Quark main business (Quark new agent channel entry and promotion method, Quark new promotion CPA act


1. Quark network disk resources

Quark network disk is a new product of Alibaba. At present, it is in the period of market development. As a new generation product, Quark has more functions and looser control. Whenever a new product comes into the market, in order to seize the market, it will spend money to promote. At present, a new user of Quark will be invited to use the Quark network disk for 2~5 yuan to share resources. When the new user registers and saves resources, it will complete a single order.

2. Quark network disk TV version

Is it super simple? If a new user opens a membership, there is another 30%.

3. Quark network disk Zhang Jinyu

Because quark online disk is a new product, there are few users, the market is blank, and the resource sharing function of large operating space online disk is bound to be more suitable for online promotion and uploading of some resources to quark online disk, tutorials, movies, materials, beauty, movies, e-books, etc., and then sharing them to various groups and forums, or publishing them to short video platforms.

4. Quark net disk tv

If one hundred people receive it every day, that is 300, commission; As for resource acquisition, if you want to save money, you can directly buy a certain treasure for a few more yuan. If you don't want to spend money, you can go to various sharing forums to find free ones.

5. Quark network disk Baidu network disk

Big shots or bloggers with traffic in their hands should not miss this opportunity, let alone Tiktok Kwai or official account, to do movies, materials, software, music, wallpapers, facial expression packs, etc., as long as they can save online disks, they can use online disks to add new cash. For example, Dou Kuai's movie bloggers can upload video resources to Quark's online disk, and fans can complete the new collection. The same is true for official account.

6. Quark net disk movie

If Xiaohongshu sells subject data, upload the data to quark online disk, and users can get double profits of sales and commission by placing an order. The same is true for e-commerce online stores selling virtual data.

7. Quark network disk Alibaba network disk

At present, quark online disk is still in the internal test stage, and there is no direct promotion link. It needs to apply for registration from the third-party business distribution platform. Like the novel tweet, it belongs to the grafting mode. There are hundreds of thousands of new channels in the market, and the information difference is money. In fact, the specific access steps of the channel are very simple

8. Quark network disk download

As follows: 1. Registration of third-party business dispatch platform, https://dt.bd.cn/#/pages/login/register?invite_code=641302

9. How to import the subtitles of quark network disk

2. After opening, find "quark", as shown in the figure. Then click "View Project Details" on the page

10. Quark network disk

3. Install the quark to install the ignore. At present, new users installed by saving data will send 1T space, while new users installed in mobile phone mall will only have 20G space.

4. The project details page goes down. According to the prompt of "promotion preparation", you can fill in the UID and report information for filing, and then you can directly share the promotion data and commission settlement at the later stage of the promotion after the link is reviewed. Are they all easy to read on the third-party platform


Quark main business (Quark new agent channel entry and promotion method, Quark new promotion CPA act

Quark main business (Quark new agent channel entry and promotion method, Quark new promotion CPA act

catalog: 1. Quark network disk resources 2. Quark network disk TV ver...

2023-03-03 栏目:编程控
