
changed什么意思英语ai是什么意思:Change the bed是什么意思? 不看后悔



这一天,外教问How often do you change the bed? 助理抢先回答" I seldom change the bed" 外教看她像看火星人一样,想了半天才明白助理又掉进中式英语的坑里了。

No1.change the bed 和make the bed解析:change the bed在日常口语中,老外说change the bed, 多半指更换床单被罩.例句:You should change the beds at least once every two weeks.

你应该至少每2周换一次床单被罩解析:make the bedmake the bed 是指起床后,将床铺整理平整例句:Dont forget to make your bed before you go out!。

出去之前别忘了整理床铺NO2.in bed 还是 on the bed解析:in bedin bed 强调处于......状态,在睡觉例句:I spent the morning in bed.我一早上都在睡觉。

解析:on the bedon the bed 强调处于......位置,在床上例句:I laid on the bed and looked at the ceiling.我躺在床上,看着天花板解析: in the bed

in the bed 强调睡觉的位置,在特定的床上例句:My parents are sleeping in my bed我的父母在我床上睡觉No one is in the bed没有人在床上睡觉NO3.stay in bed ≠呆在床上

解析:stay in bedstay in bed=迟迟不起床, 睡懒觉例句At the weekend its really nice to be able to stay in bed.周末能睡个懒觉是极好的。

解析:stay up和stay in bed相对应,stay up的意思是迟迟不去睡觉例句:You guys go ahead and go to bed. I think Ill stay up for a while.

你们先去睡觉吧,我还要再呆一会儿NO4.不要说 go to bed with my friend注意:sleep with sb,go to bed with sb,还有 in bed with sb,

都容易被老外理解为和某人同床共枕如果和闺蜜或者好朋友睡一张床你要说 :share the bed with her/him例句:Would you share a bed with your best friend?



