Summary of the Debate Competition on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence (Ap


1. The advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

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2. Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

The second "Shenzhen Hong Kong Cup" Debate Competition Final Debate Speech Appreciation Debate Question: Does Artificial Intelligence Have More Benefits or Disadvantages for Human Development? Peng Gongjin, Leader of Chinese Language Teaching and Research at Nantou Middle School in Shenzhen, provided a manuscript. The positive side is Nantou Middle School. The negative side is Guangming Senior (according to the recording). The positive side is: Thank you, Chairman. Greetings to everyone present. Regarding today's debate question, our view is that artificial intelligence has more advantages than disadvantages for human development.

3. Debate on the pros and cons of artificial intelligence

It is clear at the beginning that the definition of advanced AI is based on mathematics, logic and statistics. It is an operating system that gains learning ability through experience accumulation, so as to help people carry out certain work. AI has essential differences and fundamental boundaries with human intelligence. AI is a physical process, not a biological process; It simulates a certain behavior of humans, rather than the behavior itself. It does not possess human self-awareness and cannot form a subjective event.

4. Discussion Paper on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

The advantages of artificial intelligence are only that in certain fields, it is more accurate, stable, and has stronger computing power than humans. Next, we will demonstrate our viewpoint from the following three points. Firstly, artificial intelligence makes human life better. For example, the medical application of artificial intelligence benefits the general public. Doctors may find it difficult to maintain the latest treatment plans and methods, and may not be able to understand all medical examples.

5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence PPT

Artificial intelligence can analyze a large amount of data in a short period of time, accurately determine symptoms, and find the best treatment plan to provide people with the best treatment. Moreover, the widely used unmanned driving not only reduces people's burden, but also greatly reduces accident rates. For example, the SIR handwritten version system and biometric recognition system of Apple's system are all applications of artificial intelligence, Both have significantly improved the quality of human life.

6. Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

Secondly, artificial intelligence promotes social progress and further liberates humans. With the application of artificial intelligence, the production efficiency of various industries has greatly improved, and human wealth has rapidly increased in geometric form, providing a solid material foundation for a better life for humanity. Artificial intelligence liberates humans from repetitive and meaningless work, and liberates them from high-risk work, giving them more freedom of choice, So as to invest more energy into more meaningful fields.

7. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence: 800 Word High School Model Essay

Artificial intelligence has also enabled humans to break through the bottleneck of development. For example, artificial intelligence can explore places beyond human reach such as outer space, mountains, seas, glaciers, and rivers. It can enable efficient analysis and rational use of complex big data, allowing people to explore deeper levels of knowledge. With artificial intelligence, humans have transcended their own limitations and achieved further liberation.

8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence Writing 800 words

Thirdly, artificial intelligence has promoted the rational progress of human beings, which can in turn promote the development of human beings. The research and development process of artificial intelligence itself has the need and characteristics to study human brain cognition and function, and enables humans to learn learning methods in this process, thereby enhancing their logical thinking ability. Artificial intelligence has updated humans.

9. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence Paper

The methods for dealing with problems, such as relying on big data analysis, Dr. Watson can provide new treatment methods and skill ranges that minimize harm to patients, thus enriching human methods for dealing with various problems. Artificial intelligence has also expanded the scope of human knowledge and skills, such as obtaining various new knowledge and information based on big data analysis, making it difficult for people to predict floods The accuracy of predicting disasters such as earthquakes has greatly improved, making the constraints on humanity in the face of nature stronger.

10. Materials on the pros and cons of artificial intelligence

Of course, at the same time, some people are worried that work will be replaced by artificial intelligence and lead to unemployment. In fact, just like before the Industrial Revolution, we cannot imagine that changes in professional artificial intelligence such as train drivers and computer engineering will take away some positions, but also bring more updated positions, minimizing the drawbacks that technology brings to humanity.

The development that artificial intelligence brings to humanity is disruptive, and its benefits even exceed our imagination. We should not hinder the development of this technology by imposing fear of the unknown. In summary, we believe that artificial intelligence has more advantages than disadvantages for human development (4 minutes and 6 seconds). On the other hand, hello everyone present.

The other party's argument is indeed beautiful, but there are many loopholes hidden behind the beautiful argument. First, let's clarify a few points: firstly, our topic today is a comparative proposition, but the other party's argument only mentions advantages and disadvantages from beginning to end, and even the relationship between size is not clear. What we want to argue is that artificial intelligence can replace the advantages brought by human development and is unnecessary; The drawbacks it brings to humanity are devastating and irreversible.

Secondly, artificial intelligence is divided into strong and weak artificial intelligence, first proposed by Saier. Weak artificial intelligence is a technological means that uses computers as powerful tools. Strong artificial intelligence advocates that artificial intelligence must ultimately fully simulate human psychology and intelligent activities. The biggest difference between artificial intelligence and other artificial tools is that it has the potential to self react to the external environment, This ability that was originally only possessed by humans once again... human development, because this is the inherent meaning of the existence of the human race.

