Li Xueqin's happy comedian video (the next stop of comedy variety artists! Li Xueqin, Jin Jing,


1. Variety Hui Yinghong

□ Shi Wenjing recently launched the broadcast or shooting of many film and television works in which Li Xueqin participated, which caused the audience's attention to their performances. Jin Jing, Li Xueqin, Shi Ce, Fu Seoul and others are all "variety artists" who started from variety shows, but they are slowly involved in excellent "variety artists" in film and television, which are scarce resources. For example, comedy variety artists are very popular. They turn to the film and television industry, bringing new topics and vitality.

2. Variety online viewing

In just two or three years, from online celebrity to talk show talent, variety show frequent guest, to actor, Li Xueqin's label has been changing constantly. Fans have seen the clear plan of this famous school graduate for his career as a representative "variety artist". Li Xueqin can quickly move into various fields, and in the words of netizens, it is "something in the body".

3. Free viewing of variety shows

When Li Xueqin just graduated, he originally followed the route of becoming an Internet celebrity. A very innovative person was "Star Chasing Koi", including Aaron Guo, Yang Ming, Robin Lee and others. He received the reply from celebrities on the Internet. In 2020, Li Xueqin, who was a little famous in the Internet celebrity circle, participated in the Talk Show 3 and became a new comedian.

4. Variety 2023

When the actors of the talk show are all obsessed with "offending", Li Xueqin, who has a northeast accent, positioned the talk show as "pleasing" and followed the "self-deprecating" style of traditional comedy. In several works in the show, she placed herself in the positions of "ugly online celebrity", "women looking forward to love", "humble staff", "daughter held by the northeast mother", and so on. She made fun of it with a sincere attitude, and then achieved comedy effect with continuous reversal.

5. Variety program ranking 2022

Li Xueqin talks about the little things that can resonate in her life. The comedy effect is full, but she will never "step on the thunder". With the friendly image of Li Xueqin and the humor of life, she becomes a comedian with a wide range of theatrical styles, Li Xueqin quickly moved to multiple variety shows, such as roast Conference, Top Comedians, Happy Comedians, Cross border Comedians, Heartbeat Signals, Elephant Mountain Funny Group, Listening to Sister Talk, Fifty Kilometers Peach Blossom Dock, Launch! Situational Comedy, to maintain her exposure. She did not lose the number of comedians, but also showed her charm in various variety shows, so that the audience could see her versatility.

6. Variety Kissing

Li Xueqin imitated the singer Cai Qin in "The Hundred Changes Big Guy Show". Although her singing skills were a hundred and eight thousand miles worse, her courage was commendable. In "Start! Situation Comedy", Li Xueqin acted as the initiator of the work, appeared in several comedy programs, played and sang, and cried for the program. The audience saw her efforts as a comedian. In the slow variety show "Fifty kilometers Peach Blossom Dock", Li Xueqin showed her relaxation, frankness and loveliness, Sincerely express yourself and truly show yourself, which is very popular.

7. Variety Japanese

Li Xueqin's personal niche variety show, "Snow Wang", is also a variety show with unique temperament. In the program, she and Mao Buyi discussed with the guests "whether to ask who to attend the party first", "mind if good friends play with people they hate" and other very life-like questions, which touched young audiences very much. In the program, Li Xueqin, who likes to collapse on the sofa and chatter, became everyone's "ordinary friend".

8. Variety English

The constant display of the multifaceted personality, the constant efforts in comedy, and the ability to maintain a strong exposure rate and other factors have given Li Xueqin the foundation to transform into a film and television actor. She has also begun to usher in the film and television strike period, with the participation of "My Heart Ripples" starting, the starring "Hometown, You Are Safe" starting, and the big screen debut "Keep You Safe" ending.

9. Variety Online

In the film "Keep You Safe", Dapeng and Li Xueqin partnered for the first time. The "Peace Brothers and Sisters" have different laughter points on the basis of sharing the northeast comedy gene. From this film on, whether Li Xueqin can become a new generation of comedians depends on the quality of the work and the performance of the actors. But working with a group of professional comedians in the film is a good exercise for Li Xueqin's acting skills.

10. Variety Zhang Songwen

In the last phase of the first season of the "Annual Comedy Competition", Ma Dong invited a large number of film and television company bosses. He hoped that the comedy newcomers who performed brilliantly in the program would be recognized by the professionals in the film and television industry. It is indeed true that the variety show could not provide a broader stage for the emerging newcomers. The final outlet of the "variety show" is the film and television industry.

"Variety artists" have frequently entered the film and television industry. In addition to Li Xueqin, there are also excellent "variety artists" such as Shi Ce, Li Jiaqi, Fu Seoul and Jin Jing, which are scarce resources. But the gorgeous turn still needs their own skills to be excellent. Last year, the new comedians who passed the first season of the "Annual Comedy Contest" have become popular in the film and television industry this year.

Wang Hao and Shi Ce's "Hao Shi Cheng Shuang" comedy couple combination shone brilliantly in the program, and then they took over the film "Transparent Heroes", performed the light fantasy comedy, and acted in "Twenty Wonders 2". Shi Ce also made film and television works such as "Silent in the Dark Land", "Hometown, Safe from the Past" and "Back to Tomorrow" from the "Little Transparency" in the performance circle, Become an actor recognized and promoted by the platform and film and television investors.

Jiang Long and Jiang Yi, who became popular in the program, also appeared in the thriller comedy film "The Great Night" and "The Wonderful Tale", which became popular in Seoul. In the past two years, the film and television works have also been continuous. Sister Mei, who played in "The Ideal City", is a sharp person. She staged a fierce fight with the heroine played by Sun Li, which became the title scene of the play.

Fu Seoul also participated in film and television dramas such as "Sudden Holiday", "North Frog and South Pole", and gradually transformed into a film and television actor through the comedy variety "Tonight's Bailemen", "Happy Comedians", "Annual Comedy Contest" and the actor Jin Jing who became popular in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and interpreted a girl suffering from depression in "I'm Good in My Home".

In this play, Jin Jing, contrary to the style of funny play, performed the state of an urban girl under the pressure of life with restrained performance. This play has a good reputation, and Jin Jing's role has also attracted attention. Actors successfully demonstrate their diverse acting skills through this role. In fact, from a far perspective, actors such as Guo Qilin, Jia Ling, Zhang Xiaofei are also comedy variety artists. Through comedy, the real fire, and then through acting skills, they gain a foothold in the film and television industry, To some extent, it shows that comedy variety artists who are good at liberating their nature and demanding high performance skills have the most potential shares.

Shen Teng, Jia Ling, Zhang Xiaofei and even Guo Qilin are more like versatile performers who can get through multiple trades in a broader sense. They need to be hard to forge iron. As "variety artists", they can lift the beam, and as actors, they can also achieve remarkable results by acting skills Source: Qilu Evening News


Li Xueqin's happy comedian video (the next stop of comedy variety artists! Li Xueqin, Jin Jing,

Li Xueqin's happy comedian video (the next stop of comedy variety artists! Li Xueqin, Jin Jing,


2023-03-03 栏目:娱乐瓜
