
Quark college entrance examination version app download (Quark sued Gaotu for 10 million claims: in


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Author: It is not uncommon for Luo Chao's Internet companies to sue each other. The latest case that has attracted attention is the case of Quark suing Gaotu for unfair competition. The former is an intelligent information product known as "treasure app" by young people; The latter was once the leader of K12 online education industry, and was the first major K12 online education institution listed in the United States in China, with a market value of more than US $38 billion. However, the good news did not last long. After the pressure on K12 online education industry, it was forced to transform into other education tracks.

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Quark and Gaotu, two platforms that seem to be well water without breaking the river, are sued by the university question bank, which claims that Kaotu App, a subsidiary of Gaotu, illegally stole the university question bank of Quark App. Quark asked Gaotu to immediately stop the infringement and compensate for 10 million yuan of economic losses. This is the first infringement case involving university question bank data in China.

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The data of college students' question bank is unfamiliar to most users. Why did Quark take Gao Tu to court? It is found that the question bank has been embezzled and quark has taken up the legal weapon. The positioning of the quark app is to rely on intelligent search engines and bring information services to users through intelligent tools. The AI engine it carries has the characteristics of simplicity, efficiency and speed.

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In the highly competitive search market, Quark has adopted a differentiated competitive strategy, aiming at young groups such as college students to dig deeper into the vertical scene, and launched the "university-wide service" for the learning scene to provide students with learning resources and intelligent tools, among which the university question shooting function is at the leading level in the industry in terms of topic recognition and learning material sharing.

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The operation basis of the university quiz function is that Quark has accumulated multiple disciplines and different types of university exercise databases. These structured data are the core assets of Quark University's general business. According to media reports, Quark began to find that, through daily monitoring and user feedback last year, KauduApp continued to illegally steal the data of Quark University's exercise database without authorization. ".

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The large number of people shocked that many users' feedback can also be found on the "search of Xiaohongshu and Weibo" Kaotu Quark "keywords. For example, Xiaohongshu users" Gun Girls Love Grapes "found that Kaotu App copied Quark," and the answer was the same. It was the first time I saw the brand of Quark University Pass with such blatant copying! "。

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The college counselor "Maomao" said, "Today, a student said that there is software that is the same as the the first mock examination found by Quark. I was really shocked! How can there be any plagiarism of educational software? As a person in the education industry, it should be the most basic requirement to be strict with oneself, respect intellectual property rights and originality." From the relevant screenshots, there is indeed plagiarism in some of the answers of the App, not only in content layout The key points such as color marking and problem solving steps are exactly the same as the answer of quark, and some of the answers even directly appear the quark logo.

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Kaotu App is a question search application for college students under Gaotu Banner, which provides answers to online course test papers and other contents of teaching materials. Its official introduction says that "it contains tens of thousands of teaching materials and auxiliary books, including hundreds of university disciplines, a large number of ten million question banks, and is equipped with detailed and high-quality analysis". The question search function is the core function of Kaotu App, which makes it directly competitive with "Quark University Pass". Recently, it has been caught fire by the question bank data.

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In the Internet industry, product plagiarism has always been a serious disaster area causing a verbal war. For example, in 2021, NetEase Cloud Music accused Kugou of "pixel level" plagiarism of some of its functions in the form of "Suggestions on Applying for Mid-Year Rewards for the" Shanzhai Office "team. Earlier, Zhong Ying, a clipboard application developer, accused Hammer BigBang of plagiarism and other similar verbal wars, Jobs also accused Microsoft of being a "thief" because Windows adopted a Windows system similar to Macintosh.

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Due to the lack of legal protection system in the design of UI/UE and other functions of software products, product plagiarism often ends up with "moral" accusations, and does not need to bear legal responsibility. However, looking at the context of the case of quark suing Gaotu plagiarism, we can find that this is not simple product plagiarism, but content infringement

The search function of both Quark University Pass and Kaotu App seems to be a search service, but it is actually a content service. Kaotu App suspected of "plagiarism" is not only the "external" of the product interface and interaction, but also the "content" foundation of the question bank. In essence, it is to connect Quark University to "one pot", and the whole process is completely undisguised. Even the logo has been moved, so it is strange that Quark does not jump up.

In the complaint, Quark asked Gaotu to immediately stop acquiring and using the data of the Quark question bank, delete the test questions and answers (including analysis) it had stolen for a long time, and compensate for the economic loss of 10 million yuan, and publish a statement in the prominent position of the product for 30 consecutive days to eliminate the adverse impact. The final judgment of the lawsuit will take time to come out, but it is not without vigilance for the industry:.

On the one hand, it reflects the trend of Internet companies to "win the world for young people", but it can't be achieved by taking shortcuts; On the other hand, it reminds the fact that "content is the king" in the Internet era, and that enterprises need to work hard on content. Gaotu anxiety is understandable, but plagiarism is definitely wrong. It is not surprising that Gaotu launched Kaotu App to catch college students.

In 2021, after the K12 education business was blocked, Gaotu turned to vocational education business in an all-round way. Vocational education is mainly divided into two categories: one is vocational examination training such as postgraduate entrance examination, public entrance examination and certificate examination, and the other is enterprise training, language learning, vocational skills and lifelong education. The former is mainly for college students, while the latter is partly for college students.