The inevitability of human development finally raises a question, what is the value of human existence? The value of a person lies in meeting their own needs and making contributions to society. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, the highest demand of a person is self realization. Self realization refers to the realization of personal ideals and aspirations, the maximization of personal abilities, and the pursuit of the realization of this demand is the meaning of human existence.

Okay, based on the above points, the ultimate result of the development of artificial intelligence contradicts the significance of human existence. Therefore, we insist on the view that artificial intelligence has more disadvantages than advantages for human development. From the following aspects, we can discuss our viewpoint. Firstly, the current highly developed weak artificial intelligence has a comprehensive alienation effect on humans.

The alienation effect originated from Marx, where human creations are detached from the human subject, not only breaking free from human control, but also in turn exerting counter control over humanity, violating human will, and becoming an opposing force that enslaves and dominates people. Is this development what humans want to see?.

Secondly, the other party mentioned the unemployment wave, which is great. I want to tell you that the unemployment wave brought about by artificial intelligence is completely different from any unemployment wave brought about by the industrial revolution. It has brought about the unemployment wave, but the most frightening thing is that artificial intelligence itself generates huge commercial benefits, and humans are not supported by artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence supports humans, and humans meet the basic needs of Maslow's theory, Do humans really have the motivation to pursue greater goals? Do they still have the motivation to pursue self actualization? Or is it just pure idleness all day, and drunkenness and dreams.

Finally, based on the inevitability of human development and the characteristics of strong artificial intelligence, even if artificial intelligence has no intention of destroying humanity, they will gradually develop due to human, We still talk about the advantages of artificial intelligence over the disadvantages. Isn't it strange for the other party to argue with friends? Moreover, it cannot be guaranteed that artificial intelligence is completely under human control.

In summary, we believe that artificial intelligence has more disadvantages than advantages for human development (4 minutes and 13 seconds). Argument 2: Thank you, Chairman. Greetings to everyone present. First, let's take a look at the other party's brilliant remarks and what arguments have been made to us. Firstly, the other party's argument suggests that artificial intelligence can replace humans. However, let's think about it. Did the other party's argument focus on human intelligence? Have you created a divine species? But the reality is not like this.

The fundamental difference between artificial intelligence and human intelligence is that it does not have self-awareness. Everything it does, the purpose it performs, and what it wants to do are bestowed upon it by the creator of humanity, so there is no uncontrollability. The other party's debater can completely avoid worrying about the second point. The other party's debater told us about a concept of strong artificial intelligence, and whether the concept of strong artificial intelligence has been established, No matter how strong it is, just like today when our three debaters put their hair down and I also put it down, I imitated her, but I can never become her.

This is the ultimate essence of artificial intelligence. It can be infinitely close to humans, but cannot truly become the third point of humanity. I strongly agree with the argument from the other party. She said that the ultimate and fundamental meaning of our human existence is to continuously meet our own needs and realize our own value. Let's take a look at real life. Is artificial intelligence already meeting our needs in the process of gradual development? Is it constantly helping us realize our own value as a tool? For example, we usually drive to work and school, but I need to drive.

15. 20 minutes, but at this point, if artificial intelligence appears and replaces us in driving, the first point is that its safety performance is higher. It may cause traffic accidents when you are sleepy, but it won't. It is a machine. Secondly, during the process of replacing us in driving, can we save you time to read, listen to music, and rest? Is this better for our human development? Once we "didn't know the palace in the sky, what year is this evening", but with artificial intelligence, we "can go up to nine days to catch the moon, and down to five oceans to catch turtles". Does this change still mean that other debaters still think it's not human development? Even if our generation still cannot deeply appreciate the idea of "hoeing the grain at noon, sweat dripping down the soil", but we have a free and unrestrained mindset of "a thousand rivers with water, a thousand rivers with moon, a thousand miles without clouds, and a thousand miles with sky". Isn't this enough to become a driving force for human development? What is our motivation? We have enjoyed happiness and satisfaction in our existing lives, and we have seen room for development. Therefore, we have gained motivation and started to develop. Therefore, the emergence of artificial intelligence not only gives us motivation and meets our needs, but also may help us better complete a task and realize our self-worth.

In summary, it's just an artificial intelligence tool, don't be afraid (3 minutes and 15 seconds). Opponent 2 defense: Just now, the other party's main defense only mentioned the advantages and provided a large number of favorable examples, but did not mention any disadvantages. Isn't this a case of blind people imitating elephants, with the suspicion of one leaf obstructing the other's vision? Next, the other party's statement states that strong artificial intelligence will not appear in the future, and how do you absolutely believe that strong artificial intelligence will not appear in the future? Please provide us with strong evidence from the other party's defense friends.

Furthermore, from beginning to end, the other party has not proven that this is a comparative proposition. Is there any evidence that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of our side? I think the opponent's debaters have overlooked the following issues: firstly, artificial intelligence will in turn control humans, and humans will also be alienated. What is truly terrifying is not only that these artificial intelligence are divided into strong artificial intelligence and weak artificial intelligence. When strong artificial intelligence reaches a certain level, it will generate a self-awareness and promote its continuous development. However, Google's research director said, "The learning of artificial intelligence is not code, but more like a driving force, But humans can see some things inside and have some understanding of the things inside, but we cannot see the whole picture.

