
Chat tipsgpt4.0 account purchase: ChatGPT paid version is really here! 134 yuan per month to bid far


In the era of information explosion, the internet has always maintained incredible vitality. Now, let's gather the internetThe worldoneIt's full of surprises andabsenceWhere there is no change, let's do it todayoneLet's talk about recent developments in this fieldoneSome important events.

Editor: The editorial department's "New Zhiyuan Guide" ChatGPT has really started charging! Compared to the previously exposed ChatGPT Pro, the official name of the paid version has been changed to ChatGPT Plus, and the cost has been halved to $20 per month. Netizens said, "Do you sell smartphones? ChatGPT is officially charged! $20 per month (approximately one34 RMB).

Don't panic. The free version of the AI Chatbot ChatGPT is still the strongest in history. Since its launch, ChatGPT has quickly startedoneMicrosoft is busy with a wave sweeping the entire technology industryabsenceDieduo offered $one0 billion to approach OpenAI behind the scenes and announced its integration into theAlmost all products of B and To C are available online, including Office Family Bucket, Bing Search, and Azure Cloud Services, as long as they can be accessedoneEvery time.

Microsoft's old rival Google, alsoabsenceSome executives have come out and said they want toabsenceTake action, and as ChatGPT learns and becomes more proficient, let alone Google search, the entire Google may lose its apparent relationship with ChatGPTabsenceThe big Nvidia all won1Because of the explosion of ChatGPT, investors are clamoring for the prospect of AI computing. Jensen Huang's wealth will increase by 5.1 billion dollars in 2023, ranking No. 1 in the Forbes Wealth List in a single month1.

Of course, the most enjoyable thing is for ordinary users. Using it to chat and pretend to be an expert to answer questions is trivial. Some people use it to "assist" in writing papers, sign names, and even use it to do homework, which intimidates the teacher1Stunned1Stupid here, let's leave it aloneabsenceThe moral controversy surrounding using AI tools to do these things has led to1individualThe direct result is.

ChatGPT card has exploded, and users who have applied for new APIs have entered the "waiting list", and during peak hours, users need to frequently queue up to log inabsenceHow to solve the problem of time lag and stop responding? Faced with the cash cow, OpenAI chose the most realistic approach: a fee of $20 per month. Starting today, OpenAI officially announced ChatGPT's "pilot subscription plan", which is a paid service called ChatGPT Plus.

Where is ChatGPT Plus strong? OpenAI display,takeCompared to the basic level ChatGPT, this Plus version hasabsenceLess benefits, even during peak hours, ChatGPT can be widely used,absenceBy queuing, the response time is faster and new features and improvements can be prioritized.

Fast lane is a very popular feature, after all, accessing ChatGPT during peak hours requires waiting for several hours before entering. Only this1This feature can attract many users to subscribe.

As for the new features and improvement ideas mentioned, they are also expected,absenceExpiredsecondaryNo one knows what these new features are, given the huge improvement claimed by ChatGPT(4)Will be launched this year1One possible guess is that OpenAI may only provide the product to paying users. Currently, ChatGPT Plus is only available to users in the United States.

OpenAI said it will start inviting people on the waiting list in the coming months, and it is expected to soon expand the paid version of its services to other countries and regions. OpenAI stated on its official blog, "We will launch ChatGPT as a research preview, so that we can better understand the advantages and disadvantages of the system, and collect user feedback to help us improve its limitations.

Since then, millions of people have given us feedback, we have made several important updates, and we have seen usersstay1Value has been discovered in a series of professional use cases, including drafting and editing content, brainstorming, assisting programming, and learning new topics. "OpenAI suggests that ChatGPT Plus may be the first in several future plans1No.

The company stated in its blog post that in addition to the APIoutsideAre you still actively exploring more low-cost plans for both Pro and Plus? Do you sell smartphones? Right hereabsenceTwo weeks ago, some netizens discovered that OpenAI seemed to be testing the paid version of ChatGPT - "ChatGPT Pro" - for $42 per month (approximately 285 RMB).

Although the price of $42 is indeed high, the advantage is also obvious. The description of this Pro internal beta in the figure is: high availability all day, faster response time, prioritizing the use of new features. From the screenshot of netizens, it can be seen that this Pro internal beta version, which has never been officially announced, and the Plus version, which has been officially announced this time,absenceIt can be said that it is1model1Sample,It can only be said that1Ruts.

In the official announcement of OpenAI this time, only the features of the Plus version were explained compared to the Pro beta version1Some slight modifications in wording.

We currently do not haveabsenceClearly, what are the differences between this Plus and the previous Pro? Of courseabsenceExcluding OpenAI being criticized too harshly by foreign netizens, we have decided to change the name and lower the price in order to better provide free services. The good news is that the free version of ChatGPT will continue to exist,absenceOpenAI will be cancelled, stating that the introduction of a paid version is aimed at making it easier for more people to access the free version.

We love our free users and will continue to provide a free version of ChatGPT. By offering this subscription price, we will be able to help support as many people as possible to obtain free access and plan to improve and expand this service based on your feedback and needs. With the surge in ChatGPT's user base, OpenAII also stated that the free service isabsenceSustainable, charging has become an inevitable trend.

How much does OpenAI really cost to calculate the account?

According to AI industry data analyst Tom Goldstein, OpenAI spends at least $3 million per month on running costs. ChatGPT is hosted on Microsoft's Azure cloud, so OpenAI does not need to purchase and set up a physical computer room. At current rates, Microsoft charges $3 per hour for a single A100 GPU and $0.0003 per word generated on ChatGPT.

ChatGPT responses usually have at least 30 words, so a single ChatGPT response costs the company at least 1 cent to calculate1Yusuke, a netizen, said that after registering for a ChatGPT account, there is a fixed number of requests per month based on the selected package.

If it exceedsA fixed share will incur additional costs before it can be used again in the next cycle.

Speaking of this fee, it is completely understandable from a motivational perspective. Since OpenAI sold to Microsoft for $1 billion in 2019, its identity as a non-profit organization has been increasingly questioned. Recently, it has been conditional to take Microsoft for $10 billion. According to previous reports, this $10 billion transaction is just1Series of complex transactions1In part, the company will receive 75% of OpenAI's operating profit before Microsoft recovers its investment funds.

After recovering the investment amount, Microsoft will hold 49% of OpenAI shares and face profit pressure. With a valuation of nearly $30 billion, OpenAI is actually strugglingsecondaryThe income model istakeCooperating with AI manufacturers to provide algorithm and model services, probably even selling solutionsabsenceOn.

This time I caught up with ChatGPTCircle explosion is like money falling from the sky, seize the time to collect it1Bo, it is also normal to refer to the opinions of netizens on major matters related to the company's profit model and even development strategy, but alsoabsenceYou can take it too seriouslyabsenceAfter speaking, since OpenAI has planned Pro and launched Plus, we look forward to1ChatGPT "Youth Edition"absenceIs that too much?.

References: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-plus/Report/Feedback

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Chat tipsgpt4.0 account purchase: ChatGPT paid version is really here! 134 yuan per month to bid far

Chat tipsgpt4.0 account purchase: ChatGPT paid version is really here! 134 yuan per month to bid far

In the era of information explosion, the internet has always maintained incredible vitality. N...

2023-07-19 栏目:互联网+
