Artificial intelligence training company (crushing Google's strongest AI ChatGPT and exploding)


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I heard you're still working on the Final Paper? Open OpenAI's latest ChatGPT input: Help me write a paper about the history of the World Cup

2. Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT Download

In less than 10 seconds, it's full of articles. Get rid of Trembling, humans! OpenAI's brand new chat robot is a bit scary/thank you, just in time for me to catch up on the paper for free... On December 1st, OpenAI released the latest artificial intelligence chat robot "ChatGPT". These days, ChatGPT has been teased and spoiled by global netizens.

3. How to download chatgpt

Whether it's writing papers, programming, or answering bizarre questions, it's not a problem. It's been online for just five days, and the number of users has exceeded one million. In 2015, Musk, Sam Altman, and others jointly founded the artificial intelligence research institution OpenAI, aiming to develop artificial intelligence technology that benefits all humanity.

4. Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT Concept

Although Musk left the company in 2018 due to differences in development direction, he expressed great recognition of ChatGPT last Thursday


The tweet cited writing scripts using ChatGPT/Twitter. In 2020, OpenAI launched the natural language model GPT-3, which also sparked heated discussions at the time. Just as people were waiting for GPT-4, OpenAI launched the new ChatGPT.

6. How to read chatgpt

Through human feedback reinforcement learning (RLHF) training, it is a new model created by algorithms that rely on human response, which is more "humanized" than previous intelligent chat robots

7. Microsoft's Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT

。 A new transformation is brewing.

8. The hottest artificial intelligence ChatGPT

Source: The OpenAI official website has set off a storm in the academic world. As an artificial intelligence integrating the past thoughts of the human world, ChatGPT is bringing great impact to the academic world. Peter Wang, CEO and co-founder of Anaconda, said that he and ChatGPT had a dialogue about the history of modern physics for about 20 minutes.

9. Strongest Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT

If I had mentors like this during my high school and college years... Oh my goodness, I think we could basically reinvent the concept of large-scale education, and the former universities might no longer exist

10. Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT Composition

A university teacher tweeted and said, "These papers written by ChapGPT can pass my class

Some netizens question: Isn't it possible for all students to submit similar papers? A enthusiastic netizen immediately gave advice: No, you can ask him to write unique articles in a certain style. I have recently written a lot of Dostoevsky style articles, and you can also ask him to write in a mixed style and at the age of 14.

The Atlantic published a comment on this matter: The university paper is dead, and no one is prepared for artificial intelligence to change the academic community.

Source: The Atlantic points out that technology "can become a gift for students to cheat, a powerful teaching assistant, or a tool for creativity," and educators need to rethink teaching and evaluation based on technology. Papers have always been a way for the education industry to teach students how to study, think, and write, and now the entire tradition is being overturned by technology.

Challenging Google's position as a search engine, ChatGPT also threatens Google's position as the dominant search engine. New York Post: The terrifying AI ChatGPT may eliminate Google within 2 years.

Source: New York PostGmial developer Paul Buchheit also made a prediction on Twitter: Google may only be 1-2 years away from complete disruption, and AI will end search engines. This is where they earn most of their income. Some netizens also compared ChatGPT and Google's "search results" and said:.

Google is done.

The question in the figure is: How to write a differential equation using LaTeX software? ChatGPT's answer is not only more detailed, but also provides a detailed explanation of "ChatGPT is incredibly good." If as an investment banker, you ask ChatGPT a classic Pick me a Stock question, and within ten seconds, he can also provide you with a valid answer.

Image source: Those who attempted to program with ChatGPT were initially surprised to find that their suggested code was almost functional and could explain its functionality in concise language. However, the code written by ChatGPT may take longer to debug afterwards.

Netizens expressed this situation with a meme image

Source: TwitterChatGPT is trained by humans, and when answering questions or writing articles, it cannot avoid some factual errors. It is more of a "serious nonsense", seemingly reasonable but absurd. For example, a well-known university professor asked ChatGPT to write a Wikipedia article about him, although it was quickly completed, there were many false details.

The official also emphasized that the current ChatGPT has certain limitations, such as the lack of real-world data sources in RL training; The training model is more cautious, resulting in it refusing to answer questions that could have been answered correctly; Sometimes they respond to harmful instructions and exhibit bias... Officials say it is difficult to completely solve these problems and are currently undergoing further iterations.

Image source: OpenAI official website, but it cannot be denied that the impact of ChatGPT this time has once again shown us how artificial intelligence has brought earth shaking changes to the world and truly influenced everyone's technological wave. No one can stop/technology, it is a human superpower. In addition to ChatGPT, OpenAI also has an intelligent image generator, Dall · E, Realistic images and artwork can be generated based on language descriptions.

