Deep integration of artificial intelligence (international regulation of artificial intelligence: si


1. The advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

The regulation of artificial intelligence is a hot topic. Since the success of OpenAI's chatbot ChatGPT, the public has been surprised and concerned about what these powerful artificial intelligence tools can do. Generative artificial intelligence has been hailed as a potential disruptive tool for improving productivity and creative assistants, but they have also demonstrated the potential harm they can cause.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

Generative models have been used to generate false information, and they may be used as spam and fraud tools. From technology company CEOs to US senators to leaders of the G7 summit, in recent weeks, they have called for the development of international standards and stronger artificial intelligence technology protection measures. The good news is that policymakers do not need to start from scratch.

3. Debate on the pros and cons of artificial intelligence

We analyzed six different international attempts to regulate artificial intelligence, listed the pros and cons of each attempt, and gave them a rough score indicating how much influence we believe they have.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence PPT

The European Commission, a human rights organization composed of 46 countries, is developing a legally binding artificial intelligence treaty that requires signatory countries to take measures to ensure that the design, development, and application of artificial intelligence comply with human rights, democracy, and the rule of law principles. The treaty may include suspending the use of technologies that may pose a threat to human rights, such as facial recognition.

5. Discussion Paper on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

Nathalie Smuha, a legal scholar and philosopher at the Law School of the University of Leuven and a consultant to the organization, said that if everything goes according to plan, the organization may complete the draft by November. * * Advantages: * * The European Commission includes many non European countries such as the United Kingdom and Ukraine, and has invited other countries such as the United States, Canada, Israel, Mexico, and Japan to participate in the negotiations.

6. Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

**Disadvantages: * * Each country must independently ratify the treaty and incorporate it into domestic law, which may take several years. Another possibility is that countries can choose to withdraw from certain elements they do not like, such as strict rules or suspension of the use of negotiation teams trying to find a balance between strengthening protection and having as many countries sign it as possible.

7. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence: 800 Word High School Model Essay

Impact rating: 3/5

8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence Paper

In 2019, member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) agreed to adopt a set of non binding principles, elaborating on some values that should support the development of artificial intelligence. According to these principles, artificial intelligence systems should be transparent and interpretable; It should operate in a robust, safe, and reliable manner; There should be an accountability mechanism; And it should be designed in a way that respects the rule of law, human rights, democratic values, and diversity.

9. Materials on the pros and cons of artificial intelligence

These principles also point out that artificial intelligence should promote economic growth * * Advantages: * * These principles constitute a constitutional aspect of Western AI policies, and have since influenced AI policy initiatives around the world. For example, the EU's AI Act is likely to adopt the OECD's legal definition of AI.

10. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence Writing 800 Words

The OECD also tracks and monitors national level artificial intelligence regulations and conducts research on the economic impact of artificial intelligence. It has an active global network of artificial intelligence experts to conduct research and share best practices. * * Disadvantages: * * As an international organization, the OECD's task is not to formulate regulations, but to stimulate economic growth.

And translating high-level principles into feasible policies requires a lot of work from various countries. Impact rating: 4/5 Global Artificial Intelligence Partnership Global Artificial Intelligence Partnership (GPAI) is an international institution jointly advocated by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and French President Emmanuel Macron, established in 2020 to share research and information on artificial intelligence, Promote international research cooperation in the responsible use of AI and provide reference for AI policy formulation around the world.

The organization includes 29 countries and has some members in Africa, South America, and Asia. * * Advantages: * * The value of GPAI lies in its potential to encourage international research and cooperation. * * Disadvantages: * * Some AI experts call for the establishment of an international institution similar to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to share knowledge and research on AI issues, and GPAI has the potential to meet this requirement.

But after its grand launch, the organization has remained low-key and did not release any works in 2023, with an impact rating of 1/5

The European Union is currently completing the Artificial Intelligence Act, which aims to regulate the use of AI systems in the most "high-risk" situations. The bill was first introduced in 2021 and will regulate the use of AI in healthcare, education, and other fields. * * Advantages: * * The bill can hold bad actors accountable and prevent excessive losses caused by the most serious harm to AI, And achieve this goal by imposing huge fines on the sale and use of AI technology that does not comply with regulations.

The bill will also regulate generative AI and impose certain restrictions on AI systems deemed to pose "unacceptable" risks (such as facial recognition). As this is the only comprehensive AI regulatory measure, there is a high possibility that the EU has a first mover advantage, and the EU's regulatory system will eventually become the de facto AI regulatory system in the world, Because companies from non EU countries who want to do business in this powerful trading group will have to adjust their practices to comply with legal requirements.

**Disadvantages: Many elements of the bill, such as facial recognition bans and methods for regulating generative AI, are highly controversial, and the EU will face strong lobbying from technology companies to weaken it. To pass the EU legislative system and take effect, the bill will take at least a few more years to have an impact rating of 5/5.

The technical industry standards from standard setting agencies will play an increasingly important role in transforming regulations into simple rules that companies can follow. For example, once the EU's Artificial Intelligence Act is passed, companies that meet certain technical standards will automatically comply with legal requirements. Many AI standards already exist, and more are still being developed.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed standards that specify how companies should conduct risk management and impact assessment, as well as manage the development of AI. * * Advantages: * * These standards help companies translate complex regulations into practical measures, and as countries begin to develop their own AI laws, standards will help companies build products suitable for multiple jurisdictions.

**Disadvantages: * * Most standards are universal and apply to different industries. Therefore, companies must do a lot of conversion work to make them suitable for their specific fields. This may be a great burden for small enterprises. A controversial issue is whether technical experts and engineers should formulate rules on moral hazard.

Impact rating: 4/5 The United Nations is a member agency composed of 193 countries, hoping to become an international organization that can support and promote global coordination of AI issues. In order to achieve this, the United Nations established a new technical envoy in 2021. In the same year, UNESCO, a subsidiary of the United Nations, and member states also adopted a voluntary AI ethics framework, Member States have pledged to conduct ethical impact assessments on AI, assess its impact on the environment, and ensure that AI promotes gender equality and is not used for large-scale surveillance.

**Advantages: * * The United Nations is the only meaningful international arena for countries in the global South to influence AI policies. Although the West is already committed to the OECD principles, the UNESCO AI ethics framework has significant influence in developing countries. These countries are relatively unfamiliar with AI ethics. It is worth noting that China and Russia have also signed these principles, and these two countries are largely excluded from the debate on AI ethics in the West.

**Disadvantages: * * This raises the question of how sincere countries are in adhering to voluntary ethical guidelines, as many countries have used AI to monitor their people. The United Nations also has uneven records in dealing with technical issues. The organization's first attempt at global technical coordination was a failure: diplomats who were selected as technical envoys were suspended due to harassment scandals only five days after taking office.

The efforts of the United Nations to establish rules for deadly autonomous drones (also known as killer robots) have also stagnated for many years. Impact rating: 2/5 summarizes that artificial intelligence is a technology with great potential and risks, requiring effective and coordinated regulatory measures.


Deep integration of artificial intelligence (international regulation of artificial intelligence: si

Deep integration of artificial intelligence (international regulation of artificial intelligence: si


2023-05-30 栏目:科技派
