
Is the API of ChatGPT Useful? GPT4.0 Account Purchase: Another Hot Side of ChatGPT: Selling Classes,


Welcome everyone to my blog! Today I have prepared for everyoneoneAn exciting article:

Our reporter Qin Xiao from Beijing reported that the explosion of ChatGPT has surprised everyone among the domestic internet giants that have already followed up,absencetiredBaidu, Alibaba, JD and other traditional Internet giants, SenseTime, IFlytek and other well-known AI technology companies also participatedtakeAmong them:;absenceOnly in this way, Kai-Fu Lee, Wang Huiwen, Wang Xiaochuan and other Internet celebrities who have retired from the background for many years also scrambled to set up new companies.

However, while OpenAI is still struggling with how to commercialize ChatGPT, internet giants are still launching big models, solving computing power problems, and data resourcesabsenceIt is known that someone on the Internet has started to "make money" by using ChatGPT. Recently, a reporter from China Business Journal found thattakeChatGPT's "intimate" applications, official account or teaching courses can be realized and obtainedabsenceThe benefits of vulgarity.

ChatGPT, the Chatbot of "Shanzhai" ChatGPTOpenAIoneAfter its release, it quickly became popular worldwide, but in China, many people who want to use ChatGPT are not as easy as they imagined because OpenAI is not open to mainland China, so some people use information errors to directly sell "ChatGPT".

Reporters searched with "ChatGPT" as the keyword, and APP like chat intelligent AI, intelligent chat AI robot official account and ChatBard appeared in the result bar. This kind of official account or APP providedtakeChatGPT has similar language chat functions and the avatars and logos of these applicationstakeChatGPT is also very similar, either simply changing the color or changing the direction of the pattern, which is extremely confusing.

The reporter has enteredoneChatBard, an app with an average daily output of over one0000 times,From the name, it looks like ChatGPTtakeThe combination of Google Bard and its introduction is "Officially Authorized ChatGPT(4). 0 engine technology, an intelligent dialogue model based on deep learning algorithms.

The reporter's test found that the app can provide a question and answer service similar to ChatGPT, but the answer is not satisfactory. When the reporter asked about the date of the day, the answer was 202one, while the true ChatGPT answer was: "Sorry, IabsenceCan answer the current date because I can only access information about my knowledge as of the deadline, which is September 202one, and today is April 2023, so IabsenceKnow what date it is today.

”Moreover, the number of inquiries made by the app is limited. After the free times are used up, it prompts that you need to recharge to become a member in order to continue using the app. The prices are 68 yuan/month and one68 yuan/year, respectively, becoming permanenttemporaryMembers need one98The Yuan app also claims that after opening a membership, users can enjoy a GPT model that is free from advertising interruptions, unlimited usage times, and continuously updated.

It is worth noting that in the early trial stage, the app maintained good fluency, but the reporter experienced multiple app crashes and restarts after opening the membership. When asked by the reporter who developed ChatBard, the answer was that it was developed by the OpenAI team, and ChatBard is one of the language models in the OpenAI teamone, it uses technologies such as deep learning and Natural language processing.

However, the reporter found that the company that developed the app was actually Jiangsu Branding Nianhua Network Technology Co., Ltd. However, for apps like ChatBard or similar official account, most of the registered subjects or development companies behind their accounts are domestic small and micro enterprises with registered capitaloneGenerally ranging from millions to tens of millions of RMBabsenceWait, but the paid in capital is only a few hundred thousand yuandepartmentbusinessMost of the scope includes technology development and services in the fields of computer information, networking, and electronic technology.

oneFive insiders told reporters: "Among these APPs, websites or official accountoneThese are simply developed by the company itself,oneSome companies use ChatGPT accounts registered overseas to generate image products similar to ChatGPT in China. They use cloud servers or other programs to form interfaces,oneEnd to end connection to overseas official programs,oneEnd-to-end connection to domestic users.

If you ask a question on the local APP, they will report it to the official website, and then send it back to you in a form that will cost very little. "Xiao Li, a lawyer from the Digital Economy Legal Affairs Department of Beijing Yingke (Shenzhen) Law Firm, said that although the U.S. OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, has not registered the trademark of ChatGPT in the mainland of China, due to the effect of disruptive communication in the current The Internet Age, ChatGPT has been well-known to the Chinese public and has a high level of popularity.

