Recommended Introductory Books on Self Study Artificial Intelligence (the first major in artificial


1. Ranking of the Best Schools in Artificial Intelligence

In the opening season of 2018, 80 freshmen entered the campus of Nanjing University. Compared with nearly 8 million admitted students nationwide that year, these 80 freshmen had a slightly unique professional direction: in recent years, the development of artificial intelligence technology has accelerated, and the demand for talent in society has been prominent. However, talent cultivation in China is mainly concentrated in the graduate stage.

2. What should I learn in the field of artificial intelligence

With the support of relevant competent departments, Nanjing University took the lead in establishing an AI college in early 2018 to explore the construction of an undergraduate training system. This group of freshmen is the first batch of undergraduate students majoring in AI recruited by Nanjing University to look across the country. They are also the first group of freshmen to start systematic learning of human intelligence instead of other similar majors.

3. Recommended schools for postgraduate entrance exams in artificial intelligence

Zhou Zhihua, Dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence at Nanjing University, once commented that the first batch of students have high quality and share the common characteristics of "intelligence, steadfastness, and diligence". Over the past year, what courses have these "heavenly pride" students studied? What have you gained? Recently, some students were interviewed by reporters from Nandu and shared their learning experiences and reasons for applying:

4. Artificial Intelligence Professional Courses

Due to the school's admiration for its reputation, Gao Chenxiao, a promising student, told Nandu reporters that he was already interested in computer related disciplines and "after careful consideration," decided to enter the artificial intelligence program because Nanda has a deep accumulation in the computer field. At the same time, the School of Artificial Intelligence at Nanda has many experienced professors and research teams with outstanding research achievements.

5. What are the employment directions and prospects for artificial intelligence majors

Student Rao Ruice's considerations are similar to those of Gao Chenxiao. "The School of Artificial Intelligence at Nanjing University was founded by Professor Zhou Zhihua, a domestic expert in the field of artificial intelligence, and I have always been very interested in the IT industry. I hope to learn IT, especially the popular artificial intelligence, under the leadership of top professional scholars." He became one of the first undergraduate students and described himself as "lucky".

6. Postgraduate entrance examination subjects for artificial intelligence major

After reading many news, student Wang Chenyuan found that the combination of artificial intelligence and various industry technologies can unleash stronger power. For example, autonomous driving inspired him to learn artificial intelligence. Before choosing a major, he had a deep understanding and believed that the School of Artificial Intelligence "has bright development prospects". More importantly, I believe that artificial intelligence is a profession that can be advanced, attacked, or retreated.

7. Artificial Intelligence Graduate Examination

Even if I lack talent or interest in several major fields of artificial intelligence, such as natural language understanding, I can still rely on my accumulated computer technology in my professional studies to work normally like my classmates in the next door's computer science department. "He admitted that the difficulty of" hard core "mathematics courses is not small. Last year, just after the start of school, the campus network of Nanjing University released the course schedule for the first year of artificial intelligence, attracting many curious netizens.

8. Direction of Artificial Intelligence Graduate Entrance Examination

Advanced Algebra, mathematical analysis, discrete mathematics... After seeing the curriculum, some people exclaimed "Bull" and "Strong faculty", while others said "Watching burn the brain" and "Shuddering", referring to the learning difficulty hotly discussed by netizens, Zhou Zhihua responded to the reporter in Nandu, "Is there any course in the training system whose difficulty has exceeded the ability of undergraduates? We don't think so.

9. Employment direction of artificial intelligence major

”But he also pointed out that the feelings of the surveyed students, who wanted to lay a solid foundation, have practical application in their studies, and also want to learn easily, confirmed Zhou Zhihua's judgment. Although they are already outstanding intelligent students in the college entrance examination, there is also pressure to study artificial intelligence. "University is not as easy as parents say," student Yang Yichun said bluntly, while accepting a lot of new knowledge, feeling that it is not easy to digest, But it also sparked her fighting spirit.

Which school is the best for artificial intelligence majors

In the eyes of student Chen Yetong, the subject of artificial intelligence is both magical and extremely challenging. "Hard work" is the main theme of his freshman year, and he jokingly said that "baldness" has become an increasing concern. However, the completion of every small task can bring a sense of achievement, which is different from traditional computer science. The artificial intelligence program at Nanjing University places special emphasis on cultivating students' mathematical foundation.

Zhou Zhihua explained that the problems faced by artificial intelligence are constantly changing, and problem-solving involves multiple mathematical tools. High level talents must have a good foundation in mathematics. Gao Chenxiao told reporters from Nandu that mathematics foundation courses are widely recognized as very "hardcore" courses, and he once felt distressed and confused due to a large number of mathematics courses. However, after being exposed to professional courses such as artificial intelligence programming, He gradually realized the necessity of laying a solid foundation in mathematics, and "the previous doubts were easily solved.

"There is a lot of matrix content in advanced algebra, and the theoretical guidance is more difficult than linear algebra in other departments, which has greatly helped me understand some algorithms" Wang Chenyuan felt that every course studied at present is meaningful and can be applied in future practice. Talk about professional highlights: there are practical opportunities at different levels.

From intelligent recommendation on shopping platforms to medical record diagnosis in medical institutions, many enterprises are also continuously promoting the research and application of artificial intelligence technology. With technological progress, artificial intelligence applications are gradually integrating into reality and becoming more closely integrated with social life. Some people say that artificial intelligence has ushered in the "first year of application" and "first year of commercialization".

Undoubtedly, solving practical problems is an important driving force for the development of artificial intelligence. Currently, Nanjing University has collaborated with some advanced enterprises to not only arrange the "Artificial Intelligence Enterprise Training" course in the first half of the freshman year, but also provide students with practical opportunities at different levels to help them better understand the knowledge learned and social needs.

In the practical training course, professional technicians will introduce the specific application of artificial intelligence technology in enterprise products, allowing students to see the internal connection between theory and practice. "At JD Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, we learned how to use gradient descent methods to solve optimization problems; in the past, we learned the close connection between solving feature vectors and facial recognition learned in advanced algebra.

”2018 student Zou Zheng said that it is understood that in the upcoming summer vacation, the college has collaborated with companies such as Tencent and Intel to arrange summer practice for students. The main learning content is intelligent application modeling and intelligent hardware. Some students believe that it will be another full and eagerly awaited holiday - editor ∑ Gemini.

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Recommended Introductory Books on Self Study Artificial Intelligence (the first major in artificial

Recommended Introductory Books on Self Study Artificial Intelligence (the first major in artificial


2023-05-25 栏目:科技派
