What do you study in the field of artificial intelligence? (【 Public Q&A 】 What do you study in the


1. Ranking of the Best Schools in Artificial Intelligence

In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence has developed rapidly, and the field of artificial intelligence (undergraduate) has also become a highlight and hotspot in college enrollment. What does artificial intelligence major learn? What are the employment directions? Today, let's learn about this "hot" profession with the editor!

2. What should I learn in the field of artificial intelligence

When did the artificial intelligence major start being offered in domestic universities? On March 30, 2019, the Ministry of Education issued a notice on the announcement of the filing and approval results of undergraduate majors in ordinary higher education institutions in 2018, which included the artificial intelligence major in the list of newly added undergraduate majors. What is the artificial intelligence major? Artificial Intelligence (AI), as an undergraduate major in ordinary Chinese universities, is an interdisciplinary and emerging discipline based on computer science, integrating multiple disciplines such as computer science, psychology, and philosophy. It is a new technological science that studies and develops theories, methods, technologies, and application systems for simulating, extending, and expanding human intelligence, striving to understand the essence of intelligence, And produce new intelligent machines that can respond in a similar way to human intelligence, including robots, language recognition, image recognition, natural language processing and expert systems.

3. Recommended schools for postgraduate entrance exams in artificial intelligence

Q: As an emerging major, where is the 'new' in artificial intelligence? What are the similarities and differences compared to traditional computer and automation majors? A Compared with the AI major, the curriculum system of the computer major is more inclined to the underlying computer operating system and Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, and the curriculum content is related to computers, while the AI major attaches more importance to the application of interdisciplinary and human related interaction behaviors, and has higher requirements for the foundation of mathematics.

4. Artificial Intelligence Professional Courses

Compared to the artificial intelligence major, traditional automation majors are based on emerging interdisciplinary disciplines such as systems science, control science, and information science, with advanced technologies such as electrical engineering, sensing technology, and computer technology as the main means to achieve repetitive operations and target execution according to established procedures. The emergence of artificial intelligence majors has helped solve more problems with personalized execution goals, Enable automated production processes to no longer be entirely achieved through pre-set implementation, but through artificial intelligence machine learning algorithms and automatic task execution.

5. What are the employment directions and prospects for artificial intelligence majors

What is the relationship between the establishment of the first batch of Future Technology Colleges in Q country and the development of artificial intelligence majors? In May 2020, the General Office of the Ministry of Education officially released the list of 12 future technology colleges in the Notice on Publishing the List of the First Batch of Future Technology Colleges. The Ministry of Education said that it plans to build 20 to 30 future technology colleges nationwide in the next four years, focus on national strategies, anchor key fields such as aerospace, artificial intelligence, quantum information science, marine technology, life health, and make a forward-looking layout to build future technology colleges, Major strategic needs of countries such as service manufacturing powerhouse, network powerhouse, marine powerhouse, digital China, and healthy China.

6. Postgraduate entrance examination subjects for artificial intelligence major

Artificial intelligence, as a widely recognized major with "future" characteristics, will be further developed in the construction of future technical colleges. Q Currently, what are the universities in China and the province that offer artificial intelligence majors? At present, there are a total of 345 ordinary universities in China offering undergraduate programs in artificial intelligence, including 11 in Guangdong Province, including Sun Yat sen University, South China University of Technology, Jinan University, South China Agricultural University, South China Normal University, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangdong Technical Normal University, Guangdong Institute of Petroleum and Chemical Technology, Guangzhou University, Guangdong Baiyun University, Guangdong Neusoft University, etc.

7. Artificial Intelligence Graduate Examination

What is the duration of the artificial intelligence major for Q? What degree is awarded? A has a four-year academic program in Artificial Intelligence, and is awarded a Bachelor of Engineering degree. What are the main courses in Artificial Intelligence? A Generally, AI majors will set up basic mathematics courses (calculus, linear algebra, mathematical statistics, etc.) and basic computer courses (data structure, programming basis, etc.), and on this basis, they will also set up professional courses to deepen the theoretical and technical learning of AI majors (in-depth learning, machine learning, etc.).

8. Direction of Artificial Intelligence Graduate Entrance Examination

Specific core courses include: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, high-level programming language Programming, Python Programming, discrete mathematics, Data Structure, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Signals and Systems, Computer Vision, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Image Processing, Statistics, Pattern Recognition, stochastic process, Optimization Methods, Comprehensive Design of Artificial Intelligence Systems, Data Mining, natural language processing, Geometric Perception and Intelligence Intelligent hardware and interaction design, virtual reality and augmented reality, blockchain, cognitive psychology, bio inspired intelligence.

9. Employment direction of artificial intelligence major

What are the employment prospects for artificial intelligence majors? In recent years, China's artificial intelligence has developed rapidly, and the country has also attached great importance to the development of the field of artificial intelligence. In February of this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released the "Analysis Report on the Employment Prosperity of New Professions - Artificial Intelligence Engineering and Technical Personnel", which shows that the current shortage of artificial intelligence talents in China exceeds 5 million, and the domestic supply and demand ratio is 1:10, resulting in a serious imbalance between supply and demand.

Which school is the best for artificial intelligence majors

AI engineering technicians refer to engineering technicians engaged in the analysis, research and development of various technologies related to AI related algorithms, in-depth learning, and the design, optimization, operation and maintenance, management and application of AI systems. Their AI professional employment direction includes scientific research, engineering development, computer direction, software engineering, applied mathematics, electrical automation communication, machinery manufacturing, etc.

With the continuous popularity of artificial intelligence, more and more job seekers are turning to AI related positions, especially those at the basic level. Taking algorithm engineers as an example, the supply growth rate exceeds 100%. From the perspective of salary, the employment salary of artificial intelligence is currently at the forefront of various industry salary levels. With the increasing number of AI enterprises, the shortage of AI talents is increasing, Especially for the speech recognition position, the talent supply and demand gap is even greater.

What are the suggestions for applying for the artificial intelligence major? A (1) Based on one's own actual situation, there is a significant gap in the demand for intelligent application for high-level talents in artificial intelligence. However, it is recommended that everyone should not blindly follow the trend due to the popularity of artificial intelligence. It is necessary to combine one's own actual situation and apply rationally, taking into account one's own interests and subject difficulty.

(2) The field of artificial intelligence with a good mathematical foundation faces ever-changing problems, requiring the transformation of complex and abstract problems into mathematical problems, resulting in a large number of mathematical tools involved. Currently, the core of artificial intelligence is deep learning and machine learning, which are one of the branches in the current computer science that require high mathematical foundations.

(3) Having an interest in computer and intelligent applications has a profound correlation with the field of artificial intelligence. To become a professional in the field of artificial intelligence, one needs to learn core courses in computer, mathematics, statistics, and intelligent applications. Only by laying a solid foundation in professional knowledge and using interest to drive active thinking can one develop new models and find their own positioning.

(4) Maintain enthusiasm for research in the field of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is currently widely used in various fields, such as intelligent recommendation, speech recognition, facial recognition, intelligent driving, fingerprint recognition, etc. However, the foundation of artificial intelligence algorithm models in China is relatively weak, which requires domestic researchers to maintain a more enthusiastic investment in artificial intelligence research to promote the development of the field of artificial intelligence in China.

Source: Guangdong Provincial Education Examination Institute
