Which is Worst: The United States loves to speculate in Stocks More than China loves to speculate in


1. Artificial Intelligence Image Robot

Original title: AI scams sweeping the world, causing a drop in the US stock market. Recently, a highly realistic artificial intelligence generated image depicting an explosion near the Pentagon went viral on Twitter, causing a brief drop in the stock market earlier today.

2. Artificial intelligence image generation

Many verified Twitter accounts (including a Russian official media with millions of followers and a verified account impersonating Bloomberg) have amplified tweets with images that allegedly depict an explosion near the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.

3. High definition artificial intelligence image materials

Although these virus images may seem real at first glance, they are full of hints that "they were generated using artificial intelligence", proving that the whole thing is a scam. Media analysis claims that the images have some features of AI generated images, such as the lamp post being somewhat asymmetric and a fence being drawn on the sidewalk.

4. Artificial intelligence image creativity

Although Twitter has now suspended fake Bloomberg accounts, this highlights the danger behind its payment verification system, which allows verification of any account by paying a blue check. For many people, This means that it can be trusted. The Arlington Fire and Emergency Medical Services department also confirmed in a tweet forwarded by the Pentagon Force Protection Agency that the image is fake (although it is a defense agency of the US Department of Defense, it no longer has blue checks).

5. Artificial intelligence image materials

There have been no explosions or accidents on or near the Pentagon reservation, and there is no direct danger or harm to the public, "said Arlington Fire and Emergency Medical Services.

6. Artificial intelligence image high-definition

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense also marked the images generated by artificial intelligence as "incorrect information" in a statement to Forbes. After the images were marked as fake by US government agencies and OSINT experts on the entire platform for several hours, the Twitter account sharing the initial image deleted the tweet. After a similar incident in November last year, Twitter Blue added the function of paying blue checks.

7. Artificial Intelligence Picture Cartoon

At that time, a verified account impersonated Lilly Pharmaceutical giant and tweeted that insulin was "now free". Despite Twitter closing the account, the tweet spread like a virus and received thousands of reposts, causing the company's stock price to plummet by about $22 billion within 24 hours.

One of the methods for artificial intelligence images is to use object detection

As Twitter sales staff told NBC at the time, Twitter has suspended Twitter Blue payment verification in response to this incident and many other similar pranks and pranks. Wonderful recommendations: The US cybersecurity strategy will attempt to transcend borders on May 23, 2023

One of the methods for artificial intelligence film reading is to use object detection

ASUS Router's global large-scale downtime and network outage! Official apology: May 22, 2023 Capita data leak will severely damage millions of people's pension plans. May 19, 2022 Note: This article is compiled and reported by E Security. If reprinted, please contact authorized sources and return to Sohu to view more responsible editors:


Which is Worst: The United States loves to speculate in Stocks More than China loves to speculate in

Which is Worst: The United States loves to speculate in Stocks More than China loves to speculate in

许多经过验证的 Twitter 帐户(包括一家拥有数百万粉丝的俄罗斯官方媒体和一个经过验证的冒充彭博社的帐户)放...

2023-05-30 栏目:科技派
