Reporter Investigation: Training Institutions' Online Classroom Chaos GPT4.0 Limit Times: Repor


When night falls, starlight fills the entire sky,oneA mysterious traveler walked out of the shadows, his figure looming in the moonlight, as if a character from a fairy tale. wordabsenceLet's talk more and take a look at our topic today:

Author | Legal Daily full media reporter Wen Lijuan Source | Legal Daily On May one8, local time, artificial intelligence development agency OpenAI released a free ChatGPT application for iPhone in the United States, including voice input support provided through its Whisper AI speech recognition model. The app can alsotakeWeb AI assistant synchronizes Chat log.

This is the first time ChatGPT has launched an official mobile client applicationoneThe news has once again sparked public attention to ChatGPT, as it has become a global sensation,oneSocial official account and applet with "ChatGPT" in batch nameA large number of products such as apps have emerged, including avatarstakeThe official ChatGPT icon is very similar.

Are these ChatGPT services real or fake? The reporter of Legal Daily interviewed this

: Reporter Li Xiaojun searched in the app store with "ChatGPT" as the key word, and "Chinese version of intelligent AI Chatbot", "AI chat writing robot", "ChatGPT core Chinese version of chat creation robot" and other apps appeared in the result bar in the official accountabsenceLess, such as "chat intelligent AI" and "super AI intelligent chat", the account subject is various technology or digital limited companies.

Web search shows various portals, such as "chat 4.0 domestic portal", "Gpt domestic portal" and other apps and official account that providetakeChatGPT similar language chat function, with avatars and logostakeChatGPT is very similar, or a different backThe color of the scene, either changing the direction of the pattern or changing the size of the pattern, is extremely confusing.

Journalists enter1The "intelligent AI Chatbot" app with a volume of nearly 70000 is introduced as "This is1A revolutionary artificial intelligence "and" intelligent dialogue model based on deep learning algorithms "reporter test found that the app only has one free question count, and after use, it needs to be recharged as a member to continue using the app. The prices are 168 yuan for consecutive years, 98 yuan for consecutive seasons, and 68 yuan for consecutive months, respectively, becoming permanenttemporaryMembers need 198 yuan.

The app claims that after subscribing to a member, you can receive an unlimited number of questions1In the app that claims to have "unlimited sessions, use the smartest GPT model, fastest access speed, and no advertising," the reporter spent 38 yuan to purchase a monthly membership and obtained the qualification to ask questions. When asked "who developed it", the app replied that it "is an AI model, developed by the OpenAI teamDevelop and train, and run on their AI platform.

But the reporter found through inquiry that the developer of the app is actuallyEgoOn the official account platform, the reporter found that many accounts claimed to be able to connect with ChatGPT for users, but the actual experience was not so1Named“ ×× AI "social official account, registered on January 30, 2023, with IP address in Henan.

The introduction shows that it is the "currently popular intelligent chat on the entire network, with built-in open dialogue chat section (i.e. open chat AI)". After following it, the system will pop up a "App, you can get 3 days of membership for free" link, requesting to register and log in with your phone number and verification code. After the reporter clicks on its sub section "Chat AI", the system will prompt "pageabsenceExists.

This means that the reporter provided the operator with a mobile phone number but did not enjoy the relevant services1My name is“ ×× Pro1Social official account, whose subject is“Ego”The IP address is located in Anhui, registered on May 7, 2023. In its push message, there are1Title:《 ×× Pro has been suspended in violation of regulations, and our account will continue to serve The article.

After following, the system will pop up the "Gpt usage address" and card purchase address, and display the "GPT usage" entrance at the bottom of the page. The reporter clicks on this entrance, and the system will send1According to the system prompt, the reporter enters a page called "ChatGPT" and asks, "What is the date today?" The system answers, "Today is May 20th, 2023.

”But in fact, on May 23, 2023, after four consecutive questions, the system displayed "Trial count has been used up" and requested "Purchase key". After clicking on it, it will be redirected to another location1Purchase links, including "Trial Day Card Key for 8.8 yuan" and "Monthly Card Key for 39.9 yuan"“The seasonal card key is 88 yuan, the annual card key is 298 yuan, and the Gpt4.0 official registration recharge is 220 yuan.

The product details page displays "A brand new site with the fastest speed on the entire network, stable chat like a rock,absence"Real time data return based on the latest official 3.5 data interface of OpenAI", an insider told reporters that most of the registered subjects or development companies behind such apps or official account are domestic small and micro enterprises with registered capital1Generally ranging from several million to tens of millions of yuan, but with only a few hundred thousand yuan of paid in capital, the companybusinessMost of the scope includes technology development and services in the fields of computer information, networking, and electronic technology.

