2021 Beijing's undergraduate universities with specialized majors (10 Beijing municipal univers


1. Ranking of the Best Schools in Artificial Intelligence

The Beijing Municipal Education Commission recently announced the results of filing and approval for undergraduate majors in municipal ordinary higher education institutions, with 10 universities adding 16 new registered undergraduate majors; Four universities have abolished 10 majors. Most of the newly added majors focus on new engineering directions, with artificial intelligence being the most popular.

2. What should I learn in the field of artificial intelligence

Among the 16 newly registered undergraduate majors in 10 universities, nearly 60% of them are in line with the development of new engineering disciplines. Among them, Beijing University of Architecture, Beijing Institute of Petroleum and Chemical Technology, Beijing United University, and Beijing City University have newly added registered artificial intelligence majors; Both Northern University of Technology and Gengdan College of Beijing University of Technology have added majors in Energy Storage Science and Engineering; Beijing Construction University has also added intelligent manufacturing engineering majors and building electrical and intelligent majors.

3. Recommended schools for postgraduate entrance exams in artificial intelligence

The new medical major is also a highlight of this batch of newly registered majors, such as the addition of rehabilitation physical therapy and rehabilitation occupational therapy majors at Capital Medical University; Beijing Institute of Petroleum and Chemical Technology has added a new major in drug analysis. In addition, four universities, including Beijing Institute of Fashion, Beijing University of Construction, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Opera, and Gengdan College of Beijing University of Technology, have abolished 10 majors, including Business English and Marketing.

4. Artificial Intelligence Professional Courses

Some universities have made it clear that some newly registered majors will be open to candidates this year. The artificial intelligence major of Beijing City University will enroll for the first time this year, targeting the construction of smart cities and strengthening cooperation with research institutes such as Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, China Academy of Information and Communications, Aerospace Science and Technology Group Research Institute, and leading enterprises in artificial intelligence, Focus on cultivating students' practical frontier skills in machine vision and natural language processing.

5. What are the employment directions and prospects for artificial intelligence majors

Beijing Construction University has added a new major in Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering this year, with an estimated enrollment of 54 students. Among them, there are 16 students in the Beijing Double Training Program and 25 students in the undergraduate regular batch. The number of students enrolled in the program in Beijing accounts for about 76% of the total plan. Candidates interested in intelligent manufacturing related disciplines such as mechanical engineering, electrical control, artificial intelligence, computer and information technology are suitable for enrollment.

6. Postgraduate entrance examination subjects for artificial intelligence major

As the first municipal university to offer a major in energy storage science and engineering, Northern Polytechnic University is expected to enroll 34 students in this major this year. The energy storage major belongs to the national strategic emerging industries, and there is a high demand for talents. Graduates can work in national strategic emerging industries and fields such as electric energy, smart grids, electric vehicles, new energy and energy storage materials, and mobile communication.

7. Artificial Intelligence Graduate Examination

The elective subjects for this major in Beijing are required to be selected. According to the 2022 undergraduate major filing and approval results announced by the Ministry of Education, the Municipal Education Commission has determined the annual undergraduate major filing and approval results of municipal universities to support universities in actively exploring and promoting interdisciplinary integration, and cultivating compound and top-notch innovative talents,.

8. Direction of Artificial Intelligence Graduate Entrance Examination

The Ministry of Education has added cross engineering majors under the engineering category for the first time. As of now, the undergraduate major catalog includes a total of 93 major categories and 792 majors. College entrance examination students need to know the latest undergraduate major catalog in advance before filling out their applications.


2021 Beijing's undergraduate universities with specialized majors (10 Beijing municipal univers

2021 Beijing's undergraduate universities with specialized majors (10 Beijing municipal univers


2023-05-25 栏目:科技派
