Li Jiaqi's price-cutting variety shows have made tens of billions of dollars in future?


1. Variety Hui Yinghong

The title image comes from "offer 2 for all girls", author: Qian Luoying | editor: Ge Weiwei "Isn't it cool to have a person who thinks for you everywhere and helps you bargain?" When everyone's eyes are focused on the comparison between Luo Yonghao's Taobao premiere on November 11 and Li Jiaqi's "war record", many people only see the online number, the amount of goods and other data on October 24, and then come to the conclusion that Lao Luo is still a long way off.

2. Variety online viewing

If we want to explore the reason, it is Li Jiaqi who disappeared for 109 days and the beautiful ONE team behind him. Before the Double 11, Li Jiaqi's bargain with goods variety show "offer for all girls" was the next big game. This year, the second season (hereinafter referred to as "offer 2") was broadcast on station B, and the dance station moved from the company conference room to the recording studio. The setting and the whole process also more conform to the standard of a "variety show".

3. Free viewing of variety shows

The core of this variety show is that Li Jiaqi and representatives of various brands play a game on the strength of the double-11 discount. However, it is not interesting to just watch the exchange of words in business talks. Therefore, "offer 2" is interspersed with brand talks, product introductions, small games, brand history memories and other links, making the overall rhythm of the program more reasonable and interesting.

4. Variety 2023

This deluxe extended video, which can be called "Li Jiaqi's work vlog+double 11 preheating", sounds like a program full of advertisements, but the audience's real feeling is that many people will "rush" because of the sincerity of the brand side, "bow" because of the stinginess of the brand side, and will also plant products that they didn't care about or even can't use before, What's more, Li Jiaqi should be better for the poor brand.

5. Variety program ranking 2022

The video screenshot of "offer 2 for all girls" may indeed contribute to Li Jiaqi's achievements in the Double 11 shopping carnival. On the night of the opening of the Double 11 shopping carnival on October 24, Li Jiaqi received a total of 465 million viewers. It is unprecedented that insiders in the industry said that the GMV of Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room had exceeded 10 billion at more than 10 p.m. that day, and the number of online people in the live broadcast room reached several million at the same time.

6. Variety Kissing

What kind of experience is it to participate in "offer 2"? Offer 2 is Li Jiaqi's first major action after 109 days of suspension, but they have to keep a low profile. Therefore, for the brand side, "Jia Qi's invitation is very urgent, and we don't have much time to prepare." A staff member of the brand side who participated in the recording told the new retail industry review, at least for their brand, The nervousness of the executives in front of the camera of "offer 2" is not what they played: "There is no script indeed. We watched the last season's program overnight and wanted to learn some Jiaqi's routine to deal with it. The result was that we went on the stage and found that it was completely different from what we thought - Li Jiaqi did not play according to the routine.

7. Variety Japanese

”At the present time of the last section, they have put forward two sets of discount schemes internally. They think they are full of sincerity. Unexpectedly, Li Jiaqi directly asked them to add another authentic product and more gifts, which caught them off guard: "The director will discuss the process with us in advance, but only clarify the interview and small game links before the price cut

8. Variety English

We will also submit the 'offer' (discount scheme) to Li Jiaqi's business team in advance, but for the real bargain, the director and the business said to us: 'We can't control Li Jiaqi either'. The tension is also reflected in the control of the recording time. The participant told the new retail business review that unlike ordinary variety shows, which can be NG repeatedly and recorded for a long time, "offer 2" recorded about 3 to 4 brands each time, The overall recording time of each brand is basically less than 1 hour, and the negotiation time is usually less than half an hour.

9. Variety Online

The main reason is that Li Jiaqi needs to finish on time and prepare for the fast-paced live broadcast in the evening. It is easy for people to "go ahead". Many bosses come back to their minds after they have agreed to all the requirements of Li Jiaqi. They think that they do not have so much stock at home, or that the cost is difficult to control, and shout "Maybe they will leave after finishing this order", but this is a afterthought, and even adds a little effect to the program.