Using Magic to Defeat Magic/ChatGPT's Answer: For example, I want to generate a picture of Jay Chou playing with Huawei phones

Image source: Although Dall · E is not 100% similar, the essence is still there... and the recent popularity of AI painting is astonishing. Are AI even taking the job of an artist these days? Many AI generators can generate master level works with patterns and styles, resulting in an abstract style

Image source: Reddit, facing traditional Chinese paintings with more complex strokes and emphasis on charm, AI can also imitate China's first AI landscape painting auction through learning, and it is also the world's first human-machine co creation landscape painting auction. The original work is expected to be held in December this year, which is an unfinished manuscript by talented woman Lu Xiaoman of the Republic of China. The works spanning half a century will be handed over to the painter Le Zhenwen and the Baidu AI art creative platform "Wen Xin Yi Ge" for sequels.

Left: Le Zhenwen Completed Draft Middle: Lu Xiaoman Incomplete Draft Right: AI Completed Draft Art is a creative field that is widely believed to be difficult for artificial intelligence to invade. However, the recent outbreak of AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content) has completely flipped cognition and has an exceptionally wide business scope. It is committed to transforming Musk, a human being, and has also co founded a development based Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) company, Neuralink。

At last week's Neuralink event, he stated that he had submitted materials to the FDA and that his human brain chip implantation device is expected to begin human clinical trials within 6 months (previously conducted in animal trials, which resulted in approximately 1500 animals losing their lives, including over 280 sheep, pigs, and monkeys).

Source: Reuters

Neuralink's brain computer interface technology implants electrodes into the brain and uses chips to communicate with computers outside the skull/CNET. Scenes that only appear in science fiction movies are getting closer to humans, and humans can't help but wonder: Will the work I do in the future be replaced by artificial intelligence?

The villain in the picture shows an evil smile and shouts "Take human jobs"/From Dall-E. According to data from Techjury, with the development of artificial intelligence and automation, 375 million jobs may be lost globally by 2030. The Brookings Institution estimates that 36 million workers will be unemployed due to artificial intelligence... There are many similar predicted data.

Image source: In the era of TechjuryAI, how to handle your job well/ If you can't beat it, then join/but then again, although technology will eliminate a lot of work and create a large number of new positions that are combined with it. Although AI cannot be defeated, leveraging its ingenuity and efficiency can also bring a new experience to existing jobs.

For example, in the traditional financial industry, intelligent technology has optimized work efficiency in all aspects. AI has been widely used in various commercial activities, such as monitoring the security of transactions, detecting fraud, customer service chat robots and other wealth managers, traders and investment bank bankers can use natural language processing (NLP) for data mining to help analyze investment research, and can also use predictive analysis software to judge the trend of stocks.

Source: Open Data Science Barclays Bank established a partnership with AI startup Simudyne in 2019, using Simudyne for risk modeling and predictive analysis of loan risk for loan applicants.

Image source: EMERJ JPMorgan Chase also laid out the well-known Contract Intelligence AI system in the AI field early on, which is used to interpret loan agreements, interpret and record contract terms, thereby saving employees 360000 hours of tedious work and enabling them to focus on work with higher output value.

Source: J.P. Morgan's official website is recruiting talent for technology positions in various industries, and it has been continuously confirmed that in the current era, science and technology are indispensable. There is no need to worry about developing anywhere in the 2023 job search season. Multiple WST students have been offered technology positions by nine major investment banks, UBS Singapore

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The student originally intended to pursue a position in the middle office of a Singapore investment bank, but there were fewer headcounts. Based on the student's situation, the WST team determined the job search policy for J.P. Morgan LondonSoftware Engineer Summer Intern, which was applied for by both the data and the backend technology department of the investment bank.

Cambridge University Class of 2024

The direction that the students want to apply for is a technical position, but there are not many options for technical positions in the UK employment situation. Therefore, we helped the students locate the backend technology of financial companies and ultimately went through Spring Week fast track to summer internship at Morgan Stanley New York.

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At the beginning, the student was actually in the financial field, but during the preparation process, they found their interest in SWE. They then applied to the WST team in the financial industry to match suitable mentors for the weak coding part of the student, and urged the student to actively answer questions. Several WST students also received technology job offers from other well-known financial companies, such as Akuna Capital, a proprietary trading company specializing in derivatives market making and complex modeling.

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One of the major retail and commercial banks in the UK, National Westminster Bank's SWE Offer NatWest London Software Engineer Summer Intern Warwick University Class of 2023

A large number of WST students have received interview invitations for technology positions in the consulting industry, leading the way in the technological wave of the times

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Artificial intelligence training company (crushing Google's strongest AI ChatGPT and exploding)

Artificial intelligence training company (crushing Google's strongest AI ChatGPT and exploding)

听说你还在赶Final Paper? 打开OpenAI最新推出的ChatGPT输入:帮我写一篇关于世界杯历史的论文 不到10秒,满满一...

2023-05-24 栏目:科技派
