
Can chat coins still be traded? GPT4.0 account purchase: At the beginning, ChatGPT account business:


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During the hot months of ChatGPT, excitementtakeAnxiety forms the form of sentient beings, and on the surface,1Numerous technology companies and renowned celebrities have squeezed into the big model track; In secret,1Some ordinary people are searching for new opportunities to make money under the wind. Li Mingfei is one of these ordinary people1Officer, he has been selling ChatGPT accounts since February, and the cost of "batch number" is two yuan3Initially, it was able to sell at a high price of 99 yuan.

By the time ChatGPT's app was launched in the United States, the market price of the account had dropped to 30 yuan, and the profit margin was still considerable. The media hype and free advertising promoted by the big shots as "number sellers" had already made profits on various e-commerce platforms before the giants could see any "return money" in their deep drilling models. Li Mingfei was hiding, although the store disappeared in ten and a half days1Secondly, the average monthly sales volume can still reach 5000 or 6000 yuan, with a monthly turnover exceeding 150000 yuan, and the cost of obtaining a license is also1Over ten thousand.

onlyabsenceYes, the promotion fee is a large portion of the revenue1More than half of them still have a lot of traffic and wide channels, with a monthly net profit of 200000 yuan, but this is not enoughabsenceyes1Stable and long-lastingtemporaryIf the heat of ChatGPT's revenue continuesabsenceGo ahead, business will becomeabsencetemperatureabsenceFire; I have the account, but there is no traffic, and I can earn the money as wellabsenceTo the past1For a period of time, domestic large model blowout occurred,1Li Mingfei and his colleagues were worried about the impact on sales, "Fortunately, ChatGPT is still strong, and those who should buy still have to buy.

”Behind ChatGPT account vendors, there is a strong demand for AIGC tools, and various needs cannot be met by domestic large model products for 30 yuan ChatGPT account purchasesabsenceBy May 19th, at 3 yuan, OpenAI had placed ChatGPT on the US App Store of IOS, and the news of the launch of mobile devices quickly spread in China and also spread to the public1In front of a small group of merchants.

As far as 140OpenAI, located 00 kilometers away in the Pacific Ocean1Terminal1individualmeasuresBringing business opportunities to these businesses, Li Mingfei is one of them1In February of this year, he quickly felt the tide of AI flooding the world with ChatGPT, althoughabsenceUnderstood technology, unable to rush forward1The line is engaged in research and development, but when Wang Huiwen of Meituan, Kai-Fu Lee of Sinovation Ventures and other big men fell cups, he began to think about how to make money in the tuyere1Pen.

At that time, most people could only watch others use ChatGPT and were eager and eager to try it out. However, there was no way to register an account in China, so I thought selling accounts would definitely make money. That's how Li Mingfei started his account selling businessabsenceYou have traffic and your needs are displayed there, just use a wholesale account.

”Talking about the business during that period, he couldn't conceal his excitement and hatredabsenceWe have to deal with everyone who comes to talk to him1Spitting is faster“absenceAfter this period of time, the momentum seems to have passed, and the demand is clearly decreasing. We need to have traffic to sell, "but CHeat of hatGPT1Bo continues1Bo, now the new hot spot is the launch of the ChatGPT app,absenceIt is more convenient to use and also supports voice input.

In the past few days, there have been more orders, "Li Mingfei said, adding another way to earn money. The extra way he mentioned was to sell App Store accounts in the US region, because currently ChatGPT can only be found in Apple's US storesabsenceIt's expensive, 18 yuan

According to Li Mingfei, ChatGPT has been launched in the US App Store. He currently sells regular ChatGPT accounts, which are also free versions, using GPT. 5 large models, priced at 30 yuan; And adopting GPT(4)The ChatGPT Plus account for the model is divided into shared and exclusive versions, with prices of 80 yuan and 200 yuan respectively; There is also a shared member of the AI drawing tool Midjournal, selling for 40 yuan.

