Dong Mingzhu wants to make a chip (the "high-tech" practice of artificial intelligence to


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Original Title: "High tech" Practice of Artificial Intelligence Assisting Trial Execution

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Liu Mingbo (second from left), Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial People's Congress, inspected the trial demonstration of the Smart Court of the High tech Zone Court. Zhou Ruiping took a photo of a grassroots court with only 68 special political and legal departments, handling over 35000 cases a year. Apart from the hard work of the police, are there any other secrets? Recently, a reporter conducted in-depth research on the People's Court of Hefei High tech Industrial Development Zone in Anhui Province and found that the court attaches great importance to the construction of smart courts. By collaborating with artificial intelligence enterprises to develop artificial intelligence application systems such as digital intelligence service platforms, judge workstations, and smart court systems, it promotes the deep integration of artificial intelligence technology innovation achievements and law enforcement cases, effectively improving judicial efficiency and continuously enhancing judicial credibility.

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Digital Intelligence Platform: The intensive handling of auxiliary affairs and the quality and efficiency of trials are the lifeline of court work, which directly affects the evaluation of the court's image by the people. The jurisdiction of the Hefei High tech Zone Court, the Hefei High tech Zone and the Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone, two national level development zones, has been continuously expanding in the past decade, with an area of 448 square kilometers and about 40000 various business entities; The permanent population is constantly increasing, reaching 827800 people.

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The High tech Zone Court officially opened its case in January 1997, with an annual number of cases soaring from 380 at the beginning of its establishment to 33779 in 2022, an increase of over 80 times in 25 years. "Faced with the increasing judicial needs of enterprises and the people in our jurisdiction, we must integrate limited trial resources, seek quality and efficiency from management, and seek momentum from technology.

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”Liu Li, the President of the High tech Zone Court, said that the "Opinions on Regulating and Strengthening the Judicial Application of Artificial Intelligence" issued by the Supreme People's Court explores the deep integration of artificial intelligence and judicial work for them Improving the level of smart court construction points out the direction: "Artificial intelligence technology can make the entire judicial process searchable, traceable, comparable, analyzable, and statistical, which not only reduces the workload of judicial personnel, but also promotes a more transparent, open, and fair judicial process.

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”Liu Qingfeng, a representative of the National People's Congress and chairman of iFLYTEK, told reporters that "we hope to better serve the people's courts through the development of artificial intelligence technology to accelerate the modernization of the trial system and trial capacity." The High tech Zone Court and iFLYTEK immediately joined forces to establish a judicial assistance affairs intensive center in April 2022, stripping all non core affairs.

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The center sets up multiple positions such as electronic delivery specialist, scheduling specialist, stenographer, etc. according to the division of responsibilities and processing procedures. Each auxiliary matter is clearly assigned a dedicated person to be responsible for it, so that the procedural matters of each case node that were originally handled separately can be intensively operated, Promoting the transformation of judicial auxiliary personnel from "comprehensive and all-round" to "specialized and specialized" is not a new thing. In order to improve effectiveness, we use information and intelligent methods to achieve refined and efficient management of judicial auxiliary affairs.

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”Zou Jing, Director of the Comprehensive Office of the Hefei High tech Zone Court, said that the court has developed a digital intelligence management platform based on the technological advantages of iFlytek in the field of artificial intelligence. The platform consists of two parts: a digital intelligence service platform for judicial assistance personnel and clerks, and a judge workstation for the legal team. The ordinary civil and commercial cases of the High tech Zone Court have been sorted and classified, and they have been divided into 117 nodes, Among them, 96 nodes are processed by the Judicial Assistance Affairs Center, and 35 nodes have all been automated.

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It is understood that the digital intelligence service platform can achieve functions such as automatic query of key case information, automatic operation of simple repetitive work robots, and automatic generation of documents. The RPA (Robot Process Automation) provided by the platform can automatically query the cancellation of legal persons and payment of cases after the trial case is filed according to the preset process, automatically collect cases after the execution case is filed, conduct "four checks" on the executed person, and output property clues.

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For the formatted documents in the trial and execution process, this platform provides an auxiliary tool for automatic document generation. The key elements required for the documents are automatically extracted through case information, manually confirmed to be correct, and then backfilled to the document template to achieve batch generation of formatted documents and improve document production efficiency. The platform also follows rules such as organizational structure, organizer and court resource data, organizer hearing habits, and hearing duration for different cases, Realize automatic scheduling of trial cases and improve the utilization rate of court resources.