If these WeChat apps or official account have nothing to do with ChatGPT, but their names are "ChatGPT", or even the logotakeChatGPToneTo mislead consumers into mistakenly believing that the program is "ChatGPT" ortakeThere is a specific connection, sooneThe behavior is suspected of violating the "AntiabsenceArticle 6 of the Fair Competition Law, ConstitutionabsenceLegitimate competition behavior may even violate the protection of unregistered well-known trademarks under Article 58 of the Trademark Law.

Besidesoutside, Xiao Li said that the applet or official account could be used and recharged for free, but the merchants failed to providetakeChatGPToneIf the goods or services provided by Zhizhi are suspected of violating the principle of honest and trustworthy transactions and infringing on consumers' right to know, if there is fraudulent behavior in providing the goods or services, consumers can demand that the merchantBased on the price of goods purchased or the cost of services received by consumers3Double increase compensation; If the behavior constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility will be pursued in accordance with the law.

It is worth noting that there are also official account or websites that guide users to become their offline agents, so as to achieve drainage and commission paymentoneAfter setting an agency fee, becoming a distributor of ChatGPT dialogue platform resources can obtain promotional materials, provide users with relevant tutorials, andabsenceRegular training on marketing strategies.

The merchant told the reporter, "We did not require the distributor to sell the goods in any way as an agent. The path is that the user needs the program and then requests the agentEgoAlternatively, for store payments, the agent provides a website address and redemption code for users to register and use. "The agent earns a price difference from it. As the reporter saw, for members with a price of 19.9 yuan per month, the dealer's purchase price was 12 yuan per month, resulting in a profit of 7.9 yuan. The quarterly profit for members was 19.9 yuan.

When asked by a reporterWhen it comes to whether to recruit people to register as members, the other party said, "Most people still hope to sell through online stores, and the way to attract people through links is not as good as in the first five or six years." The merchant told reporters, "We need to gradually build channels, and most people without channels will first do it on Xianyu, without any barriers or trafficabsenceWrong, it depends on how many links you have.

Then I developed social media channels such as Taobao, Xiaohongshu and Tiktok. The income depends on how you do it1Some people have their own traffic and channels, and they earn more. If they sell accounts as "shanzhai" ChatGPT, they still need to1Given the technology, account trading is the simplest and most crude way for ChatGPT to make money.

So major e-commerce platforms, forums, chat groups, and so on emerged1Vendors selling ChatGPT accounts in large quantities,absenceFew people were deceived as a result,absenceYes, there are alsoindividualSelling real platform accounts initially in variousOn a large e-commerce platform, using the keyword "ChatGPT" as a search term, you can see dozens or even hundreds of shops selling accounts, with a transaction volume of tens of thousands of orders. The cheapest one, calculated at 3 yuan per order, also earns hundreds of thousands of yuan.

absenceAfter a while, the reporter found that major e-commerce platforms have basically banned the display of ChatGPT account purchases, but there are still a small number of merchants who "hang sheep's heads and sell dog meat" phenomenon. While selling other accounts, they are also selling ChatGPT accounts. After detailed inquiry, the reporter learned that account numbers are divided into short-term shared accountsEgoExclusive account with a deadline, and forevertemporaryUsedEgoExclusive accounts, etc.

The seller stated that they still have thousands of accounts, but compared to the previous few yuan1An account, which now requires dozens of yuan for journalists to participate in1The merchant purchased a ChatGPT account, which automatically sent the account and password, along with login tutorials, including how to log in using VPN,absenceA journalistAttempted multiple times, system prompts for account and passwordabsenceSimilar information exists.

absenceThat's all,absenceA few netizens commented, "The account is currently in use1Next timeabsenceCan I log in again? How much does it cost to buy itindividualThe above industry insiders told reporters: "Most of the accounts sold on these e-commerce platforms are batch registered accounts, which are easily detected by the backend and result in account closures. However, if they areEgoRegistering an account will result in low risk.

”Xiao Li told reporters that ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence Chatbot program developed by OpenAI in the United States, which is currently unavailable in mainland China because it has been explicitly prohibited in ChinaEgoOr enterprises engage in VPN wall climbing behavior through unofficial channels, so the behavior of merchants using VPN to log in to overseas websites and register is suspected of violating the provisions of Article 6 and Article 14 of the Provisional Regulations on the Administration of International Networking of Computer Information Networks.

