The National Health Commission has corrected the issue of improper practices in the sales and procur


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Image source: Visual China [Titanium Media Comprehensive] On May 10th, the National Health Commission and 14 other departments jointly issued a notice on 13 key points for correcting unhealthy practices in the field of pharmaceutical procurement and sales and medical services in 2023, including 5 parts. Firstly, we will improve and strengthen the ideological system of rectification work in the new era, unify ideological understanding, strengthen supervision and inspection, and ensure that rectification work is not biased or effective Not out of shape; Optimize the construction of the rectification work management system, optimize and adjust the member units of the rectification mechanism according to work needs, and ensure the connection between the rectification management system and the actual situation of departmental functional adjustment; Implement the construction of a punishment and prevention system for rectification work, smooth the reporting and complaint channels for misconduct issues in the field of pharmaceutical purchasing and sales and medical services, effectively promote the "joint investigation of bribery and bribery" throughout the industry, and implement the departmental main responsibility of connecting regulations and laws.

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The second is to address the issue of unhealthy practices in key areas of the industry, and to address the issue of unhealthy practices in industry management, with a focus on the issue of unhealthy practices in industry management processes such as certification, administrative licensing, daily supervision, and administrative law enforcement; Rectifying the problem of unhealthy practices in industry organizations, with a focus on the issue of unhealthy practices in various levels of industry organizations or academic associations in the process of work or promoting matters entrusted by the business supervisory department; To address the issue of unhealthy practices in the sales and procurement of pharmaceutical products, the focus is on various levels and types of pharmaceutical production and operation enterprises, as well as their associated distributors and pharmaceutical representatives, implementing "sales with gold" in various names or forms, giving kickbacks to employees of medical institutions, and using various forms to transfer benefits to relevant institutions during the sales process of pharmaceutical products.

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The third is to strengthen the supervision and management of medical insurance funds, strengthen the standardized management of medical insurance funds, and use drugs and consumables that focus on key departments, key fields, key monitoring drugs, and medical insurance settlement fees ranking high. Standardize the management and use of medical insurance funds, continue to crack down on fraudulent and fraudulent behaviors such as false medical treatment and drug reselling, and continue to promote the evaluation of medical prices and procurement credit.

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Further strengthen information sharing with relevant departments, assess the level of dishonesty of pharmaceutical enterprises based on the facts of pharmaceutical commercial bribery, monopoly and other cases recognized by judicial and administrative departments, adopt different degrees of disposal and constraint measures such as credit risk warnings and restrictions on online access, and give full play to the guiding and constraint role of the centralized procurement market for medical drugs. Fourthly, deepen the governance of chaos in the medical field.

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Strictly implement the "Nine Guidelines for Clean Employment of Medical Institution Staff" and clarify the industry bottom line of the "Nine Guidelines"; Continuously promote the National Action Plan for Clean Employment of Medical Institutions and Their Staff (2021-2024), and clarify the red line for "red envelope" kickbacks; Focusing on key areas such as medical beauty, oral health, and assisted reproduction, we will establish a strong line of punishment for illegal and irregular behaviors.

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The fifth is to effectively promote the effectiveness of work. On the one hand, it is necessary to propose work requirements for member units of the rectification mechanism, consolidate the main responsibility of rectification work, improve the level of information interconnection between departments, continuously explore and improve the industry joint disciplinary system. On the other hand, it is necessary to deepen institutional and mechanism reform, promote industry integrity, build a long-term mechanism for clean governance in medical and health institutions, and maintain a clean and positive industry environment.

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Titanium media summary: Currently, the global industrial policy is returning strongly, and the key to paying more attention to industrial policy is how to use it more accurately. In the implementation process, it is necessary to establish a mechanism for scientific argumentation, openness and transparency, and performance evaluation, guiding resources to areas that should be utilized, especially in the early application support areas of innovation and new products, as well as in the coordination of upstream and downstream of the industrial chain.