"Among these apps, websites or official account1These are simple developments by the company, including1These companies use their ChatGPT accounts registered overseas to generate image products similar to ChatGPT in China. They use cloud servers or other programs to form interfaces,1Terminal connectionFollowing overseas official procedures,1End-to-end connection to domestic users.

When users ask questions on their local app, they will relay them to the official website and then send them back to the user, which is very low-cost. "The industry insider mentioned above also reminded that some merchants act as" secondary dealers "and provide mirror services for domestic netizens, posing a risk of user privacy leakage,1This type of mirror access inquiry involvesEgoSensitive information such as enterprises will be exposed to companies providing mirroring services and uploaded to OpenAI servers.

In the opinion of Du Xiujun, a lawyer from Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm, if these apps or official account have nothing to do with ChatGPT, they are called "ChatGPT", or even have iconstakehis1To or similar, causing consumers to mistakenly believe that the program is "ChatGPT" ortakeThere is a specific connection, so1The behavior is suspected of violating trademark law and counter measuresabsenceFair competition law, which may constitute trademark infringementandabsenceLegitimate competition.

For OpenAI, if it does not register the ChatGPT text and graphics trademark in China, the above actions may constituteabsenceLegitimate competition; If the relevant trademark has been registered, the above actions may be suspected of infringing on the trademark rights of OpenAI company, and constituteabsenceLegitimate competition, "said Du Xiujun.

In addition, with regard to the behavior of App or official account to promote the free use of "ChatGPT" to attract users to recharge and finally make profits, Du Xiujun believes that this may violate the relevant provisions of the Advertising Law and the Consumer Protection Law, and the industrial and commercial administrative department can investigate and punish according to law and fine; plotwideSerious cases may also constitute fraud.

Account transaction is1Some merchants use ChatGPT to make money1Recently, reporters searched e-commerce platforms, forums, social groups, and second-hand trading platforms and found that1Merchants who sell ChatGPT accounts in batches, as well as merchants who launch monthly visitsAsk for service, with a considerable number of membersabsenceUnder the audit mechanism,1Some merchants sell dog meat under the guise of selling products around the app.

Search with keywords such as "G skin kick", you can seeabsenceMerchants who sell less ChatGPT accounts are mostly“EgoAdvertising slogans such as "instant delivery from stock" and "automatic delivery" range from 25 yuan to 259 yuanabsenceDivide these accounts into short-term shared accountsEgoLimited exclusive account and perpetualtemporaryUsedEgoExclusive accounts, etc.

From the comments section, it can be seen that there areabsenceFew people were deceived as a result, and reporters randomly clicked to enter1Merchant, sent by the system1Simply place an order and send the tutorial, which is the G product number you need. The operation is simple and sensitiveabsenceReply, take a photo of the tutorial for free use, and even Xiaobai can easily get started1Click on a link to enter, and you will see a prompt from the other party saying "Please use g for GPT during chat". Here is the ChatGPT account you wantNumber“secondaryAdopting a formal approach ×× Email manual registration "and" all legitimate exclusive accounts ".

Also1The merchant sent a price list: package1Version 3.5 is priced at 28.8 yuan, Package 2 is priced at 190 yuan, and Version 4.0 is priced at 190 yuan1Two meetings laterabsenceWill be banned, "the other party replied“absenceYes, "purchase the package1Afterwards, the merchant automatically sent an account and password, along with a tutorial on how to log in using VPN.

However, after multiple attempts by the reporter, the system indicated login failure or account and passwordabsenceExistence and other information1Some seller comment areas that provide account services, the reporter noticedabsenceA few netizens left a message stating that“absenceIn one monthabsenceCan only use the account password1Oh my god, I paid for itindividualRegarding this phenomenon, the industry insiders explained that most of the accounts sold on e-commerce platforms are batch registered accounts, which can be easily detected by the backend and result in account closures,absenceOver leaveAssume to beEgoRegistering an account reduces the risk significantly.

On a second-hand trading platform, the reporter found that in addition to providing ChatGPT proxy registration services, there are alsoabsenceThe underseller provided inquiry service, and the reporter contacted randomly1A seller who provides inquiry services said that most consumers who come for consultation hope to use ChatGPT to complete article writing work. They also said, "Papers written by ChatGPT within a thousand words have higher readability, and papers with more word requirements can be opened for questioning,absenceThe structure dismantled through itabsence1It must be the structure you want.