10. Variety Zhang Songwen

In the final presentation of the program, the whole bargaining process appears particularly fast, accurate and ruthless.

In addition to the price reduction, the video screenshot of "All Girls' Offer2" also gives the brand sufficient display space. For example, it adds the link of product selection traceability to let consumers know where the product comes from and the basis for pricing; Added brand concept statement and product history review to let consumers understand the story behind the product and enhance brand awareness

Obviously, advertising in "offer 2" will probably not arouse consumers' disgust, and the brand side will not miss this opportunity to show their brand image. Then, the problem comes - consumers know that they will see a large number of brand advertisements in "offer 2", and understand that this program is the warm-up of "double 11", and they know the thousand-layer format of the bargain video. Why should they watch "offer 2"?.

The "cool drama" in the e-commerce industry "is not happy that there is a person who thinks about you everywhere and helps you to cut the price, but also to cut it so low?" An audience answered the above question of the new retail business review. At the same time, Consumers' curiosity about the "real business war" is also greatly satisfied, although the same is full of the unified script in the short video of price bargaining - such as "today must show your sincerity to all girls", "I will negotiate this price even if I leave in the same place!", and the traditional routine - bidding → cutting a hard price → the brand side said it was difficult to top → each step back → deal, but.

"Offer2" also presents a part of the core of the negotiation - the resource exchange brand should try its best to maintain its own price bottom line, which is bound to be defended by reasons such as cost failure, supply chain failure, and insufficient inventory. The Li Jiaqi team has been constantly exploring this bottom line, offering its own high-quality resources and appropriate "pie" to lure the brand to break through the bottom line.

The game itself is full of dramatic conflicts. If the brand side can take this opportunity to add more "drama" to itself, the executives participating in the program will have more interesting reactions, and cooperate with the audience's screen interaction, it is really a good variety show.

The video screenshot of "All Girls' Offer2" broke the circle with more content. It was a bold attempt of MeiONE to choose to broadcast on station B. It was also a breakthrough. The original intention was to target a different audience than Li Jiaqi had before - young groups with a bit of anime attributes had to go to Taobao and Tmall to place orders after watching the program, and did not achieve a complete sales closed loop, but after all, station B still focused on content logic, The key is to better present the content.

With good content, there is no shortage of traffic. In this program, Li Jiaqi's negotiation strength, the brand side's output of its own brand value, brand image, and the real needs of consumers are all reflected. "It is a win-win situation in the real sense." Many practitioners in the live broadcast industry sincerely affirmed this program, but also said that it is a program that no one can copy.

The main reason why the unique program can't be copied is that Li Jiaqi's bargaining power is temporarily unmatched as the "top stream" in the live broadcast and delivery industry. The exposure and strong delivery strength he can bring are the dreams of all brands. In the process of long-term cooperation with the brand side, Li Jiaqi also knows more about the needs and pain points of the brand side, which gives him the strength to constantly "paint pie" in the program.

In "offer 2", as long as facing big brands and consumer upgrading products, Li Jiaqi often uses the "killer mace" to increase traffic free of charge, such as linking, hanging at the top, and returning after the sale, to replace the brand's lower price or more giveaways; In the face of niche brands or developing domestic brands in the segment of the track, his trick is usually to paint pie - first ask the brand side if it wants to be the first in the segment of the track, and then

Carefully analyze the current situation of the track and help the brand to build confidence and determination. Of course, Li Jiaqi will not blindly bargain, but provide some more suitable forms of cooperation for the brand, such as the intimate conditions that can carry out the Naiva family IP cooperation, co-create small class content, and so on, which make the brand "heartfelt" as a bridge between the brand and consumers. Li Jiaqi has really achieved enough sincerity.

