Comprehensively interpret Bill Gates' smart home mind map (Bill Gates talks about AI again: &qu


1. Artificial intelligence software chat GPT

Journalist: Cai Ding Editor: Lan Suying, after Huang Renxun, founder of Nvidia, put forward the concept of "embodied intelligence" last week, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates also put forward a similar vision on Monday (May 22). Gates said that the future AI personal assistant will have a profound impact. "People will never use search engines, visit productivity websites, or use Amazon again.

2. Artificial Intelligence Movies

”In Gates' vision, this "AI assistant" would have the ability to understand human needs and habits, while also helping humans "read books they don't have time to read." The Daily Economic News reporter noted that Gates' remarks are not groundless. In the past few months, several versions of ChatGPT from OpenAI have passed various difficult exams and interviews with large companies.

3. List of artificial intelligence stock leaders

In addition, some consumer goods companies have begun to apply artificial intelligence to the user end. Securities analysts believe that OpenAI has recently announced the lifting of ChatGPT's inability to connect to the internet, adding support for plugins to ChatGPT, which provides conditions for the emergence of artificial intelligence assistants. Gates: Future AI personal assistants will disrupt search engines and online shopping websites

4. Artificial intelligence AI

At the AI Forward 2023 event held by Goldman Sachs Group and SV Angel in San Francisco on Monday, Gates believed that the ultimate winner in the current IT technology competition is top-level artificial intelligence, which will disrupt search engines, productivity software, and online shopping websites. "In the future, people will no longer search for websites, and they will never go to Amazon.

5. Artificial intelligence computing power

”He said he would definitely be disappointed if Microsoft didn't make it to that point in the end, but now I am also impressed by the performance of some startups. "He said that although there is a 50% chance, the winner of this competition will be an AI startup jointly founded by LinkedIn co founder Reid Hoffman and DeepMind co founder Mustafa Suleyman, Inflection AI, which left a deep impression on him.

6. Artificial Intelligence English

Gates believes that it will take some time for this powerful future digital agent to evolve before it can be put into use in mainstream society. Prior to this, major enterprises will continue to embed so-called generative artificial intelligence technology in their products, similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT.

7. Artificial Intelligence GPT

Reuters reported that many industry participants are working hard to build a computer assistant supported by artificial intelligence, where consumers can create a series of tasks through voice or text commands. Gates believes that "whoever wins this competition and becomes the developer of AI personal assistants is a big deal," Gates also referred to generative AI as a "game changer for white-collar workers, He also believes that in the future, the humanoid robots used by companies will be cheaper than human employees, so blue collar workers will also be greatly affected.

8. Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Manufacturing

In addition, Gates also talked about the work of his foundation and artificial intelligence in the field of drug development. He said that artificial intelligence will accelerate more advanced drug development. Although the internal workings of the human brain remain a mystery to scientists, Gates believes that humans are approaching the creation of effective drugs to treat diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, and human trials of new drugs may take place within 10 years.

9. Ranking of the Best Schools in Artificial Intelligence

On the same day, the Gates Foundation also announced the launch of a "Global Challenge", which will allocate a total of $3 million and provide up to $100000 in funding to each participating project to test new uses of artificial intelligence, overcome daily obstacles, and solve many thorny problems in low-income and middle-income countries. It is reported that the application deadline for this challenge is June 5th, and the funds will be disbursed in July, The subsequent challengers have 3 months to complete the project.

10. Artificial Intelligence Big Model

The release of the ChatGPT plugin provides the conditions for the emergence of "AI assistants". The Daily Economic News reporter noted that Gates' imagination of AI assistants becoming personal digital agents is not empty talk. Recently, AI has passed the recognized difficult accounting industry exam, according to recent research released by American and German scholars,.

The latest generation AI language model of OpenAI, ChatGPT 4, has completed and passed the four major accounting industry qualification exams, including Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), and Certified Tax Agent (EA), with an average score of 85.1.

Researchers pointed out that a few months ago, ChatGPT 3.5 had not yet passed the test, but the outstanding performance of the new version of ChatGPT 4 means that ChatGPT "has a disruptive impact on the accounting and auditing industry." One of the researchers mentioned above, David Wood, an accounting professor at Church University Brigham Young University in the United States, stated that the reason for the differences in AI technology performance between the two generations of ChatGPTs,.

Mainly due to the new generation of plugins, which give it the ability to "reason and act". However, Professor Wood warns not to exaggerate the impact of ChatGPT 4 just because it has passed the accounting industry exam. However, if it can help accountants cope with the widespread shortage of manpower, it also has great potential.

In fact, in addition to the latest accounting industry exam, the early versions of ChatGPT have already passed various exams. For example, in early February of this year, ChatGPT successfully passed Google's programming interview and was offered an L3 engineer with an annual salary of $183000. Although L3 is only the entry-level level of Google's engineering team, it is still a level that ordinary programmers cannot match.

Outside the academic field, major consumer manufacturers are also applying artificial intelligence to the user end. In March of this year, General Motors used OpenAI's ChatGPT and developed a new car assistant. This new auxiliary technology can replace car manuals, integrate with scheduling programs, and even understand or predict whether to open garage doors or turn off alarms.

Major domestic internet manufacturers are also competing in the development of "AI assistants". For example, last month, Zhejiang Tmall Technology Co., Ltd. obtained registration approval for the copyright of the "Alibaba Cloud AI Judge Assistant Software", abbreviated as "AI Judge Assistant". The current version number is V2.0, according to Liu Gaochang, an analyst at Guosheng Securities,

The release of the ChatGPT plugin has provided conditions for the emergence of intelligent assistants. Recently, OpenAI announced the lifting of ChatGPT's inability to connect to the internet, adding support for plugins, integrating them with third-party services, or allowing them to access the latest information extensions,.

This enables ChatGPT to access other websites and obtain real-time information, and to access relevant applications through scheduling APIs. Research reports indicate that the release of ChatGPT plugins has expanded ChatGPT's ability from NLP to obtain real-time information and perform operations on behalf of users. Users can directly command ChatGPT through human language to help them interact with various applications, and to some extent, ChatGPT can already be regarded as a human intelligent assistant.

。 The specific functions of the plugins displayed on the OpenAI official website include recommending restaurants, developing online shopping, traveling, working, searching, language teaching, etc., covering various aspects of clothing, food, housing, and transportation. Daily Economic News


Comprehensively interpret Bill Gates' smart home mind map (Bill Gates talks about AI again: &qu

Comprehensively interpret Bill Gates' smart home mind map (Bill Gates talks about AI again: &qu

每经记者:蔡鼎 每经编辑:兰素英继英伟达创始人黄仁勋在上周提出“具身智能”概念后,微软联合创始人比尔·盖茨...

2023-05-23 栏目:科技派