Regarding the various types of ChatGPT registration and inquiry services mentioned above, Du Xiujun believes that the above-mentioned business activities violate the provisions of Article 6 and Article 14 of the "Interim Provisions on the Management of International Networking of Computer Information Networks" and "Interim Provisions on the Management of International Networking of Computer Information Networks". Computer information networks must be directly connected to international networks and must use the national public telecommunications network provided by the Ministry of Posts and TelecommunicationsInternational entrance and exit channels.

Any unit andEgoabsenceYou may establish or use other channels for international networking on your own. For the purpose of profit, use foreign servers to build VPNs, and operate VPNs without permission from the national information industry departmentbusinessAnd engage in the sale and purchase of foreign accounts, suspected of illegal operation,1The public security organs generally order the cessation of internet access, issue a warning, and may impose a fine of up to 15000 yuan. If there are any illegal gains, the illegal gains shall be confiscated.

plotwideSerious cases involving a large amount of money may also constitute a crime, and criminal responsibility should be pursued, "Du Xiujun said. If consumers purchase such services or recharge their members, they may face difficulties in safeguarding their rights and refunding afterwardsabsenceLaunched by few peopletakeCourses related to ChatGPT, including methods of using ChatGPT and various trend predictions.

According to a reporter's search, there are quite a few courses and communities that teach you how to make money with ChatGPTAnd information circulating online1Large in size“ ×× In the ChatGPT AI monetization circle, the reporter saw that its course price is 279 yuan, and the introduction page reads: "The original price is 599 yuan, but the current price is early bird. After 10000 people, the price gradually increases with the number of people.

”The number of paid people has exceeded 10000. After paying, journalists can enter this social group and browse1It has been discovered for some time that most of the "teaching courses" are1Conceptual content, including a brief introduction to ChatGPT, foreign news and application scenarios related to ChatGPT, etc1Some practical cases come from sharing with other members of the community, including using ChatGPT for AI painting, PPT making, and writing meeting minutes. However, these are almost all basic application scenarios of ChatGPT, and you can learn for free by searching online.

In another1A unit priced at 100 yuan“ ×× In the "Money Making Community by ChatGPT" section, the introduction page reads:“Exclusive wealth generating recipe for the community;1Every year must return to its original capital; Experts guide ChatGPT usage. "Some buyers claim that the social group's claimed" exclusive recipe for generating wealth "is actually a" low threshold guide to picking up wool ", which includes recruiting new users on various apps, earning cash back through advertising, and forwarding advertisements in social groups.

Ms. Xie from Huaihua, Hunan paid 380 yuan for the purchase1I took a course on "Making Money with ChatGPT" and learned two3After a few days, I openly admit that I have been cheated. "This coursesecondaryIt is about how to use ChatGPT for painting, including usage methods, prompt word techniques, and how to adjust parameters after AI draws images. Most of these can be found online and are free.

”Ms. Xie said that besides1In addition to some specific operating methods, the reporter noticed that most courses will provide users with a "money making" picture, such as using AI painting to match the graphics of commentary videos, in order to connect1Some small items on the marketA type of editing list; Or use ChatGPT for official document writing, ghostwriting papers, speeches, etc; Some use copywriting to generate videos first, and then post the videos to various video platforms.

Some netizens left a message stating that they have done it based on the course content1Some videos, but the playback volume is almost in single digits; Some people were intercepted when posting videos on the platform, and were prompted by the system that "there is a problem with simple processing methods for the posted videos". "Currently, AI is not yet perfect and can1The generation of dozens of popular articles is too idealistic.

In the wave of selling courses,1Some Personal media coursessecondaryThe selling points are 'breaking the situation', 'monetization', and 'digging gold', whether it's copywriting or course themes, providing consumers with the first1The feeling is that 'once you finish learning, you can reach the pinnacle of your life', "said the industry insiders mentioned above. These businesses may notabsenceUnderstand the commercial application of ChatGPT, simply relying on this popular topic to gain insightsTaking profits, they stand at the top of the wind, seize traffic, create popular topics, and use anxiety to make money, suspected of "cutting leeks".

He reminded that in the face of fierce competition in the knowledge payment market, whether it is selling ChatGPT accounts or providing course services, sellers should maintain an honest and responsible attitude, while consumers should also maintain rationality,absenceTo be misled by false propaganda, appropriate channels and methods should be chosen to obtain information and knowledge.

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Reporter Investigation: Training Institutions' Online Classroom Chaos GPT4.0 Limit Times: Repor

Reporter Investigation: Training Institutions' Online Classroom Chaos GPT4.0 Limit Times: Repor

作者|法治日报全媒体记者 文丽娟来源|法治日报当地时间5月18日,人工智能开发机构OpenAI在美国发布了适用于iP...

2023-07-20 栏目:互联网+
