
The Disk partitioning is better than the gpt partition or the mbrgpt partition or the mbr partition:


In the era of information explosion, the internet has always maintained incredible vitality. Now, let's gather the internetThe worldoneIt's full of surprises andabsenceWhere there is no change, let's do it todayoneLet's talk about recent developments in this fieldoneSome important events.

Everyone is now familiar with electronic products, and more and more people have feelings about computersabsenceIt's so mysterious, many people who are slightly interested in computers have also studied how to install systems on their own computers, because many computers have problems that are basically not solved by reinstalling the systemabsenceAnd with many questions3The appearance of Fang's installation machine, such as the well-known Napa cabbage and old peach, makes the reinstallation system very simple.

First of all, let's talk about the "past and present" of MBR Partition table. MBR Partition table is a traditional partition mode. I believe that fans who will install before the advent of Windows 8.1 mustabsenceStrange, MThe full spelling of BR partition is Main Boot Record, which literally means the primary boot partition. The principle of this Partition table is:1Block information records where the primary partition is located (the professional term is the storage address),afterOur computer will search for this address and place the system inside it to "boot" our system (this simple explanation is for more non professionals to understand and enjoy reading).

One disadvantage of the MBR Partition table is that the area for recording the address of the primary partition is limited, so it supports up to 4 primary partitions and can only partition 2T and below hard disks!

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The Disk partitioning is better than the gpt partition or the mbrgpt partition or the mbr partition:

The Disk partitioning is better than the gpt partition or the mbrgpt partition or the mbr partition:


2023-07-19 栏目:互联网+