BesidesoutsideThese profit-making businessesWithout obtaining relevant administrative permits from the state, registering and selling ChatGPT accounts through VPN may violate Article 225 of the Criminal Law, which constitutes the crime of illegal business operations. Compared to past AI, ChatGPT has achieved a more widespread application in daily scenarios, and this has also givenabsenceFew people bring about unemployment anxiety.

People are starting to search for ways to stay here1The way to survive the wave of ChatGPT is to make good use of ChatGPT, which provides1Some people are taking advantage of this opportunity and launching it one after anothertakeChatGPT related course reporters at1From a knowledge community,takeNumber of courses related to ChatGPTabsenceVictory, the highest price was sold for 599 yuan, and the lowest was also sold for 99 yuan.

Most of the authors of these courses are "renowned" or claim to have resigned from internet giants, or are angel investors, or C's from startupsAccording to statistics from EO reporters, the number of participants in these courses ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds. "When dull people are still flirting with ChatGPT and using ChatGPT to play games, savvy people have already started using ChatGPT to make money.

”In the1In a course on "How to Make Big Money with ChatGPT", the reporter saw this1The reporter spent 268 yuan on the purchase1Courses, which have been on sale for over 30 days, but have already attracted over 17000 participantstakeBy this calculation, the revenue from selling the course is at least 4.55 million yuan. Here, you can also invite your friends to join. If the invitation is successful, you can receive a reward of dozens of yuan. The reporter saw that the invitation ranked first1The person has invited over 600 people, and based on this calculation, this person can also achieve income of tens of thousands of yuan.

The above course contentsecondaryIncluding how to use ChatGPT, what ChatGPT can do, such as office work and data sharingAnalysts and other reporters found that, similar to most courses, this course also provides a large introduction to AI painting,secondaryIt's Midjournal(1The learning of AI painting tools includessecondaryI talked about what Midjournal is, how to use it, and how to learn tips and techniques during the production process, as well as how to create images in AIafterContinue adjusting parameters.

But the reporter found that most of the methods taught in this course can be found on the internet and are free of charge1A user of the course told reporters, "If you are a designer, painter, etc., and ChatGPTtakePractitioners in the field of AI painting with strong relevance have a good view and deepen their understanding1After all, everyone is learning AI now.

If you are1A 'little white', everythingabsenceUnderstood,absenceYou have to spend money to buy such courses because there is still a threshold for AI painting. If you are really interested, you can search online and learn many free courses1Some "cheap" specific methodsoutsideMost courses will also provide consumers with a beautiful blueprint for the future.

That's' How to Make Big Money with ChatGPT ', but the reporter clicks to seeafterI found that the methods inside include using ChatGPT to create stories to sell, and using ChatGPT to search for answers to resell. "If the above work makes you feel‘absenceToo dignified ', there is a kind ofabsenceThe feeling of being able to ensure income through drought and flood, "the author stated in the course," Currently, many technology companies have started hiring reminder engineers, with an annual salary of up to 2 million yuan,absenceRequires exceptional programming skills, as well asabsenceA degree is required, as long as the instructions are designed to enable ChatGPT to complete the task.

”But the above1An industry insider told reporters that prompt word engineers need to have in-depth language models and knowledge in order to understand and analyze user input, and generate accurate, natural, and appropriate prompts and suggestionsabsenceAnyone can handle itabsenceOver,The above approach also made OpenAI very disgusted. On April 24th, OpenAI requested the use of its ChatGPT and GPT(4)Developers, creators, and businesses using the company brand name, DALL · E, must follow official usage guidelinestakeNaming conventions.

OpenAI Recommendation No3square1Be sure to clearly indicate the source of the developer's self-developed product. For example, it can be said that the newly developed product is produced by GPT(4) Provided support, butabsenceCan you directly call the product name ××× GPT, or use GPT(4) Developed ×××, moreabsenceIt can be said that it is based on ChatGPT ×××。


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Is the API of ChatGPT Useful? GPT4.0 Account Purchase: Another Hot Side of ChatGPT: Selling Classes,

Is the API of ChatGPT Useful? GPT4.0 Account Purchase: Another Hot Side of ChatGPT: Selling Classes,

Welcome everyone to my blog! Today I have prepared for everyoneoneAn exciting article: Our...

2023-07-19 栏目:互联网+