The digital intelligence service platform adopts a human-machine collaborative assembly line operation mode, and cases are like products on the factory assembly line. Judicial assistance personnel and clerks only need to focus on a certain node of work, completely breaking the 'one person package case to the end' mode, reducing work errors, and truly improving the efficiency of judicial assistance affairs intensification, "said Yin Gang, director of the High tech Zone Court Trial Management Office (Research Office), The hospital continuously improves its intensive management mechanism, conducts regular training, and dynamically and flexibly adjusts personnel.

If personnel at a certain node are temporarily occupied, they can be quickly transferred from other positions, effectively avoiding the occurrence of "case waiting". In the past year of intensive operation of the entire process of judicial auxiliary affairs, the filing and scheduling period of the judge team's trial cases has been shortened from the original 3 days to 1 day, and the basic implementation of the same day scheduling has been achieved. The average period from filing to hearing ordinary procedure cases has been shortened from the original 70 days to 50 days.

”Xu Lili, the head of the Intensive Center for Judicial Assistance Affairs of the court, said that it is understood that after the intensification and digital reform, the workload of secretaries and employees who were originally scattered in the Civil and Commercial Affairs Court has been greatly reduced. Starting from March 1 of this year, the High tech Zone Court has implemented centralized management of these secretaries, with a clear division of labor, focusing on a certain node of work such as field service, refund of litigation fees, and transfer of appeal files.

In April of this year, I reported and closed 1021 cases, and also completed a batch of post court delivery, post court announcements, and other matters. "Clerk Wang Yuan is currently responsible for the report and closure work, and there are 13 other clerks who are under centralized and unified management with her. She said," In the past, we all followed a fixed team of judges, from the initial filing schedule to the final filing, and we had to follow up one by one. The workload was heavy, but the sense of achievement was not strong.

Now receiving instructions through the digital intelligence service platform, the processing progress and workload are clear at a glance. "■ Judge's desk: improving the efficiency of trial execution." The defendant company has been cancelled, should we proceed with the revocation process? "On May 11th, when she started work, Li Tingting, an assistant judge of the High tech Zone Court, opened the legal desk and saw a reminder that the case was a dispute over infringement of the right to network dissemination of work information. The plaintiff was a technology company in Changsha, The defendant is an education company in Nanjing, Hefei Luyang Branch.

The Judge Workbench is a lightweight and intensive case handling platform developed by the court for the judge team, which can achieve real-time monitoring of the "defendant subject cancellation status" and "unpaid case status" of cases, such as case warning, to-do reminder, task initiation, and case progress information viewing. It also pushes the "defendant subject cancellation status" and "overdue unpaid case" to the judge team, reminding them to follow up and handle them in a timely manner.

On May 12th, Li Tingting contacted the plaintiff in the case and informed them of the cancellation of the defendant's company. The plaintiff expressed willingness to withdraw the lawsuit and submitted a withdrawal application online on the same day. "Previously, such matters were all manually queried, and the query results were all memorized by the brain. The judge's desk solved the problems of traditional manual queries being time-consuming and laborious, and the feedback of query results was not timely, effectively reducing the backlog of cases.

”Li Tingting said that it is understood that the judge workstation includes three modules: task distribution, task processing progress tracking, and task processing backtracking. It has established an online collaboration channel between the judge team and judicial assistance personnel. The organizer initiates auxiliary transaction task processes for single or batch cases, and urges the handling of single or multiple tasks. The progress of cases can also be displayed in real-time through the platform.

In addition to reminding the defendant of cancellation and unpaid cases, the platform can also remind the situation of pre court service, pre litigation mediation and case filing in real time, monitor and obtain whether the parties have applied for property preservation and appraisal in real time, monitor the approval of adjudication documents in real time for cases that have completed post court judgment, and monitor the approval of reported cases in real time.

The promotion and application of judicial artificial intelligence technologies such as judge workstations have liberated me from the complex affairs of handling cases, and I am focused on doing a good job in case trials and judgments, which is conducive to improving the quality and efficiency of case trials. "Wang Ying, a judge of the People's Court of the Free Trade Pilot Zone of the High tech Zone Court, admitted that as a young judge, her trial work benefits from the deep integration of artificial intelligence and judicial work, I am also willing to enhance the effectiveness of artificial intelligence judicial applications through trial practice.

