Alibaba Cloud inventory Baidu online disk (online disk user battle, Alibaba raids Baidu) Quark onlin


1. Quark network disk resources

The players on the domestic cloud storage track are competing with each other to seize more markets and users. Baidu Netdisk, as an old player, has built a certain brand awareness, while Quark Netdisk and other players are also adjusting their operation strategies to try to carve up more cakes. So how do you interpret the chase game of Netdisk players? What should we do to meet users' actual pain points?.

2. Quark network disk TV version

As a branch business of cloud computing, cloud storage is a small race track, but its strategic significance is different from that of traditional C-end products. The growth of network disk users will not bring significant marginal cost reduction. According to media research, the storage cost of 1TB data per year will be 1843.2 yuan, which includes high hardware, electricity and bandwidth costs.

3. Quark network disk Zhang Jinyu

For example, the cost of each item of Baidu Yangquan Center can reach 1.96 billion yuan, 250 million yuan and 398.4 million yuan per year. Therefore, the larger the scale of online disk business, the higher the cost that enterprises need to pay. But for large enterprises, cloud storage is also an indispensable link in their product matrix. Data is the most core resource in the era of the Internet. Especially after the meta universe becomes the future vane, the cloud of personal data will be the necessary preparation for comprehensive virtualization.

4. Quark net disk tv

The digital survival of users in the future is bound to rely on the infrastructure of cloud storage, which is why even if they do not make money, all giants have not stopped investing in this field. According to the AIMedia Consulting report, Baidu ranked first with 76.9% brand awareness in the survey of the recognition of domestic personal online disks in 2022.

5. Quark network disk Baidu network disk

The winner in the previous generation of market competition is still standing, and the latecomer force is gradually not to be underestimated. After the service adjustment and operation diversion, the single-machine effective time growth rate of Alibaba Cloud Disk has risen to the first and second places on the list. However, Alibaba has more than one set of cards, as well as the market competition of Quark's strategy, which aims at the pain points of Baidu Netdisk.

6. Quark net disk movie

The online disk service centers on two cores: download speed and storage space, and the charging point. The problem Baidu Netdisk has long been criticized for is that the permissions between ordinary users and paying users are too different, so that the product experience of ordinary users is extremely poor. At present, according to the payment situation, the monthly price of Baidu Netdisk SVIP membership is between 21 and 30 yuan, which can provide 5T space expansion and fast download. If the membership is not opened, The download speed will be so slow that you doubt whether your broadband is faulty.

7. Quark network disk Alibaba network disk

At the end of 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology requested online disk enterprises to improve the speed limit. Baidu and other enterprises promised to provide all kinds of users with the same upload/download rate service. However, after the rectification, all kinds of self-media followed up the evaluation. The download speed of large files on Baidu's online disk was still around 100KB/s, and the same service was provided at a lower price. This is the way that most latecomer online disk enterprises compete with Baidu for users, and so was Quark.

8. Quark network disk download

But besides the relatively lower monthly price, quark also added more welfare exchange and free gifts. The most striking recommendation for quark search in Xiaohong Book is "Taobao 88vip includes quark online disk members". Bundled benefits are a great temptation for users surrounded by virtual charges.

9. How to import the subtitles of quark network disk

The price strategy is simple and effective, but this is only the surface. In addition to "giving users a more affordable consideration", the replacement of resources is the key. Resources are a kind of online social currency. The online disk can be seen as the circulation tool of this kind of currency. Personal online disk needs to make a recyclable ecosystem. The circulation of resources between users is crucial, which is Baidu's most stable advantage at present.

10. Quark network disk

After the withdrawal of old competitors such as microdisk and 360 cloud disk from the market, Baidu Netdisk has been the only cloud storage option for users for quite a long time. A large amount of data backup and transfer behavior has formed a huge resource pool on the cloud server. If you want to call these resources and complete the currency exchange in the social chain, you must become its users and abide by the rules of the platform.

In the same logic, if some key resource sharers first shift their positions and demand-driven behaviors, the shared ones can only follow the encouragement of the "resource KOL" that Quark is adding to the code. A well-known subtitle group with 5 million Weibo fans mentioned that the later data are all the first Quark online disks, but not exclusive, "other online disks will also upload, but later.

Quark is really easy to use, and it also supports us. "By the second half of 2022, the account sharing resources have only provided Quark network disk to connect to some large resource transfer stations. For a long time, it has provided three sharing forms: online link, magnetic link and Baidu network disk link. Around the second half of 2022, the network disk link has gradually been replaced by Quark.

Because of the high replacement cost, it is not easy to persuade cloud storage users to migrate. However, once this behavior occurs, in the face of a low-price competitor with the same service, the accumulated advantages of Baidu Netdisk may have the risk of collapse. 2. Alibaba is not only quarrying one Netdisk product behind the scenes. In order to find the C-terminal grab, its products are multi-line and parallel.

The strength of the manufacturer's basic cloud directly affects the stability of its network disk function, user experience and growth potential. By 2022, Alibaba Cloud will still maintain its leading position in the domestic public cloud market. The computing, storage, network and other capabilities of the basic layer are at the top level in the industry. Alibaba Cloud also wants to extend the advantages of the B end to the C end.

