reporter from Beijing Business Daily found the "Ping An Bank 'Witness Treasure' merchant service agreement" in the link of "binding bank cards" in Dida Wallet, which mentioned that the bank provides "Witness Treasure" on the specific Internet platform (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Dida Chuxing") belonging to Party B (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Platform Merchants")Merchant related services: The platform merchant agrees that the bank can obtain various fund transaction instructions from the merchant on the platform through Dida Travel, and verify and reconcile them.

banktakeAfter the platform reconciliation is correct, the corresponding system processing of the transaction funds involved is carried out according to the agreement. The agreement also mentions "witness payment" and claims to be a solution for merchantstakeArising from trust issues with counterparties1Two payment methods: Merchant counterparties (passengers) prepay transaction orders on the Dida platform when the merchant fulfills relevant responsibilitiestaskAfterwards, the passenger confirms the payment on the Dida platform.

After the merchant applied for fund settlement through the Dida platform and sent the fund settlement application instruction to the bank, the bank transferred the corresponding funds to the bank account bound to the merchant. The Beijing Business Daily reporter noticed that Dida Travel submitted its prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on October 8, 2020 and April 13, 2021, but both were in an invalid state.

In the prospectus disclosed by Dida TravelRisk warnings have also been provided for this issue

Dida Chuxing mentioned in the prospectus that passengers can pay the travel expenses through Alipay and WeChat Pay, and then they can arrive at the driver's account the next dayEgoThe refund balance of the account is deposited in the Dida Chuxing Bank account, and the company may be considered as unpaidbusinessTo provide payment services as a non-financial institution under a license.

Regarding this1Question: Dida Chuxing also provided approval in the prospectustakeSolutions for cooperation with specific licensed institutions throughtakeCollaborating with custodian banks to develop1individualtakeThe internal system of Dida has been fully operational as of November 9, 2020, and all users' income and payments are settled through this system.

However, the company still cannot guarantee that the cooperation will fully address payment related risks or meet all current or future obligationsbusiness”Industry: It is recommended that the platform cancel the prepaid mode. It should be noted that Dida Travel1Mode, actuallytakeThe e-commerce platforms that were previously identified and rectified by regulatory authorities have adopted a similar approach, which is to open a bank account1Settlement of funds through custody accounts.

absenceOver,1Approaching regulatory sources told reporters from Beijing Business DailywideIn a sense, although they have not touched the funds themselves, in terms of information dissemination, the relevant risks have not yet been resolvedsecondaryFrom the perspective of the supervisory role of licensed institutions, it can be seen that many times external supervisory agencies have an impact on the company's own business operationsabsenceUnderstanding leads to weak supervision, making it difficult for regulatory recognition.

”Wang Shiqiang told reporters from Beijing Business Daily,secondaryBecause the licensed institution still settles funds according to the platform's instructions, which includes informationabsenceIn a symmetrical situation, it is impossible to verify the authenticity of the transaction, and there may even be acts of platform forgery, alteration of transaction information, and embezzlement of merchant and user funds by Wang Shiqiang1Bu explained that the core issue of this model is whether the platform can accessDoes the transfer of funds from a virtual account require customer authorization.

If the platform can freely deduct customer funds, then this trusteeship is meaningless. In addition, whether the platform's operation is good or bad will affect the safety of customer funds, and if the enterprise operates in the futureabsenceShan, whose account has been frozen by the court, can customer funds be withdrawn normally, and is there a risk of being deducted to offset platform debts? In 2017, the central bank issued a notice on1Step up payment for unlicensed operationsbusinessThe Notice on Rectification Work states that unlicensed institutions that connect with payment institutions or commercial banks through platforms or large merchants, retain merchant settlement funds, and conduct merchant settlement on their own shall be deemed as unlicensed business paymentsbusiness.

In response to the dispute over Dida Travel's pre payment funds, Wang Pengbo pointed out that currently payment institutions have mature online compliant payment systems, and after sorting out in recent years, the introduction of regulations such as centralized storage of reserves has also been proposed to maximize the safety of user fundsThe platform will clarify the flow of funds in the future, if there is any suspicionabsenceThe compliant parts should be rectified as soon as possible.

Wang Shiqiang frankly stated that the best way is to minimize the exposure of these internet giants to funds, and the pre payment model is notabsenceyes1A good mode. It is recommended that the platform cancel the prepaid mode and switch to consumption before payment, or alternativelytakeTencent credit score and Zhima Credit credit score cooperation. For customers with high credit score, the "first ride and then pay" mode is adopted. This mode has been well applied in scenarios such as renting a single car, renting a power bank, etc., and the customer experience is good, which can also effectively reduce legal risk.

Okay, that's all for today. If you think this article is helpful to you, please give it to me1Like it, you can also follow my account, collect my articles, and let me know your thoughts. I will regularly publish more interesting and useful articles to everyone.


How to pay for Dida Travel's pre payment GPT4.0: Dida Travel's financial insurance game: h

How to pay for Dida Travel's pre payment GPT4.0: Dida Travel's financial insurance game: h

嘀嗒出行的金融险棋:缺位支付牌照 预支付争议怎么解...

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