Ordinary ChatGPT accounts sell the most, with a cheap price of 30 yuan1Direct use, "Li Mingfei said," if you buy more, you can still get a cheaper price. "I want to be an agent," he asked Li Mingfei to inquire about the price, and he quickly gave him the bottom price: 7 yuan, from 30 yuan to 7 yuan. Li Mingfei is more impressive than the hardworking anchors in the live broadcast room,automaticGot a 'fracture'.

absenceThat's all, Li Mingfei offered a supply price of 160 yuan for the ChatGPT Plus, which is officially charged at $20 per month (approximately 141 yuan)absenceYes, he reminded, "You should try to push less of PlusequipmentThe cost is high, and it would be very troublesome for someone to ask you for a refund, "Li Mingfei reported. ChatGPT Plus has been recharged from an overseas account1Step, if there is a problem with the channel for recharging, it may lead to account suspension. If the customer discovers that it has been suspended within a few days, they will definitely seek after-sales service, which is too troublesome.

absenceIt's expensive, and buyers rarely ask, 'Even a regular account can be cheaper.'Li Mingfei said, "You can give it 3.5 yuan, but it's a machine batch registration that carries the risk of being banned." Manual registration is expensive1Point, but basicabsenceWill be sealed1After a conversation, Li Mingfei admitted that he was also looking for someone to get his account number. Due to the large amount of information, the average cost decreased by around 2.3 yuan.

At this cost price,130 yuan per account, sell1individual1A meal of 'pig's foot rice' will give you 'having colleagues'1According to Li Mingfei's description, the profit margin from selling ChatGPT accounts is very considerable, but the specific amount of profit depends on the sales volumesecondaryThe sales channel is a certain treasure store, and a simple webpage has been developed for this purpose. If someone asks through communication, they can directly place an order on the webpage.

Looking at the traffic, when it's good, it can sell 1000 units in a few days. If online storesabsenceBeing sealed,1The corresponding selling price for the quantity of "5000 to 6000 units per month" is 30 yuan. "If it's cheaper, you can still sell more, but at a lower priceabsenceIt's worth it, "he calculated1If the monthly turnover can reach over 150000 yuan, "then do youabsenceyes1Can you easily earn over 100000 yuan per month Seeing such speculation, Li Mingfei spoke about itabsenceeasyThe placeE-commerce platforms also need to advertise, do you think it's pure profit.

”He revealed that if you want to sell more, you need to spend money to prioritize showcasing the store, "it's just someone else1Search for keywords and you will see your store, where promotional expenses account for a significant portion of the total revenue1More than half, "according to him,1The monthly sales revenue is 150000 yuan, and the promotion fee alone costs over 70000 yuan, far exceeding the cost of obtaining a registrationabsenceYes, this promotion fee is not a fixed expense, promotion feetakeThe traffic is proportional, "losing money is actuallyabsenceAs for ".

Selling ChatGPT accounts on the e-commerce platform is not so simple. The customer service of a certain treasure told Metaverse Daily Pop that the platformabsenceIt is allowed to list ChatGPT accounts, but there are currently no clear regulations, only stating that "publishing prohibited products may lead to risks such as product delisting". LiMingfei also knows about the platform itselfabsenceLet's sell ChatGPT accounts, 'If we discover it, we will close the store, and even if we pay promotion fees, it's useless. Let's see.'absenceGive you this money.

”He said that he has been selling his account for the past few monthsabsenceKnowing how many stores have been banned, he can only "fight guerrillas" and will have to change the store name in ten and a half days. Li Mingfei has also tried other platforms, but the review is more accuratewideFor example, when searching for "ChatGPT" in Xianyu, the priority displayed result is a women's shoe named "not yet chat".

If you only start selling now, it's still a bit late, "Li Mingfei said. With more people selling now, the demand is gradually decreasing, and basically everyone who wants to have an account has it,1One account can sell for 99 yuan, with peers1In Li Mingfei's view, there is actually no threshold for selling an account, just the cost of obtaining the account.

He has also tried using an acceptable foreign phone for verification himselfThe cost of registering an account on the platform with code1Two yuan, but1Registering each one is too complicated,absenceAs the "batch number" is convenient, "this matter is not so stable. You can tell by doing it that many channels are nowabsenceCan promote, only with precise traffic is easy to operate. "Domestic large models" do not affect business

During the months when Li Mingfei sold his account, domestic technology companies were also conducting1In an arms race, giants such as Baidu and Alibaba have successively released the "domestic version of ChatGPT". Qiqi is benchmarking against OpenAI. On March 16th, Baidu launched Wenxin1Speak and open testing; On April 7th, Alibaba version ChatGPT product Tongyi Qianwen launched an internal testing invitation; Two days later, the 360 Great Prophecy Model "360 Intelligent Brain" opened for appointment.

Since then, the domestic big model has entered the blowout period. Huawei "Pangu", SenseTime "discussed", went out to ask "Sequence Monkey", IFlytek "Spark Awareness", etc1The appearance of numerous models and ChatGPT like tools is dazzling,orderabsenceThe era of taking over domestic large models in leisure time has begun, which once made Li Mingfei and his colleagues feelabsenceAn.

