
How to pay for gpt (4) and gpt4.0: # gpt4 is all right


Thank you for your support and encouragement, which gave me the opportunity to write this article. In this article, I will introduceoneSome of meEgoI hope my experience and insights can inspire everyone.

GPT4.0 recharge tutorial recharge ChatGPT, yesabsenceSupport domestic dual currency credit cards and hold themoneZhang Meimei's virtual credit cards includeoneA platform is called Depay. Through the Depay platform, the commonly used digital currency is called USDT. You first transfer USDT to your Depay platform, and then convert USDT into US dollars on the Depay platform. Then, you can recharge your USD.

It is said that how to apply for this low configuration? To apply for a lower configuration, we need toEgoOur ID card is also quite formaloneUpgrading ChatGPT on some platforms requires $20. When recharging this USDT to Depay, it is recommended to charge $22 as there may be withdrawalsWe will charge $one.

When it comes to low-end platforms, there will be $2one. When you recharge $21 to the real US dollar, it deducts at least $1, resulting in a handling fee. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone prepare $22. When you convert the funds into USD through USDT, you can directly recharge on ChatGPT.

When recharging, I will pay attention: everyone has3A relatively important one,1One is your 1. Language English; 2. IP is clean; 3. The tax-free address in the United States must be switched to English, and your IP must be clean. You need to search for it1American1An address, preferably a duty-free address. On this Google Map, you can fill in the duty-free week and then the duty-free addressafterClick the button to recharge, and it will be able to recharge successfully.

Every piece of my writing1All stories are1A wonderful adventure, I hope you cantakeme1Embark on this magical journey together. IfYou like this article, remember to follow my favorites and like it! “


How to pay for gpt (4) and gpt4.0: # gpt4 is all right

How to pay for gpt (4) and gpt4.0: # gpt4 is all right


2023-07-19 栏目:互联网+
