
Is mining app illegal? AI: "AI fraud is breaking out nationwide", police urgently remind!


Hello everyone! Today I have brought you a new article that mainly introduces how to achieve one's dreams. I hope this article can bring some inspiration and help to everyone.

On May 22nd, topic # AI fraud is breaking out # Hot search on Weibo

According to the "Ping An Baotou" WeChat official account, recently, the Baotou Public Security Bureau's Telecommunication Cybercrime Investigation Bureau released a case of Phone fraud using intelligent AI technology. Mr. Guo, the legal representative of a technology company in Fuzhou, was cheated of 4.3 million yuan within 10 minutes. At noon on April 20, Mr. Guo's friends suddenly contacted him via WeChat video. His friends needed 4.3 million yuan as a deposit for bidding in other places, and needed to post in a public to public account, I want to borrow Mr. Guo's company account for transfer.

Based on trust in his friend and having verified his identity through video chat, Mr. Guo did not verify whether the money had been credited. Instead, he transferred 4.3 million yuan to his friend's bank card in two installments. Mr. Guo called his friend's phone and learned that the scammer was using intelligent AI face changing and onomatopoeia technology, Pretending to be a friend who committed fraud against him, "I didn't mention borrowing money from me from beginning to end, so he said he would call me first and then ask me to transfer the money to his friend's account. He also played a video for me, and I confirmed my face and voice in the video, so I relaxed my guard," Mr. Guo said.

Fortunately, upon receiving the alarm, the police banks in Fuzhou and Baotou quickly activated payment suspension mechanisms, successfully intercepting 3.3684 million yuan, but still 931600 yuan was transferred. Currently, they are fully pursuing the first commonly used method of AI fraud: voice synthesis fraudsters extract someone's voice by harassing phone recordings, obtaining materials, and then performing voice synthesis, so that they can deceive the other party with forged voices.

In the case, Xiao Wang, the finance officer of a company, received a call from the leader and asked to immediately transfer 20000 yuan to the supplier, and sent the transfer information by email. The reason for the transfer was to avoid paying Late fee. Because the boss's accent was very lifelike, Xiao Wang believed it. The transfer was completed within one hour, and he found that the second type of fraud was: AI face changing effect is more likely to win the trust of the other party. The liar can disguise himself as anyone by changing his face with AI technology, Then confirm the information through video.

The fraudster first analyzes various types of information posted by the public online, and selects the target audience through AI technology based on the scam to be implemented. Using AI to change faces during video calls to gain trust.

Recently, a college classmate of Xiaoli called her through QQ to borrow money, and she received a four to five second video call. Xiaoli saw that it was indeed herself and trusted her to transfer 3000 yuan. However, she felt abnormal during the second transfer and called the other person again. Only then did she learn that her classmate's account had been stolen, and the police reported that the video was likely a facelift.

The third method is to forward WeChat voice scammers. After stealing WeChat signals, they "borrow money" from their friends. In order to gain their trust, they will forward their previous voice messages and then cheat out money. Although WeChat does not have voice forwarding function, they can achieve voice forwarding by extracting voice files or installing non official versions (plugins). The fourth method is to filter victims through AI programs

Fraudsters use AI to analyze various types of information posted by the public online, screen the population based on the scam to be implemented, and produce customized fraud scripts in a short period of time, thus implementing precise fraud. For example, when implementing emotional fraud, people who frequently post emotional information can be screened out; When implementing financial fraud, it is possible to screen out individuals who frequently search for investment and financial information.

How to prevent it? Multiple verifications to confirm identity. If someone asks you to share personal identity information, such as your address, date of birth, or name, be careful; Be alert to sudden calls, even from people you know, because the Caller ID number may be forged; Before online transfer, the identity of the other party should be verified through various communication channels such as telephone. Once risks are found, they should be promptly reported to the police for help;

If someone claims to be an "acquaintance" or "leader" and uses social media or text messages to induce you to make a remittance for various reasons, be sure to verify and confirm through phone calls, meetings, and other means. Do not transfer or remit money without verification, and do not easily disclose your ID card, bank card, verification code, and other information; Protect information, avoid temptation, and not easily provide personal biological information such as faces and fingerprints to others. Do not excessively disclose or share dynamic images, videos, etc;

Strange links are not important, unfamiliar software should not be downloaded, and unfamiliar friends should not be added casually to prevent viruses, WeChat, QQ, and other accounts from being stolen on mobile phones and computers; Improve security awareness The public security organ and the law do not have a security account, and the police will not handle cases online. If a Internet police says you have committed an offence, let him contact your local police station, and you can also call 110 for advice;

If you are accidentally deceived or encounter suspicious situations, please pay attention to protecting the evidence and immediately call 96110 to report to the police.

I hope this article can help you. If you need it, please remember to bookmark and save it.


Is mining app illegal? AI: "AI fraud is breaking out nationwide", police urgently remind!

Is mining app illegal? AI: "AI fraud is breaking out nationwide", police urgently remind!

Hello everyone! Today I have brought you a new article that mainly introduces how to achieve o...

2023-07-18 栏目:科技派
