Artificial intelligence science and technology are a double-edged sword (artificial intelligence is


1. The advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

Source: China Youth Daily recently approved the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence National Security Committee in the United States under the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. This is another higher-level human intelligence specialized consulting agency established in the field of national security this year, following the establishment of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center by the Department of Defense. As required, the committee will adopt necessary methods and means to promote artificial intelligence in the United States The development of machine learning and related technologies comprehensively meets the national security and defense needs of the United States.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

This move means that the United States will further elevate the military application of artificial intelligence to the strategic level of national security. It is reported that the newly established US Artificial Intelligence National Security Committee is proposed by the US House Armed Forces Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee, consisting of 15 members. The committee's mission is to focus on the competitiveness of the United States, the way the country maintains competitiveness, and the "ethical issues" that need to be addressed, Review the progress of artificial intelligence, machine learning development, and related technologies.

3. Debate on the pros and cons of artificial intelligence

Specific responsibilities include: examining the risks of artificial intelligence in military applications and its impact on international law; Examining the ethical and moral issues of artificial intelligence in national security and defense; Establishing standards for public training data and promoting the sharing of public training data, starting from the strategic level of national security, the purpose of the United States in promoting the development of artificial intelligence technology is to always maintain a strategic posture of technological leadership and advantage.

4. Discussion Paper on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

On September 7th, the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defense announced at its 60th anniversary conference that it would invest $2 billion to promote the development of artificial intelligence. The research on artificial intelligence by technology research institutions represented by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defense is no longer limited to well-known unmanned systems, but rather to deeper mechanisms such as "how machines acquire communication and reasoning abilities similar to humans".

5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence PPT

At the same time, the United States also emphasized that it should maintain a dominant position in the field of artificial intelligence against potential rivals. Robert Walker, the Executive Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Defense, once said that "artificial intelligence is a major component of the current U.S. defense strategy, aimed at reshaping the U.S. military technology advantage." Driven by these two factors, the U.S. government has continued to increase investment in the field of artificial intelligence.

6. Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

The National Defense Strategy Report released at the beginning of this year clearly stated that more funds will be injected into military applications such as autonomous technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, accelerating the absorption of breakthrough technologies in the commercial field to gain military competitive advantages. According to the plan, the US military will invest $13.7 billion in the 2019 fiscal year to support cutting-edge technology research and innovation, including artificial intelligence and unmanned systems.

7. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence: 800 Word High School Model Essay

With the deepening of research on artificial intelligence, while fully developing the advantages of artificial intelligence technology, the United States has also begun to pay attention to the potential technological risks and application threats that artificial intelligence may bring. On October 10th, the US Army Training and Doctrine Command launched a "Crazy Scientists" investigation activity to explore the impact of artificial intelligence on the future battlefield.

8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence Writing 800 words

In the submissions received from 115 participants, eight opinions were formed, one of which specifically pointed out the need to combat the risks brought by artificial intelligence, namely that the data and algorithms supported by artificial intelligence are prone to deception, degradation, or other forms of disruption. Among them, fateful autonomy is the most concerned issue.

9. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence Paper

In July of this year, the New American Security Center, a think tank, released a report stating that the future of artificial intelligence technology is limitless, but it is still immature and has four hidden dangers: firstly, machines may cheat, that is, artificial intelligence systems may complete tasks contrary to human design intentions; The second is that machines also have "biases", that is, in the case of insufficient data protection, the incorrect response of artificial intelligence systems may cause catastrophic consequences; Thirdly, the thinking process of AI is a mystery, that is, some behaviors of artificial intelligence are not understood by humans; The fourth is the failure of human-machine interaction, which means that the differences between designers and users may cause the failure of human-machine interaction and bring risks.

10. Materials on the pros and cons of artificial intelligence

At the beginning of this year, Rand Corporation of the United States warned in a study that the possibility of military artificial intelligence systems making mistakes in analyzing situations would lead to countries making hasty and potentially catastrophic decisions. Therefore, the United States began to recognize that artificial intelligence is not only an application problem in a field (especially in the military field), but also should be planned at the government level.

In September of this year, the Information Technology Group of the US House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee pointed out in its report "The Rise of Machines" that artificial intelligence may disrupt every department of society in both expected and unexpected ways. Given this potential danger, the federal government must address the different challenges posed by artificial intelligence, including its current and future applications.

The direct embodiment of this concept in military technology is to maintain control over certain tasks. The Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defense is currently developing a cooperative autonomous system to ensure that human beings can achieve "entry decision-making", that is, machines are autonomous, but need to be seen by human supervision. The US military also realizes that no matter how advanced artificial intelligence is, it cannot completely hand over war to machines.

(Wang Peng Air Force Engineering University)


Artificial intelligence science and technology are a double-edged sword (artificial intelligence is

Artificial intelligence science and technology are a double-edged sword (artificial intelligence is


2023-05-30 栏目:科技派
