For artificial intelligence, what challenges will humans face? (For artificial intelligence, it&#039


1. Artificial Intelligence Image Robot

Whether in the field of literary and artistic creation or in other fields, it is better to utilize artificial intelligence rather than reject it. Guangming Pictures/Visual China

2. Artificial intelligence image generation

Artificial intelligence robots are drawing. Guangming Pictures/Visual China

3. High definition artificial intelligence image materials

Recently, a permanent artificial intelligence art installation and multimedia art exhibition appeared in Nanjing Guangming Pictures/Vision China. Although artificial intelligence has started to write poetry, painting, and novels, overall, artificial intelligence technology is still in the weak stage of artificial intelligence, and there is still a considerable gap from human intelligence. In the future, whether artificial intelligence can play a high-level role in the field of literature and art remains to be tested by time.

4. Artificial intelligence image creativity

In 2015, the State Council listed artificial intelligence as a key development goal in the field of "Internet+"; The 2016 13th Five Year Plan outlines key breakthroughs in artificial intelligence technology; At the 2017 NPC and CPPCC, artificial intelligence was first written into the Report on the Work of the Government. In the past five or six years, the topic of artificial intelligence has continued to rise, and today it has become a hot topic across all walks of life.

5. Artificial intelligence image materials

With the continuous deepening of relevant discussions, whether and how artificial intelligence can intervene in literary and artistic creation has also been continuously focused on foreign technology giants such as Google, IBM, and Microsoft. They have successively used artificial intelligence technology to launch works in multiple traditional art categories such as poetry, novels, music, and painting, which has attracted widespread attention and also polarized the relevant discussions.

6. Artificial intelligence image high-definition

The optimistic view that supports artificial intelligence is that artificial intelligence technology will soon enter the stage of strong artificial intelligence with autonomous consciousness, and will be able to play a role like humans in the field of literary and artistic creation; The voices opposing artificial intelligence argue that there is still a considerable distance between artificial intelligence and the owner's independent consciousness, especially in the field of elegant art, where it is too early for artificial intelligence to engage in independent creation.

7. Artificial Intelligence Picture Cartoon

Behind these diametrically opposed views, there are not only multiple misunderstandings, but also confusion and concealment of the actual role and real problems of artificial intelligence in current literary and artistic creation. Therefore, if we want to avoid discussing artificial intelligence issues in an abstract, exaggerated, and materialistic manner, we must first clarify the structural dislocation in our understanding of artificial intelligence. We cannot confuse popular and elegant art, and ignore the cross media aspects involved Key issues such as the importance of integrating media phenomena and artificial intelligence for the transformation and upgrading of China's cultural industry.

One of the methods for artificial intelligence images is to use object detection

1. Weak artificial intelligence has broad application prospects. Although artificial intelligence has been involved in many fields, artificial intelligence in different fields is not the same, and there are even significant differences. The industry usually divides artificial intelligence into three types based on its advanced level: weak artificial intelligence, strong artificial intelligence, and super artificial intelligence. Weak artificial intelligence can only demonstrate strong intelligence in specific fields and established rules, such as AlphaGo.

One of the methods for artificial intelligence film reading is to use object detection

And strong artificial intelligence is not limited by fields or rules, and has the same creativity and imagination as humans. What about super artificial intelligence? It is the intelligence that far surpasses human beings. Currently, relevant companies, for the purpose of corporate public relations, guiding public opinion, and raising valuations, arbitrarily exaggerate the functions that artificial intelligence still does not have, and intentionally cover up the technical bottlenecks and huge energy consumption that cannot be overcome at this stage.

The process of artificial intelligence film reading is reflected in

However, while pointing out that the level of AI is insufficient at this stage, the relevant views, which are strongly critical of AI, will further abstraction the relevant discussions, and deny the broad application reality of weak AI at this stage with the standards of strong AI that have not yet been fulfilled, which may miss the possibility of really going deep into the current specific application of AI.

In terms of literary and artistic creation, although artificial intelligence has started to write poetry, painting, and novels, overall, at present, artificial intelligence cannot create great literary and artistic works such as "Dream of the Red Chamber" and "Symphony of Destiny" like humans. Whether artificial intelligence can play at a high level in the field of literature and art in the future still needs time to test.

Regardless of whether we are optimistic about the prospects of artificial intelligence in literary and artistic creation, we cannot deny and ignore the continuous practical applications and broad development prospects of artificial intelligence in the field of popular literature. For example, in the development of cultural and creative products such as online games, artificial intelligence has been widely used, as stated by Hassabis, the father of the "Alpha Dog" and CEO of DeepMind, Games are the perfect platform for testing AI (artificial intelligence) algorithms.

With the development of technology, artificial intelligence has begun to participate in game design. For example, Nvidia is developing various game development tools based on machine learning and neural network technology. Its functions include automatically generating materials from photos, restoring low pixel images to higher clarity, etc. Currently, China is vigorously developing the cultural industry, and artificial intelligence has crucial value and significance for China's cultural industry.

For example, in the field of industrial art and design, artificial intelligence technology has been applied to the textile industry. It can instantly design billions of types of patterns and patterns, which cannot be completed by manpower. Therefore, we cannot ignore and exclude the application of weak artificial intelligence because the relevant technology has not yet reached the stage of strong artificial intelligence.

2. Since the transformation and upgrading of the cultural industry in the new century, China's cultural industry has achieved explosive development in popular literature and art. As early as 2007, the television industry has achieved three "world first" in terms of TV drama production, TV drama broadcast volume, and TV drama audience. After breaking through 10 billion yuan at the box office in 2010, after nearly a decade of development, it is also expected to reach the top of the world first next year.

