The conditions for evaluating the professional title of artificial intelligence in Tianjin (Tianjin


1. Ranking of the Best Schools in Artificial Intelligence

China News Agency, Tianjin, May 16 (Reporter Zhang Daozheng) On the 16th, it was learned from the Tianjin Human Resources and Social Security Bureau that Tianjin has decided to add the artificial intelligence major to the engineering and technical title series, and has announced the evaluation standards for artificial intelligence professional titles for the first time in the country. This time, the evaluation scope, level setting, evaluation methods, evaluation procedures, evaluation standards The six aspects of preferential policies have clarified the evaluation elements.

2. What should I learn in the field of artificial intelligence

It is stipulated that professional and technical personnel engaged in the research and development, production, application, technical service, and other related positions of artificial intelligence in enterprises and institutions that meet the development direction of the artificial intelligence industry in Tianjin can apply to participate in the evaluation of artificial intelligence professional titles, which are divided into senior, intermediate, and junior levels. The senior level includes senior and deputy senior levels, and the junior level includes member and assistant levels, to facilitate the career development channel of artificial intelligence talents; The junior level adopts the unit appointment method, while the intermediate and senior levels adopt the evaluation method.

3. Recommended schools for postgraduate entrance exams in artificial intelligence

The Intermediate and Deputy Senior Jury Committees are established by the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology; The Senior Jury Committee is responsible for the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, which has stipulated the basic requirements for professional titles in artificial intelligence, as well as specific qualification conditions for each level. It has highlighted the requirement of breaking away from the professional title reform of "only papers, only professional titles, only academic qualifications, and only awards", and established a professional title evaluation index system that reflects the orientation of ability level and performance achievements.

4. Artificial Intelligence Professional Courses

Allow highly skilled talents, personnel from non-public economic organizations, freelancers, and personnel with other professional titles to apply; It is stipulated that when enterprise personnel apply for the first time, they can directly apply for the corresponding level of professional titles as artificial intelligence experts from universities in the Beijing Tianjin region such as Tsinghua University, Nankai University, Tianjin University, etc., without being restricted by their educational background or qualifications. Technical leaders from enterprises such as National Supercomputing Tianjin Center, Tiandi Weiye, Huawei Innovation Center, etc. also participated in the expert evaluation meeting for professional titles in artificial intelligence.

5. What are the employment directions and prospects for artificial intelligence majors

Experts unanimously believe that establishing a professional title in artificial intelligence has good leadership, which will be conducive to gathering, cultivating, evaluating, and motivating talents in the field of artificial intelligence, solidifying the talent foundation for industrial development, and forming a demonstration effect. Next, the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology will provide policy training to the personnel in charge of various districts, human resources service institutions, and professional title evaluation institutions, and actively connect with the needs of enterprises, Achieve precise implementation of policies, enabling a group of recognized talents in the industry to stand out.

6. Postgraduate entrance examination subjects for artificial intelligence major



The conditions for evaluating the professional title of artificial intelligence in Tianjin (Tianjin

The conditions for evaluating the professional title of artificial intelligence in Tianjin (Tianjin

天津设立人工智能专业职称 助力人工智能人才集聚...

2023-05-25 栏目:科技派
