How many days can express delivery be stored for free? GPT 4.0 limits the number of times: express d


Today we will talk aboutoneWhat's happening on the internet recently

On November 30th, the webmaster's home news: Is there a limit on the number of times free door-to-door delivery is required? Recently, the State Post Bureau released the national standard of Express Service (Draft for Comments), which for the first time defined the "delivery times", and the draft for comments on additional fees for "door-to-door delivery" under specific circumstances classified and refined the delivery methods.

Delivery methodsecondaryFor items that cannot be delivered to your doorstep, including delivery to an intelligent delivery service terminal (box delivery), or delivery to a courier service station (station delivery), you should first obtain the user's consent when placing them at a courier station or cabinet; Without agreement or user consent,absenceIt should be placed directly in the delivery cabinet or station.

It is worth noting that the draft for soliciting opinions clearly stipulates that the "delivery frequency" express delivery service unit must provide at least two free door-to-door express delivery services, and mustbelowDuring the time period: 8:000:00 unlesstakeThe user has agreed that there must be at least 8 hours between two free deliveries.

For undelivered express goods, the express delivery service unit may agree to adopt delayed delivery, box delivery, or station delivery methods for the recipient; If the recipient still chooses to deliver the package on-site, the courier service provider may charge additional fees, but should inform the recipient in advance of the fee standards. If the recipient cannot be contacted, the package can be processed according to the sender's requirements.

The draft for soliciting opinions on "express delivery delay" is the most common complaint from consumers. It is clear that the "total delay" time limit for local express delivery services should be 3 days, 7 days for inter provincial and inter provincial express delivery, and 21 days for international express delivery when express delivery occurstenLost time, should be exempt from express delivery fees(absenceIncluding additional fees such as insurance, compensation should also be made based on the insured amount for purchased packages.

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How many days can express delivery be stored for free? GPT 4.0 limits the number of times: express d

How many days can express delivery be stored for free? GPT 4.0 limits the number of times: express d

快递免费送货上门或限制次数 至少提供2次免费上门投递...

2023-07-20 栏目:互联网+
