What is the graduation salary level for undergraduate students in artificial intelligence? (The firs


1. Ranking of the Best Schools in Artificial Intelligence

With the continuous progress and development of technology, artificial intelligence is becoming one of the most popular topics. We have a group of special "00s" around us - the first batch of 31 undergraduate students majoring in artificial intelligence at Zhejiang University, who will complete their undergraduate studies this year as the first batch of domestic graduates majoring in artificial intelligence. Where they will go has become the most concerned issue for everyone.

2. What should I learn in the field of artificial intelligence

Thirty out of 31 graduates are planning to pursue higher education. They consider the postgraduate entrance examination as a "standard" option, which is the most common answer given by these 31 students. On the official website of the School of Computer Science and Technology at Zhejiang University, a recommended quota allocation table for each major is displayed. Based on the information obtained, the reporter roughly calculated a result -30 out of 31 students need to continue their studies.

3. Recommended schools for postgraduate entrance exams in artificial intelligence

The student who appeared "unconventional" had already interned at a company in Hangzhou a few months ago. Wu Fei was the director of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence at Zhejiang University. His office was only one corner away from the student's laboratory, and whenever he had free time, he would take a stroll around the laboratory to chat with the students. At the same time, he also taught these students the course "Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence", and he personally corrected their homework and exam papers.

4. Artificial Intelligence Professional Courses

When it comes to these students with "high quality and strong abilities," Wu Fei's face is filled with pride. "Almost everyone is a good candidate for learning and researching artificial intelligence," he said. In order to provide a platform for students to continue their research, Zhejiang University has taken the lead in building an integrated training system for "artificial intelligence", "intelligence+", and "undergraduate, master's, and doctoral" in the country, "making 'good candidates' grow better.

5. What are the employment directions and prospects for artificial intelligence majors

”Not only at Zhejiang University, the enthusiasm of students majoring in artificial intelligence for postgraduate entrance exams has also skyrocketed in other universities. Over the past three years, the number of universities offering undergraduate programs in artificial intelligence in China has skyrocketed from 35 to 440. Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics is the earliest university in Zhejiang Province to offer this program. Zhang Shuai, the dean of the School of Information Management and Artificial Intelligence at the university, told reporters that the first students are currently studying in their third year, Preliminary statistics show that about three-quarters of students have plans to pursue higher education.

6. Postgraduate entrance examination subjects for artificial intelligence major

The enrollment of some universities is also increasing year by year. Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics has increased from 97 students in 2020 to 152 students in 2022. Last year, the number of students recruited by Zhejiang University has nearly doubled compared to the first batch of students. The admission score line is high, and mathematics is difficult to drive people crazy. The "ChatGPT fever" has also stirred up student and parent groups in recent times, and many high school seniors are also discussing the topic of artificial intelligence.

7. Artificial Intelligence Graduate Examination

Besides employment, they are very concerned about whether the threshold for artificial intelligence majors is high or not, and whether it is easy to learn? 695 points, ranking 327th in the province. This is the lowest score and ranking in the province for Zhejiang University's 2019 Turing Class of Zhu Kezhen College. As an experimental class that gathers top talents in computer science basic disciplines, all the artificial intelligence students recruited that year came from the Turing class.

8. Direction of Artificial Intelligence Graduate Entrance Examination

Not only in this year, but also in the last three years, the admission score line was the highest for all majors at Zhejiang University. The phenomenon of high scores is also common in other famous universities in China. Taking Zhejiang Gaozhao as an example, in 2019, the admission score line for undergraduate majors in artificial intelligence at Shanghai Jiaotong University and Nanjing University was above 685 points. Schools such as Northwest University of Technology and Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology also had one of the highest scores in the college entrance examination that year.

