
Under the age of 18, purchasing online gaming products with GPT4.0 account purchase: Minors spend 37


When we talk about the internet, we can always discover many exciting things. Today, let's sit down and chatoneTalking about recent events in this fascinating fieldoneSome eye-catching events.

IT Home News on March 1st, starting from March 1st,1New regulations related to medical care, old-age care and minors' rights and interests will be formally implemented, such as the Regulations on the Management of Internet Information Service Algorithm Recommendation, which prohibits "Big data killing", the newly revised Regulations of Shanghai on the Protection of Minors, and so on.

Today, the Supreme Court released nine typical cases of protecting the rights and interests of minors. Among them, the plaintiff Li, who is 14 years old, was found by his parentsabsenceInformed, sequentialsevenI purchased 374 game accounts from the online store "X Games" operated by the defendant, and paid a total of 36652 yuan. The equipment in the game account was skin, masks, small flower skirts, and so on.

Then, the parents of Li discovered it the next day in a timely mannertakeThe customer service personnel of the defendant's online store contacted and expressed their concern about the plaintiff's purchase of game accounts and payment behaviorabsenceTo confirm and request a refund from the defendant,absencePast defendantabsenceAgree to a full refund. After trial, the final court found that the plaintiff, Li, was under age at the time of the case and belonged to a person with limited civil capacity. The act of purchasing a game account and paying 36652 yuan was obvioustakeTheir age and intelligenceabsenceCorrespondingly, Li's legal representative also clearly expressed his concern for this behaviorabsenceDue to the recognition, the purchase behavior carried out by the plaintiff, Li, is invalid. The defendant is adjudged to return the full amount of 36652 yuan for the purchase of the game account to the plaintiff.

IT Home learned that the National Press and Publication Administration last year issued a document titled 'On Entering the1stepwideThe Notice on Effectively Preventing Minors from Indulging in Online Games requires all online game users to register and log in to their game accounts using real and valid identity informationabsenceCan register with non real names in any form (including tourist experience mode)Provide game services to logged in users.

In addition, manufacturers mustwideThe time limit for providing online game services to minors is limited, and all online game companies can only provide 1-hour services to minors from 20:00 to 21:00 every day on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and statutory holidaysabsenceProvide online game services to minors in any form.



Under the age of 18, purchasing online gaming products with GPT4.0 account purchase: Minors spend 37

Under the age of 18, purchasing online gaming products with GPT4.0 account purchase: Minors spend 37

未成年人花 3.7 万在网上购买 374 个游戏账号被判全额返还...

2023-07-19 栏目:互联网+