Regarding the execution of cases, the judge workstation can monitor or remind in real-time the completion of tasks such as releasing the list of dishonest defendants, height restrictions, final and final case document production, document printing and mailing, and property inspection and control. "It only took three days from filing the case to getting back the salary, and the execution of the police has been laborious." On April 28th, the applicant for execution, Cao, expressed gratitude to the assistant judge of the High tech Zone Court Executive Bureau, Ma Jinchao.

On the same day, he and 89 colleagues recovered nearly 3 million yuan in wages. Cao and 90 other employees of a technology company in Anhui Province started to no longer pay wages from January 2023. After labor arbitration mediation, the company promised to pay wages by mid April 2023. However, after the arbitration mediation letter was delivered, the company did not fulfill its promise. The employees repeatedly requested the company to fulfill the obligations determined in the arbitration mediation letter, but the company refused to fulfill them, Cao and others then applied to the High tech Zone Court for compulsory execution.

On the morning of April 26th, after receiving the application materials for execution, we completed the filing and document production of all 90 cases on the same day, and initiated the first round of investigation and prosecution, "Ma Jinchao said. Due to the large number of employees involved in the case and the large amount of unpaid wages, the court quickly opened a" green channel "for livelihood related cases. The next day, the judge's desk reported that there was sufficient property in a bank account of the company involved, reminding us to carry out deduction operations in a timely manner.

”On the morning of April 27th, the executing police officers went to the bank and immediately deducted the amount of 3 million yuan involved in the case. Then, they contacted the employees and completed the payment work. "Cases involving people's livelihoods are related to the happiness of the people's lives, and are related to social harmony and stability. The application of artificial intelligence technologies such as digital intelligence service platforms and judge workstations has to some extent saved manpower, which helps to quickly execute and settle cases involving people's livelihoods.

”According to Zhang Youguo, the Director of the Executive Bureau of the court, it is understood that the judges' workbench has now achieved real-time warning of 7 key nodes in the execution of cases. In combination with the actual execution work of the High tech Zone Court, the platform automatically judges and issues time limit warnings and to-do reminders based on key execution indicators such as the average completion time, execution completion rate, and final cost rate of first execution cases through the collection and analysis of case data.

When there is property that needs to be frozen in a case, or when there is property that needs to be transferred to the account, the platform will automatically obtain the progress data of the case, remind the judge to make the transfer and distribution, and solve the problem of the undertaker's access to information being too deep The problem of disorderly information sources "Previously, after the filing of a case, it required physical reception by the clerk and network investigation, which took 1-3 days. After the investigation, the case property was summarized, which took another 2-4 days. Finally, the summary results were output for the second division operation, and the entire property processing cycle was 3 to 7 days.

”Dong Chuntao, assistant judge of the Executive Bureau of the court, introduced that after the completion of the case filing, the judge's workbench will automatically provide feedback on the query results and initiate a freezing operation based on the property query situation. This enables online queries to be completed within one day after the case is filed, and for cases with property, the freezing can be completed within two days. "Currently, we are working with iFlytek R&D personnel to upgrade the relevant functions of the judge's workbench.

”Lv Bingjie, who is engaged in information technology work at the Comprehensive Office of the High tech Zone Court, said that for outstanding cases that have already undergone initial investigation and control, the platform monitors the number of days for the initial investigation and control of the case based on the interval time between the first and second investigations required by the Executive Bureau. When the requirements for the second investigation and control are met, the judge team is reminded to conduct the second investigation and control, and an overdue warning reminder can be given for the number of days for which the case has not undergone the second investigation and control.

It is expected that this feature will be available in mid to late May. ■ Smart Court: One click integration of online and offline. "Now, we will hand over the" Notice and Confirmation Letter of Audio and Video Recording Substitution for Trial Record "to both parties, please sign and confirm on the electronic screen..." On May 8th, Li Qun, the President of the Civil Second Division of the High tech Zone Court, heard a dispute case over a construction project subcontracting contract, which only took 15 minutes.

Compared to traditional court hearings, there were no clerk records or paper files in this trial. After the trial was completed, both parties verified the accuracy of the transcripts and signed them all at once using electronic signature printing boards. On the same day, the court held a total of 14 cases, of which 6 were heard in the non clerk mode. In order to meet the software and hardware requirements of the non clerk mode of trial, the High tech Zone Court built 6 integrated courts, Each court is equipped with a smart court system - not only a 4K trial host, camera, and monitor, but also various artificial intelligence elements can be seen everywhere.