Therefore, it can be said that college students have become one of the core user groups of Gaotu. Kaotu App also focuses on the postgraduate entrance examination and other scenarios. After the traditional K12 education is blocked, Gaotu is eager to expand new business to make up for the huge loss of K12. Its product, Kaotu App, directly "takes the shortcut" to move the content of the quark question library for cost or time considerations.

It is understandable that Gaotu is anxious to transform. Its K12 education business has even suffered some sympathy. However, as a listed company, Gaotu App, a product of Gaotu, is not advisable to copy and move the college students' question bank of friends without any cover, which will make it bear moral condemnation and legal costs, Because the practice of directly moving content and copying the business model has directly disrupted the market order and is suspected of unfair competition.

Not only does Gaotu want to seize the young people who are regarded as "living water" after the disappearance of the Internet traffic dividend, but also college students have become the most important. On the one hand, the number of college students is large enough. By 2021, the total number of college students in China's higher education has exceeded 44 million, and they are the key customers in the training, recruitment, overseas and other industries; On the other hand, college students will soon enter the society and become "white-collar" high-net-worth people, which is why the top Internet companies have business layout for college students.

As an intelligent search tool platform for young people, Quark has been working hard on various information service scenarios for different young people, continuously innovating products, and helping users solve practical problems in life, study and work. It has become increasingly popular among young people, has accumulated a strong reputation, and has long been among the top 3 free tools in AppStore.

Nowadays, the "continuous innovation products" of the Internet can not only rely on the external function innovation such as simple UI/UE, but also involve the deep integration of content and services. For example, Quark launched the "Daxuetong" one-stop intelligent information service as early as a year ago, aiming at the learning characteristics of post-00 college students of "Internet aborigines".

On the one hand, quark's "university-wide" aggregates a large amount of content resources in the university learning scene, providing high-quality content of different types and dimensions, including teaching material analysis, famous university courseware, opening report, paper journal, and postgraduate entrance examination questions, covering more than 500+professional content, to meet the needs of college students in finding textbooks, writing papers, preparing for postgraduate entrance examination, and so on, and to facilitate college students to use according to their own disciplines and learning progress.

On the other hand, on the basis of massive content, intelligent tools and content such as quark network disk, scanning king, document, etc. help college students efficiently integrate, extract and save the required content. "Daxutong" will aggregate various learning needs scattered in the search scene, and upgrade them into tools, products and services, forming a special product, content and service matrix to help college students improve their learning efficiency.

This is also the overall development idea of Quark. For it, it is difficult to avoid the plagiarism of product functions, and the content and service have become its product advantages and competitive barriers. Therefore, it is willing to invest a lot of resources, such as editorial manpower, to do the integration, sorting, editing and updating of the content. For example, after finding that the resources accumulated by the university student question bank at a huge cost have been brutally removed by Tutu App, It is also entirely understandable that quark was in the mood to bring a lawsuit to the court for the first time to defend his rights.

There is no shortcut for Internet enterprises to go deep and work hard. It is the right way to quark. For Kautei App and other players who want to "take the shortcut", it is no different from "hitting the head". Today's Internet innovation is no longer just the functional innovation of the "surface" of the product. End-to-end innovation based on the underlying content and service ecology is increasingly important.

In recent years, phenomenal enterprises such as Tiktok and Shein, as well as rising stars of increasingly popular products such as Quark and Gaode, have all won by content and services, such as Tiktok's online celebrity ecosystem, Shein's supply chain, Quark's content and services, Gaode's travel and life services... When content and services become the key to Internet innovation, the "copying" model becomes increasingly difficult to work, A few years ago, the model of Copy 2 China was still feasible, but in recent years, people have never seen a successful product relying on plagiarism.

As far as the search engine business in which both Quark and Kaotu App are involved is concerned, the trend of "content is king" has become more and more obvious, because content in the mobile era is gathered in different super apps, and users' search behavior is becoming more fragmented, such as reading small red books in life notes, watching Tiktok in entertainment, and Taobao JD in shopping... The corresponding apps are all, to a certain extent, dispelling the entry status of search.

Therefore, Baidu Fali Baijia, the acquisition of YY, the investment of Zhihu and other content businesses, in order to strengthen the content ecology, Quark and Little Red Books shine brilliantly in different vertical search fields, and also show that "the power of content" Quark has clearly defined the youth strategy as soon as it came out, integrating the content and service ecology, from learning tools, content materials to college entrance examination volunteer tools, It has gradually become an intelligent assistant serving young people's work, life and learning scenes.

Quark's efforts in this process are not only the iterative upgrading of product functions, but also a large number of content and service layouts based on the deep understanding of young users. This is obviously not the plagiarism of products and the transfer of question banks, which can be copied successfully. To put it more clearly, the brutal growth stage of the Internet industry has already ended, the relevant laws and regulations are increasingly sound, and high-quality growth has become the main theme of the industry.

It is not difficult to observe that in the era of stock management, the greatest opportunity for enterprises comes from deep cultivation and refinement. For example, in these years, enterprises rely heavily on intelligent cost reduction and efficiency increase, and for example, grasping the vertical scene of the segmented population to do deep and thorough work has become the consensus of large enterprises. It requires patience, time, investment, and there is no shortcut.

More haste leads to less speed. I hope that Gaotu and enterprises with similar ideas and practices can wake up through this lawsuit, change their thinking, return to the right track, and do what they should do, so that they can go further.


Quark college entrance examination version app download (Quark sued Gaotu for 10 million claims: in

Quark college entrance examination version app download (Quark sued Gaotu for 10 million claims: in


2023-03-03 栏目:编程控