Not only has popular literature and art made significant progress in traditional media forms, but popular literature and art in emerging media forms such as the internet and mobile internet have also been rapidly advancing since the beginning of the 21st century. In 2018, the actual sales revenue of China's game market reached 214.44 billion yuan, accounting for 23.6% of the global game market, which is equivalent to the total box office of global movies.

The independently developed online games in China have an actual sales revenue of 9.59 billion US dollars in the overseas market, which is close to the total domestic film box office in China, accounting for nearly 8% of the total import and export of cultural products and services in China. The online art industry where online games are located in China has a market size of over 500 billion yuan, accounting for about 17% of China's cultural industry.

If we say that in the future, the cultural industry will become a pillar industry that continues to drive national economic growth, then the field of popular literature and art, with online literature and art as the vanguard, will be a well-deserved force in China's cultural industry. However, while popular literature and art in different media forms such as television, movies, and online games have achieved leapfrog growth, literary and artistic creation in related fields is still in a loose and scattered "small workshop" stage, There is a considerable distance from the highly integrated and integrated characteristics of modern cultural industry.

In this sense, the significance of artificial intelligence is highlighted because it directly reflects the key issues of China's cultural industry transformation and upgrading. Taking the online game industry as an example, although China's online game industry has reached the world's largest in size, we are still constrained by the most crucial game engine for online games, because only through commercial mergers and acquisitions cannot achieve true independence and autonomy.

How to fill the gaps in game engines? The landing application of artificial intelligence has the most direct technological impact on the development of game engines. The degree of application of weak artificial intelligence in this field directly affects whether China can launch game engines with truly independent intellectual property rights. The significance of artificial intelligence for the cultural industry is thus evident.

This significant significance is not limited to the field of online games. Taking "Avengers 4", which has just won the third place in the total box office of Chinese film history, as an example, the reason why the so-called Marvel Universe and DC Universe were able to rise rapidly after 2008 is that outstanding visual effects are a key part of their success, and the corresponding special effects are from the long-term technological accumulation of advanced game companies in artificial intelligence applications in the world.

The widespread application of artificial intelligence in the field of popular literature and art across different media forms such as television, movies, online games, and online literature and art plays a crucial role in enhancing the comprehensive integration and processing capabilities of China's modern cultural industry, and even directly affects the cross media development pattern of China's cultural industry.

3. Watch out for the industry foam behind the prosperity Since the reform and opening up, China's opening to the outside world has been deepening, and the cultural industry has grown exponentially since the new century, providing a solid growth soil for the continuous generation of China's popular literature and art experience with global universal value, especially the unprecedented media iteration wave in human history characterized by mobile Internet, which has driven the development and updating of China's cultural experience in various fields.

The local popular literature and art in China has gradually emerged from various concepts and weak concepts born in North America and Western Europe after World War II. If artificial intelligence can be widely applied in the field of cross media and integrated popular literature and art, it can play an unprecedented media leverage effect in interpreting contemporary Chinese experience, telling Chinese stories, and enhancing China's cultural soft power.

However, we must also maintain sufficient sobriety and vigilance in this regard. The unprecedented media leverage effect played by the mobile internet is not just a simple technological leap, but closely tied to financial leverage. Since the second decade of the new century, from the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data to artificial intelligence, on the one hand, this is due to the inherent logic and development trend of the media iteration wave characterized by the mobile internet, On the other hand, it inevitably leads to rounds of speculation and speculation.

As we all know, from the end of the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century, the formation, development and collapse of the last round of Internet foam also experienced the similar stages of the introduction, hype and evaporation of hot concepts. From 2015 to today, AI has been paid attention to by the whole people in China, and it has gone through nearly five years. At present, 70% of global AI investment and financing are concentrated in China, This not only brings a rare historical opportunity for the development of China's artificial intelligence industry, but also brings huge potential risks.

Taking history as a lesson, the combination of media leverage and financial leverage, with its overwhelming comprehensive amplification effect, whether it is positive or negative, depends on whether an organic dynamic balance can be maintained between the two. In other words, if China's artificial intelligence industry cannot create economic value that matches existing valuations, once financial leverage breaks, it will inevitably bring unpredictable and imagined domino effects, Not only will the industry itself be severely affected, but many specific application fields of artificial intelligence such as literary and artistic creation will also have long-term adverse effects on the transformation and upgrading of China's cultural industry and the "going global" work of China's culture.

In order to promote the healthy development of the new generation of artificial intelligence, strengthen research on legal, ethical, and social issues of artificial intelligence, and actively promote global governance of artificial intelligence, the National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Governance Professional Committee recently released the "New Generation Artificial Intelligence Governance Principles - Developing Responsible Artificial Intelligence", further proposing the framework and action guide for China's artificial intelligence governance.

In the future, the continuous governance of artificial intelligence will be a long-term test of China's governance capacity, the degree and level of modernization of the governance system. Therefore, we must have a profound historical perspective. In terms of literary and artistic creation, the practical application of weak artificial intelligence in the field of popular literature and art can truly land and take root in the system and architecture of China's cultural industry that has already shown high cross media and integrated characteristics, It is also related to enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the people and enhancing their sense of cultural gain.

(Author: Sun Jiashan, Director of the Center for Contemporary Literary Criticism, Institute of Marxist Literary Theory, Chinese National Academy of Arts)


For artificial intelligence, what challenges will humans face? (For artificial intelligence, it'

For artificial intelligence, what challenges will humans face? (For artificial intelligence, it'


2023-05-30 栏目:科技派