So I would like to ask the other party's debater, you cannot fully understand artificial intelligence, how can it develop? If one day it develops to a higher level than you, and it wants to eliminate humans who are lower than itself, and when humans no longer exist, why should the opponent argue that artificial intelligence has more advantages than disadvantages for human development? Secondly, Marx mentioned in "The Six Technical Paradoxes of Capitalism" that machines have the magical power to reduce human labor and make labor more effective, but they also cause excessive hunger and fatigue as a result.

In the past industrial revolution, the replacement of labor positions was carried out between people, but now, human positions have been replaced by artificial intelligence. So, I would like to ask the opponent's defense friends, those suffering humans, those replaced by artificial intelligence, where should they go? In limited positions, humans have been replaced by artificial intelligence, Can it be said that the development of artificial intelligence is beneficial for human development? However, being laid off is not the most terrifying thing.

Because artificial intelligence can generate enormous commercial value and support those who are laid off and those who are human, I would like to ask the other party again. Once artificial intelligence is used to support humans and humans meet the basic needs of Maslow, will humans still have the motivation to pursue higher goals? Will it still create a sense of laziness, drunkenness, and decadence? As humans, don't you think living like this is very sad?.

Thirdly, should we endow artificial intelligence with human rights? This is a very thought-provoking question. When artificial intelligence works in its job, perhaps it makes some small mistakes, being ruthlessly unplugged and deprived of its freedom and equality. Is this fair to it? In fact, when we think about this issue, we have already endowed it with a human right. Is this the question we should consider? Finally, I would like to ask the other party's debaters to answer the questions we have raised one by one.

Thank you, Chairman. Greetings to everyone present. First of all, I noticed a problem during the brilliant defense by the opposing debater, which is that they have not fully understood the definition of artificial intelligence. Our side has repeatedly explained that it is artificial intelligence, not human intelligence. Just now, the opposing debater has said so much, giving me the feeling that they are only fans of science fiction.

They mentioned that artificial intelligence may one day destroy humans, but have you ever thought about it? Artificial intelligence has no autonomous consciousness, no subjective world, and no emotional source. That is to say, compared to the tools we have used before, artificial intelligence can only simulate human thinking. Does this mean that it can control humans? No, it is not.

Artificial intelligence, as a tool, is used by people, and we all know that people have a tendency to seek benefits and avoid harm. How can it create something that threatens human existence? How can I clearly hear our debaters talking about the issue of unemployment when they exaggerate the definition of artificial intelligence and repeatedly say that our debaters did not emphasize the pros and cons? They just said it was a comparative proposition, but after all you've said, we haven't heard where the benefits lie.

Moreover, the other party's debater also mentioned work issues, and artificial intelligence may replace people's work, causing them to be lazy and only seek pleasure. May I ask the other party's debater that you are subjectively praising the laziness of adults in this aspect? As humans, do we have to live "facing the yellow earth and back to the sky", or should we pursue a freedom that is "cloudless and boundless".

With artificial intelligence, we can free ourselves from tedious and even complex tasks, and then pursue the freedom that humans desire and the value of humanity. Moreover, when the other party's debaters talk about the issue of expected work, I would like to say that they only hope for some rational things and cannot expect humanistic things. Just like the judges and teachers present here, is it possible for artificial intelligence to judge who wins or loses a debate? No way.

Furthermore, the opponent's debater also said that artificial intelligence is a tool, so is it possible for this tool to rule the world? The other party's defense friend, we have repeatedly emphasized that artificial intelligence does not have subjective consciousness, which means that artificial intelligence is just a tool for humans. From the first chess player in 1959 to the Erfa dog, and then to the strongest brain in Xiaodu, we all know that the relationship between artificial intelligence and humans is a gradual learning relationship. In our common progress, we defeated the Erfa dog, What we want is to find a new method from the field of Erfa dog thinking to defeat Erfa dog and then break through human rational thinking.

That is to say, the weakening of human thinking mentioned by the opponent's defense friend is actually not valid. Through artificial intelligence, people can use it as a tool to promote their rational progress. Overall, we believe that artificial intelligence has more advantages than disadvantages for human development. Defense 3: The opponent's defense friend has never been able to identify the circle of weak artificial intelligence. Do you know what strong artificial intelligence is? Do you know what deep learning is? What is the basic experience of science? Nothing is impossible. Human beings can know everything, but the other party clearly classified us as agnosticism, or not all unknowns, and believed that artificial intelligence无稽之谈,那么绝无可能,请说明你们的依据。






















很可怜所以说人工智能对于世人,对我们主体性人,一定要动摇他的主体性地位,这才是它的弊端,这才是我们说它弊大于利的地方本文由语文月刊公众号ID:yuwenyuekan 编辑整理,转载请注明出处)欢迎原创投稿,打赏全归作者,阅读量大另有稿酬。




Summary of the Debate Competition on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence (Ap

Summary of the Debate Competition on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence (Ap

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2023-05-30 栏目:科技派