9. Employment direction of artificial intelligence major

Overall, the artificial intelligence major has extremely high requirements for mathematics. How good are the mathematical foundations of students in the Turing class at Zhejiang University? The reporter randomly surveyed more than a dozen students and found that most of their math college entrance examination scores were above 135, and some were close to full marks. Many students had participated in math and physics competitions in high school. Even so, when it came to theory learning, math was the most "roast" by them. Some students even defined it as "hard to go crazy".

Which school is the best for artificial intelligence majors

Four years ago, when Wu Fei opened his professional training program, he couldn't help but sweat for this group of students: "Mathematics is difficult, it's hard to learn well." Is it true that AI practitioners can earn 100000 yuan per month? Is it true that some headhunters claim that AI practitioners can earn 100000 yuan per month? What are the real job responsibilities and benefits of workers in the AI industry?

There are more "pitfalls" and fewer "turnips" - this is a prominent contradiction in the current employment of artificial intelligence industry. In 2020, the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center released the "White Paper on the Integrated Development of Artificial Intelligence and Manufacturing Industry 2020", which showed that China's artificial intelligence talent gap reached 300000 people. With the rapid development of the industry in recent years, this gap has shown a geometric growth.

According to the "ChatGPT related field employment insight report" released by Liepin Big Data Research Institute, in the fourth quarter of 2022, new positions in artificial intelligence were 2.74 times higher than in the first quarter of 2018, with an average annual salary of 331500 yuan. "We are very confident in the employment prospects of students majoring in artificial intelligence.

”Professor Fan Yingle, Vice Dean of the Graduate School and Head of Intelligent Science and Technology at Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology, estimates that after ChatGPT triggers another round of global fever, more and more companies will be willing to spend a lot of money to "compete" for a bachelor's degree to get a good job, and the employment advantage of master's graduates is even more obvious.

For example, Alibaba, Cainiao, ByteDance, Weilai and other enterprises have set the recruitment requirements for most AI R&D positions as fresh graduates, or undergraduate graduates with work experience. In terms of treatment, these positions will also be higher than the decent AI researchers (user portrait direction) of NetEase, and the price for fresh undergraduates is 12-24K (thousand yuan) per month, Senior testing engineers with a master's degree or work experience can receive a monthly salary of 20-30K and an annual salary of 13.

In addition to common areas such as search engines, recommendation algorithms, voice assistants, and image processing, artificial intelligence talents are also highly sought after in industries such as finance and medicine. However, there are high requirements for academic qualifications, even requiring doctoral degrees or publication of results in top academic journals. China has nearly a thousand artificial intelligence companies recruiting talents in pulse, providing more than 26000 job requirements, with a maximum annual salary of over 5 million yuan.

According to the "2022 Artificial Intelligence Top Talent Data Atlas" released by Pulse, the artificial intelligence industry is in short supply of talents, and the algorithm direction talent recruitment in the artificial intelligence industry is the most difficult and popular. Among the top 10 positions, there are 7 algorithm positions, 3 engineering positions, especially visual algorithm engineers, with a supply demand ratio of 0.08, with an average of 12.5 companies competing for one talent.

Among the top 10 most sought after positions, there are 7 algorithm positions, 1 engineering position, and the other 2 non-technical positions. Due to the high entry threshold and tight supply and demand relationship, artificial intelligence talents generally have higher starting salaries. Among them, algorithm engineers have shown strong competitiveness, with an average monthly salary of over 32000 yuan.

The average monthly salary of development engineers has also reached 32000. From the distribution of universities, the largest talent supply is from Double First Class universities. Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, and Peking University are among the top three in artificial intelligence talent supply, mainly distributed in majors such as computer science and technology, electronic information, big data engineering, and information and communication engineering.

Regarding the question of "Is there a monthly salary of 100000 yuan", someone also asked ChatGPT to see its answer:

(Comprehensive China Youth Daily, Hangzhou Net, Tencent Technology, etc.)


What is the graduation salary level for undergraduate students in artificial intelligence? (The firs

What is the graduation salary level for undergraduate students in artificial intelligence? (The firs


2023-05-25 栏目:科技派