We communicated with each other and were a bit worried that no one would buy an account after the domestic ChatGPT was released. "The most interesting thing for Li Mingfei was undoubtedly Wen Xin1After all, Baidu was the first1Li Mingfei was impressed by the scene of the company that seemed to be the most capable of doing a good job in dialogue robots. "Robin Lee put a video that had been recorded in advance, and the comment area cursed him.

”Before the press conference was over, he withdrew from the live broadcast room, feeling confident

Wen Xin1Following the speech conference, Wen Xin1In terms of open testing, more and more people are using this domestically produced large model, but various rollover cases have also been uploaded on the internet until a technology company releases the large model in the future. Li Mingfei directlyabsenceConcerned, he believes that no one can shake the benchmark position of ChatGPT at the moment. Li Mingfei said that although most large models in China can be used for freeWhen I first came out, many people needed an invitation code to participatetakeTesting, which means there is still a threshold for obtaining an account.

But who have you seen selling domestic accounts? There are still more overseas accounts than domestic ones. "In Li Mingfei's perception, the concentration of domestic large models has no significant impact on his account sales business. Even if sales decline in the future, he stillabsenceI think it's the domestically produced large model that stole the limelight, but rather the fact that there are more colleagues selling accounts, which further indicates the high demand for ChatGPT among domestic usersequipmentEveryone will only use the best one, after all, it also costs moneyabsenceHow much did it cost.

”Also1Merchants selling ChatGPT accounts also feel the same way, "We sell ours, they sell theirs,absenceConflict concernswhereaboutstakeLegal risks, although the launch of ChatGPT APP has attracted attention1Wave customers, but Li Mingfei also faintly felt the heatabsencemeeting1Continuing with the pursuit and interception of various platforms, he expects that this business will continue to growThe harder it is to do.

Everything is a feast1Bo Dividend earns the fastest money, and this was also the caseabsenceIt's longtemporaryA plan to earn1Heaven is1God, sellabsenceWithdraw as soon as you move, "Li Mingfei can imagine. He is very satisfied with catching up with this wave to make some money. Moreover, in his eyes, this is alsoabsenceIt's a 'safe' deal“absenceStablesecondaryStill worried about legal risks, Li MingfeiwideTo abide by1Set your own bottom line:absenceSelling virtual network tools.

In Internet slang, this tool has various homonyms, saying that because the Chinese Mainland IP cannot access ChatGPT, users need a virtual network to use Li Mingfei1Reply“absenceSell

Domestic IPs are unable to access ChatGPT website to search for public information, and there are many cases in China where they were sentenced to imprisonment for illegally profiting from providing "wall climbing" services, which were made by Guangzhou Baiyun Court in 20221The ruling shows that a certain group, without the approval of the telecommunications regulatory authorityBy operating a "wall climbing" website that can evade regulation and access overseas internet without authorization, users are provided with "wall climbing" services in the form of charging package fees, illegally profiting from it.

Its behavior constitutes the crime of providing intrusion and illegal control of computer information system programs and tools,secondaryThe perpetrator was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment3Year, probation3Six months in a year and a fine of 50000 yuan, even ifabsenceCollision and involvementbusinessSimply selling ChatGPT accounts also poses a risk of crossing the line, "said Zhu Jie, senior partner of Taihe Tai (Chongqing) Law Firm." This kind of buying and selling behavior may constitute illegal operations and other illegal activities.

The legitimate services of ChatGPT are provided by overseas institutions, and virtual services are utilized without approval from relevant departments in ChinapublicThe cross-border provision of business activities through the internet is clearly prohibited, so these domestic merchants who ask for and register on behalf of others set up or use virtual platforms for profit purposespublicRegistering an account online without obtaining relevant national administrative licenses and operating in a country without authorizationExternal accounts may face administrative or even criminal penalties.

Li Mingfei and his colleagues are also paying attention to this information. "So far, I haven't heard of anyone who had an accident selling GPT accounts." He is still vigilant and admits that thisabsenceyes1LengthtemporaryAnd the stable business ChatGPT app has been launched, and he predicts that the popularity will also be as high as the ChatGPT webpage1Like, it will change over time1Diandian becomes calm.

Li Mingfei and others are also looking around1Station, waiting for another1The emergence of a useful overseas AI product, in their eyes, is an opportunity that ordinary people can seize in the wind

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Can chat coins still be traded? GPT4.0 account purchase: At the beginning, ChatGPT account business:

Can chat coins still be traded? GPT4.0 account purchase: At the beginning, ChatGPT account business:


2023-07-19 栏目:互联网+