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If resources are effectively utilized, our industrial capacity will be greatly enhanced, which will greatly support the development and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, the construction of the modernization system, and the modernization process. Wang Jinzhao, Minister of the Industrial Economic Research Department of the Development Research Center of the State Council, mentioned in the 2035 goal of building a modern strong country that aims to become a cultural, educational, talent, sports, and healthy China.

One of the methods for artificial intelligence film reading is to use object detection

Modernization is a long-term and dynamic process that requires us to break through the "bottleneck" problem and have sustained endogenous momentum in building a security and competitive system. The key is to promote the integration of technology, education, talent, and industry in accordance with the 20th National Congress, and build a new industrial network system, innovation system, and learning system.

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If integration and networking construction are not promoted, it is difficult for administrative industrial policies to generate sustained competitiveness and endogenous power. - Liu Yuanchun, co-founder of China Macroeconomic Forum (CMF), a domestic company: Didi Autonomous Driving and GAC Aian will establish a joint venture to launch the first mass-produced L4 autonomous new energy vehicle in 2025

On May 10th, it was reported that Didi Autonomous Driving Company and GAC Aian New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. recently signed a deepening cooperation agreement, jointly releasing the "AIDI Plan" for the unmanned new energy mass production vehicle project, and announced the establishment of a joint venture. This is the first time that the two sides have announced the progress of cooperation since Didi Autonomous Driving signed a strategic cooperation agreement with GAC Aian in 2021.

According to the AIDI plan, Didi Autonomous Driving and GAC Aian will establish a joint venture to jointly define and mass produce L4 autonomous new energy vehicles for shared travel, and promote the AIDI plan for the construction of an autonomous travel ecosystem, symbolizing the complementarity of AION Intelligence and DiDi Intelligence technologies, And the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Driver Intelligence.

Taobao Tmall Group Structure Adjustment Completed: Three Development Centers Established. On May 10th, it was reported that in today's Taobao Tmall 618, the structure adjustment of Taobao Tmall Group was completed. According to Dai Shan, CEO of Taobao Tmall Group, Taobao Tmall Group is divided into "Small and Medium Enterprise Development Center", "Brand Business Development Center", and "Supermarket Business Development Center", with Wang Hai, Liu Peng, and Liu Yiman serving as the presidents.

At the same time, Liu Bo will serve as the Alibaba mom and marketing public relations president of Taotian Group, and Han Wenfei will serve as the general manager of Taotian Group's marketing department. Ideal Automobile: plans to build 300 high-speed charging stations by the end of 2023. On May 10th, it was announced that during the Q1 2023 performance meeting, Ideal Automobile revealed that the company will vigorously invest in the construction of overcharging networks in 2023, and plans to build 300 high-speed charging stations by the end of the year, Covering the four major economic belts of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Greater Bay Area, and Chengdu Chongqing, and expanding the number of charging stations to 3000 by the end of 2025, covering 90% of the country's high-speed mileage and major cities in the first, second, and third tier.

Baidu is in the process of internal testing of Wenxin Qianfan large model platform. On May 10, Baidu learned that the company is in the process of internal testing Wenxin Qianfan large model platform, which is the world's first one-stop enterprise level large model production platform. It not only provides large model services including ERNIE Bot and third-party large model services, but also provides a complete tool chain for the development and application of large models.

This means that companies can develop their own exclusive large models based on any open source or closed source models on Wenxin Qianfan. TSMC achieved sales of NT $147.9 billion in April, with a month on month increase of 1.7% and a year-on-year decrease of 14.3%.

International Enterprise: OpenAI "Interpreting AI with AI" Latest Release: GPT-4 Interprets GPT-2, Allowing Machines to Complete AI Research in an Automated manner. On May 10th, OpenAI posted a blog article on its official website titled "Language models can explain neurons in language models".