The main product of personal network disk, Alibaba Cloud Disk, will be launched in 2021. At that time, the expectation of this product is as Zhang Jianfeng said, "Alibaba Cloud does not make a network disk product, but personal cloud." The selling point of Alibaba Cloud Disk is also set at the technical level, and it promises to solve the problems of current personal cloud space privacy, speed limit and data loss along the technology.

It is not difficult to see that Alibaba Cloud Disk follows a lot of B-end thinking in emphasizing comprehensiveness and security

However, the recent Alibaba Cloud technology storm continued in December 2022. Due to the failure of the Hong Kong computer room node, a large number of cloud products such as cloud servers and cloud databases in Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong could not be used normally. On February 3, 2023, the technical failure occurred again. The Alibaba Cloud disk was inaccessible, including the inability to load content on the app, web page and PC client. The API interface even had 502 failure, and the service was suspended for nearly 5 hours.

Frequent failures are not a small trust crisis for Alibaba Cloud, which competes with technology, and fall on specific products. Alibaba Cloud disk is still in the early stage of market development and user recognition. It is no doubt that the core selling point is technical stability. This is not an ideal starting point. The anti-risk ability of single-line operations is low. It is better to open the entrance, compatible with different scenarios, and encourage more cloud storage services to join the competition.

Alibaba set up an intelligent search business department in 2020, focusing on the layout of Quark, and modifying its product positioning to "intelligent tools+content+services". The target users are mainly young people at present, especially the Generation Z group. In order to increase user traffic for other apps of Alibaba, Quark continues to add new functions to the browser to attract users and create traffic entry, covering scenes including photo search, document processing Player, novel reader, medical information and personal network disk.

The differentiation of Quark focuses on two aspects. One is that the architecture is simple, which is different from that of similar competing products, which have independent clients. The Quark network disk is embedded in its browser toolbar, and the browser ontology users can be seamlessly transformed. For consumers with tight multi-terminal memory, this integrated application will be the preferred choice. The other is that the entertainment attribute is prominent, especially in the flow of video and audio resources. The browser looks for links, the network disk transfers Online play of online disks is a smooth consumption chain.

In the paid member service, we provide high-definition, multiple speed, projection screen and other upgraded video services to meet the demand of users in the entertainment scene. The wide spread network mode is not only applicable in the game industry, but only needs to provide technical support. The market trial and competition of the quark network disk, and the final fruit is Alibaba III, multi-function, or segmentation?.

The most fundamental variable in the market of comprehensive personal network disk is whether to build a multi-functional database or provide corresponding services for segmentation scenarios. A cloud computing practitioner told Ginkgo Technology, "The industry is gradually changing the concept that C-end users are not completely active. Our previous product design tends to be.

Consider the user as a rational person with a high demand for data control, which is actually close to the situation in foreign countries. "The domestic media environment and user ecology determine that their digital survival is more" drift with the current ". In terms of cloud storage, users who require archiving, sorting and integration are still concentrated in the B end, and individual users pay more attention to real-time experience.

"I continue to emphasize the need to avoid inertia thinking. The formed products are not necessarily products that fully meet the market demand. It is likely that there is no second choice." According to the information provided by this practitioner, at present, each specific service section of cloud computing is catching up with the trend of scenario. The new trend of striving for the second choice of personal network disk is not to do "data center", but scene assistance.

On the practical level, the demand for different scenarios such as social, family, entertainment and work is increasingly differentiated, and the data between apps are not connected with each other. It is obviously impossible to integrate all scenario data with one network disk. For example, the documents you write in WPS will be directly stored in WPS network disk. The cloud storage requirements in these different scenarios are basically digested by their own built-in cloud services.

Under this premise, it is obviously more appropriate to provide more sophisticated and high-quality services for the corresponding scenarios. The operator cloud responded quickly this time. Skywing and mobile cloud disks both rely on their own network advantages and split away the cake of home cloud. A more radical idea is that the key word of future cloud storage services is "embedded" the manufacturer's split network disk function embedded software and hardware, providing cloud storage functions for different products in the system.

Or incubate new functional products from the basic network disk based on specific scenarios to reduce the overstaffing of the basic network disk products. In contrast, Baidu network disk, which has a far leading market share, may be in danger. Baidu network disk is a typical comprehensive multi-functional product. For users, it is equivalent to a digital warehouse "storage+download", which forms the core of its application, because it has accumulated a large amount of usage data of the previous generation, It is difficult for users to give up.

But we can't keep eating our old bread. As users iterate, new entrants will not have the burden of old data transfer. Choosing services that are more suitable for their needs may just be the beginning of the entertainment online disk market that Quark should take away. Baidu online disk will face more market segments. Author: Hang Chi Source official account: Ginkgo Technology (ID: yinxingcj), bringing you the best business figures and stories.

This article is released with the authorization of @ Ginkgo Finance, a cooperative media with everyone as product manager. It is prohibited to reprint without permission. The title is from Unsplash. Based on the CC0 protocol, this article only represents the author. Everyone is a product manager. The platform only provides information storage space services.


Alibaba Cloud inventory Baidu online disk (online disk user battle, Alibaba raids Baidu) Quark onlin

Alibaba Cloud inventory Baidu online disk (online disk user battle, Alibaba raids Baidu) Quark onlin

catalog: 1. Quark network disk resources 2. Quark network disk TV ver...

2023-03-03 栏目:编程控