His insight into consumer needs has also won users' stickiness. For example, he proposed that it is better to send a formal dress directly than to send too many small samples; The giveaways are not practical, so it is better to discount them directly... These actions that bring practical benefits to consumers undoubtedly increase the popularity of consumers. Relevant practitioners in the live broadcast industry said: "We can only say that Li Jiaqi is really Li Jiaqi. He is too unique. Offer fully shows his advantages.

”In fact, some imitators have made bargain shows. However, due to the lack of Li Jiaqi's influence and brand awareness, no one is interested in making friends. The relevant person in charge said that "offer for all girls" is worth learning, but it is difficult to make a similar form of "offer for all boys". After all, Luo Yonghao is better at commenting on products. It is hard to imagine him sitting at the negotiation table and bargaining with others, "Temperament does not match".

However, making a friend is also trying to bring the variety content into the live broadcast. This time, Luo Yonghao invited Li Sheng, Xu Zhisheng and other "top brands" of Xiaoguo Culture to live together, hoping to make a detailed observation of life through the talk show actors and talk about product-related segments.

The "variety effect" of the live broadcast room of Tuyuan Double 11 Luo Yonghao's live broadcast room is still reflected: on the first day of the broadcast of Double 11, Luo Yonghao's live broadcast room received 26 million online viewers. From another perspective, behind the "offer 2" is the inner volume and anxiety. Taking Double 11 as an example, Bain Company conducted a survey of nearly 3000 consumers from different cities in China. The data shows that the number of consumers participating in Double 11 in 2022, It is expected to decline compared with previous years.

For example, among the respondents who participated in last year's Double 11 and intend to continue to participate this year, 34% of consumers plan to reduce their total online and offline spending during this year's Double 11; Only 24% of the respondents said that they would increase consumption expenditure ("Double Ten One" in 2022: Customer loyalty is more worth pursuing than trillions of sales ").

The reason is not difficult to understand. With the launch of more and more e-commerce retail shopping festivals and live e-commerce shopping festivals, competition has gradually intensified. At the same time, the repeated COVID-19 in 2022 and the continued global macroeconomic shocks have led to low consumer confidence. Against this backdrop, how to attract consumers through better and more unique content and improve user stickiness and activity is an important issue for platforms and brands.

Changes are taking place. Some brands and platforms have created different types of variety shows with goods to seek a new way to realize their content: in Tiktok, sanitary napkin brand Gao Jiesi launched a dialogue program, "Pick up a Simple Girl", which is broadcast every day in the prime time broadcast room; In Kwai, a micro variety show titled "Sleep at 11:00" with the theme of sleep was broadcast at the beginning of this year, which was jointly produced by Kwai and mattress brand Xilinmen, focusing on the sleep problems of contemporary young people;.

The complementary food brand Akita Manman and Xiaohongshu cooperated to produce a parent-child variety show "Full of a Big Bowl", and invited many parent-child bloggers to take parent-child trips... Most of these contents drew on the form of popular variety shows, but the brand's sense of existence was too strong, and it was difficult to break the circle except that the fans of stars and KOL guests would watch it.

However, in other words, it is possible that these programs are very accurate in targeting customers, and they will make great efforts to make content. Although the cost is certainly not as high as that of regular variety shows, it is necessary to make a big question mark on how many consumers will be liked and how much conversion rate they will win. In the final analysis, "Offer for All Girls" tells everyone a simple truth: whether it is live delivery, content creation or brand building, as long as it is sincere enough, It will be seen by consumers and viewers, and they will naturally pay for it.

However, it takes time and precipitation to be seen by them... Today's topic: What do you think of Li Jiaqi's variety show Offer for All Girls?


Li Jiaqi's price-cutting variety shows have made tens of billions of dollars in future?

Li Jiaqi's price-cutting variety shows have made tens of billions of dollars in future?

题图源自《所有女生的offer2》作者:钱洛滢 | 编辑:葛伟炜“有个处处为你着想,帮你杀价的人,难道不爽吗?”当所有...

2023-03-03 栏目:娱乐瓜