They called GPT-4 to calculate the behavior of neurons on other simpler language models, this time targeting the open-source big model released four years ago: GPT-2 aims to use AI to help us understand AI. Simply put, it hopes to use automation to enable machines to complete AI research.

It is reported that this work is also part of the third pillar of OpenAI alignment research: the hope is that alignment research itself will be automated and this direction (alignment) is expected to expand with the development speed of artificial intelligence. Meta's open-source multi-sensor artificial intelligence model, combined with six types of data, announced a new open-source artificial intelligence model, ImageBind, on May 10th, This model is the first to combine six types of data into a single embedding space.

Six types of data include visual (image and video formats); Thermal energy (infrared image); Text; Audio; Deep information; And the most interesting -- motion readings generated by inertial measurement unit or IMU This model is only a research project at present, and has no direct consumer or practical application, but it points out the future of generative AI systems, which can create immersive multi sensory experience.

Microsoft and Oracle discussed sharing artificial intelligence servers. On May 10th, according to market news, Microsoft and Oracle discussed the policy direction of sharing artificial intelligence servers. The first batch of fully IP-based industrial control protocol automation bus series international standards were officially released. According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, recently, The first batch of all Internet protocol (IP) and chemical industry control protocol automation bus (AUTBUS) series of international standards were officially released by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC/TC65) Technical Committee for Industrial Measurement and Control and Automation, including IEC 61158-3-28:2023 data link layer services, IEC 61158-4-28:2023 data link layer protocols, IEC 61158-5-28:2023 application layer services, IEC 61158-6-28:2023 application layer protocols IEC 61784-1-22:2023 Industrial Network Regulations: 5 Industrial Communication Technology Standards.

The average price reduction is 84%. The results of the national organization's centralized procurement of orthopedic spinal consumables have been implemented in Qinghai Province. Starting from April 30th, the national organization's centralized procurement of orthopedic spinal consumables has been officially implemented in Qinghai Province. The average price reduction is 84%. This centralized procurement of orthopedic spinal consumables has formed 14 product categories based on surgical methods, with a wide range of selected products covering mainstream clinical use and meeting clinical diversity needs.

The prices of orthopedic spinal consumables have significantly decreased through centralized procurement. For example, for thoracolumbar posterior fixation and fusion surgery, which accounts for one-third of spinal surgery volume, the average price per set of consumables has decreased from 33000 yuan to around 4500 yuan; The latest minimally invasive surgery for the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae has reduced the average price of consumables per set from nearly 40000 yuan to around 5600 yuan.

36 medical institutions in Qinghai Province participated in the centralized procurement, with an agreed purchase volume of 3971 sets in the first year. Beijing: Improve the efficiency of listing and listing of "small giant" enterprises in trading markets such as the Beijing Stock Exchange. On May 10th, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology issued the "Several Policy Measures for Accelerating the Construction of Information Technology Application Innovation Industry Highland in Beijing".

Among them, it is proposed to support the listing of Xinchuang enterprises to improve the efficiency of Xinchuang's specialized, refined, and innovative listing, as well as the listing of "Little Giant" enterprises in trading markets such as the Beijing Stock Exchange, and accelerate the formation of Xinchuang sector; Provide subsidies at the city and district levels to information and innovation enterprises listed on trading markets such as the Beijing Stock Exchange, with district level financial subsidies not lower than the city level standards; Promote financial institutions to participate in the pilot project of "fundraising and lending linkage" and provide financing support for information and innovation enterprises.

