
CFA Level GPT4.0 Exam Limit: Starting from 2021, all levels of CFA are limited to 6 exams! I regret


The Internet isoneA field full of surprises and changes, with new events happening every day. Let's put aside our busy daily routine,oneExplore what the Internet has brought us recentlyoneLet's have some fresh things.

CFA Association official announcement: Starting from 202one, all levels of CFA will be restricted to 6 exams! Each level can be tested up to 6 times, if 6 timesabsenceOnce the account is invalidated, you cannot apply for the exam unless you register your account againoneStarting the Grade Examination! Note: For each level,absenceyes1You can only take the exam 6 times in total! After seeing this notice, the explanation that the exam can only be taken 6 times was a bit vague and there were many questions. Subsequently, the editor sent an email to the association asking for specific information and received a response from the CFA association:

Reply content: Thank you for contacting us regarding the CFA exam. The maximum number of attempts will start in 2021. If youabsenceTake the exam, which willabsenceCount up to six exams. Only failed results will be counted towards the limit. These six attempts are for eachLevel, andabsenceIt is the cumulative number of reset attempts after passing the exam.

examineeabsenceAllow the creation of duplicate accounts to avoid the policy of exam frequency limit. "Regarding the CFA exam, there are still some questions that I need to consult. Important extract: 1absenceTake an examabsenceCounting of times counted 2. Every1Passed CFA in 6 exams at each level1After the second level, there are still 6 exam opportunities for the second level. Similarly,3Level 3, too. ButabsenceAllow the creation of duplicate accounts to avoid the number of online exams.

Compared to before, CFA candidates canabsenceLimiting the number of applications undoubtedly increases the risk for candidates. Every year, a small number of CFA candidates prepare for the examabsenceAdequateabsenceGo for the exam,afterBe cautious!

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message in the comments section.


CFA Level GPT4.0 Exam Limit: Starting from 2021, all levels of CFA are limited to 6 exams! I regret

CFA Level GPT4.0 Exam Limit: Starting from 2021, all levels of CFA are limited to 6 exams! I regret


2023-07-20 栏目:互联网+