Before the court session, the judge can start all hardware devices in the court with one click, and the software can also automatically start to reach the state of waiting for the court session. After the judge arrives at the court and confirms the case, the court session can be held with one click. At the same time, the judge can prompt the parties involved in the case through voice commands to quickly complete identity verification, automatically broadcast court discipline, retrieve electronic files, quickly search for legal provisions, and control the trial process.

Previously, if we wanted to conduct a trial live broadcast, we had to log in to the account, select the court, and enter the case number in the live broadcast system, which was quite cumbersome. Judge Ni Liangyue, who has nearly a decade of trial work experience, witnessed the changes in the construction of a smart court. She believes that the most profound experience given by a smart court is that it can achieve one click online and offline court sessions.

In the smart court system, clicking the 'Start Live' button will automatically bring up the trial live streaming interface, select the court, and enter the live streaming management interface of this case. The judges do not need to operate the entire process themselves, and this interface can be minimized, and the system will automatically run. "Ni Liangyue said that the High tech Zone Court has refined the entire trial process, Classify and integrate the matters that need to be operated by various parties in different trial modes, achieving automation of transactional work and simplification of business work.

During the trial process, especially in the absence of a clerk mode, intelligent assistance is provided through functions such as one click confirmation letter signature, in court process guidance, paperless evidence and cross examination throughout the entire process, low latency and high-quality cross network audio and video communication, in court evidence supplementation, and voice control of the trial process, to facilitate rapid and efficient trial activities Smooth implementation of "I prioritize the pilot trial of simple quick judgment and small litigation cases without a clerk. In the past, it took about 2 hours to hear complex property dispute cases, but now it can be completed in 40 minutes.

”Li Nan, a judge of the First Court of the People's Court of the People's Court of the People's Court of the People's Republic of China, believes that a court trial without a clerk is an example of the deep integration of artificial intelligence and judicial work. "In a court trial without a clerk, court recordings are used instead of written records. If judges still need to view the records, they can initiate a precision marking service order after the court, and judicial auxiliary personnel receive it for intensive processing. In the voice conversion records, key content will be precision marked for the judges to refer to.

”The trial without a clerk is a microcosm of the high-tech zone court's efforts to promote paperless office handling and comprehensively deepen the construction of a smart court, taking advantage of the demonstration application of artificial intelligence. On March 15, 2022, the high-tech zone court was established as a trial court for paperless case handling by the Anhui Provincial High People's Court. Currently, the court relies on hardware devices such as cloud cabinets and intelligent intermediate libraries, and utilizes internet trial, no clerk records, and trial backtracking Multiple technical means such as electronic signature and remote communication have been used to achieve the full process of online processing and electronic tracking of the entire case handling process.

It is understood that the intelligent intermediate library is the fulcrum of paperless case handling throughout the entire process, which can achieve electronic tracking and full process tracking control of paper files. Since its operation in August 2022, the intelligent intermediate library of the hospital has accumulated nearly 4000 cases on shelves. "In the past, the mountains of files in the office have basically disappeared, and we don't have to run upstairs and downstairs with the files to court, and the risk of paper file storage has also been reduced.

”Judge Assistant Qiu Wenjuan said that the High tech Zone Court has promoted the deep integration of technological innovation achievements such as artificial intelligence with judicial work, innovated the internet judicial model, and promoted the continuous improvement of case handling quality and efficiency. In 2022, the court has received 33779 new cases of various types (including a total of 35835 old cases), an increase of 101.83% year-on-year; 35157 cases were reviewed and executed, an increase of 135.21% year-on-year; The completion rate reached 98.11%, a year-on-year increase of 10.20%; The trial team composed of 28 judges has completed an average of 1212.31 cases, an increase of 633.9 cases year-on-year.

The Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial People's Congress organized representatives of the People's Congress to inspect the application of smart courts, intelligent intermediate libraries, and other applications in the Hefei High tech Zone Court, and highly praised them (Zhou Ruiping, Correspondent of this newspaper, Wang Jun) (People's Court News)


Dong Mingzhu wants to make a chip (the "high-tech" practice of artificial intelligence to

Dong Mingzhu wants to make a chip (the "high-tech" practice of artificial intelligence to

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2023-05-24 栏目:科技派