Stock market situation: Shanghai Stock Exchange: The Listing Committee is scheduled to review matters related to the A-share listing of Huahong Semiconductor on May 17th. On May 10th, the Shanghai Municipal Committee announced that the 36th Listing Review Committee review meeting in 2023 will be held on May 17th to review matters related to the A-share listing of Huahong Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Financier China proposes an overall extension plan for domestic bonds: it plans to be redeemed in installments within 3 years

On May 10th, it was reported that Rongxin China has recently proposed a restructuring plan for its domestic debt. According to the restructuring plan proposed by Rongxin to investors, all six existing public bonds and two private equity bonds within the company will undergo an overall restructuring. These six public bonds are "19 Rongxin 01", "19 Rongxin 02", "20 Rongxin 01", "20 Rongxin 03", "21 Rongxin 01", and "21 Rongxin 03", respectively, The two private equity bonds are "19 Rongtou 02" and "19 Rongtou 08", respectively.

On May 10th, China replaced Russia as the largest source of copper inventory on the London Metal Exchange. According to data released by the London Metal Exchange (LME), Chinese copper inventory stored in LME warehouses in April rose to 26675 tons, up from 15575 tons in March, making China the largest source of copper inventory on LME, surpassing Russia.

Russia's copper inventory rose slightly to 23200 tons in April, and 22275 tons last month. Other important content: the National Blockchain Technology Innovation Center landed in Zhongguancun on May 10. According to Xinhua News Agency, with the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Blockchain Technology Innovation Center led by the Beijing Microchip Blockchain and edge computing Research Institute landed in Beijing Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, and was officially put into operation on May 10.

According to the operation plan, the National Blockchain Technology Innovation Center will accelerate the construction of a large-scale blockchain computing power cluster, focusing on building a national blockchain computing power network composed of provincial and municipal backbone node networks and industry application node networks, forming a high-performance digital infrastructure that serves important industries and key fields of the national economy such as cross-border trade, supply chain finance, energy, safety production, and food industry.

Civil Aviation Administration Bulletin: Last year, the entire industry suffered a loss of 217.44 billion yuan. On May 10th, the Civil Aviation Administration released the "2022 Civil Aviation Industry Development Statistics Bulletin". According to preliminary statistics, in 2022, the entire industry achieved a cumulative operating revenue of 632.89 billion yuan, a decrease of 15.8% compared to the previous year; The loss was 217.44 billion yuan, an increase of 137.46 billion yuan compared to the previous year.

Among them, airlines achieved a revenue of 336.48 billion yuan, a decrease of about 20% compared to the previous year; The loss was 177.12 billion yuan, an increase of 114.34 billion yuan compared to the previous year. The first successful intervention brain computer interface test has provided a new direction for the diagnosis and treatment of moderate stroke diseases. On May 10th, according to People's Daily Health, on May 4th, the world's first non human primate intervention brain computer interface test was successfully conducted in Beijing. The test achieved an intervention brain computer interface brain controlled robotic arm in the monkey's brain, and all physiological indicators of the experimental monkey were normal.

On May 8th, Duan Feng, a professor at Nankai University and the leader of the experimental leading team, stated that this means that China's brain computer interface technology has become a global leader, providing a new direction for the diagnosis and treatment of future diseases such as stroke, frostbite, and depression. The launch mission of the Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft was successfully completed. On May 10th, according to CCTV news, the Long March 7 Yao 7 carrier rocket carrying the Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft was successfully launched, At the Wenchang Space Launch Site in China, the Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft successfully separated from the rocket and entered the predetermined orbit. The spacecraft's solar panels began working smoothly, and the launch was a complete success.

Subsequently, the Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft will rendezvous and dock with the orbiting space station assembly. The Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft was loaded with consumables, propellants, and application testing equipment for the six astronauts of Shenzhou-16 and Shenzhou-17 stationed in orbit. In order to improve the cargo transportation capacity, the Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft has been optimized and improved in this mission, optimizing the launch requirements of the cargo spacecraft from twice a year to three times a year, Effectively reducing transportation costs.


The National Health Commission has corrected the issue of improper practices in the sales and procur

The National Health Commission has corrected the issue of improper practices in the sales and procur

Directory: 1. Artificial Intelligence Image Robot 2. Artificial intel...

2023-05-30 栏目:科技派
