What are the signs of artificial intelligence ushering in the era of disruptive intelligence? (Is th


1. Artificial intelligence software chat GPT

With the hot development of ChatGPT, a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology, the trend of youth has begun to spread to the field of education, which is called "the smartest person on earth" by netizens. It can not only help teachers reduce their burden, but also help students write homework. An overseas survey shows that more than 89% of more than 1000 students use ChatGPT to help them finish their homework.

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The reporter from Beijing Youth Daily found that a similar situation has emerged in domestic colleges and universities. More and more students have begun to use ChatGPT to assist in completing course assignments and papers. Interestingly, under the influence of ChatGPT's powerful "contract manufacturing", the traditional gray industry chain of human writing has been impacted, and the price of paper writing has been reduced.

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I feel that it is becoming more and more similar to what I write, "said Qin Zi, a graduate student at the School of Journalism and Communication at Beijing Sport University. Recently, Qin Zi completed a review and two small papers using ChatGPT. His usage experience is that ChatGPT is different from other AI writing tools, as it can continuously improve itself by learning a large amount of language data and patterns, based on user dialogue content, Continuously self-learning and evolving, and updating the database to effectively meet personalized needs.

4. Artificial intelligence AI

In order to help ChatGPT better complete his homework, Qin Zi first "fed" the corpus continuously, so that ChatGPT gradually understood his language habits. "It took me about a month to build the entire corpus," Qin Zi recalled. After completing corpus collection, quality inspection and cleaning, corpus upload and review, he began to input instructions on ChatGPT: "Read the following two articles, ×× yes ×× Revised version of.

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”In the end, ChatGPT generated a complete paper for Qin Zi. Not only did liberal arts students like Qin Zi, but also students majoring in software engineering, computer science, and other science and engineering majors were able to borrow ChatGPT when doing course assignments. For example, they could directly use ChatGPT to complete programming assignments for undergraduate students majoring in software engineering at Guizhou University, Xiao Bao, who had already completed course assignments with ChatGPT.

6. Artificial Intelligence GPT

In the past, when doing programming homework, Xiaobao usually needed to first search for open source projects and then make repeated modifications. However, since learning to use ChatGPT, Xiaobao found that he could actually use it to complete programming homework directly. "In the Django project, write a search bar in Python language, please give me a code where I should put it and make it run.

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”After inputting simple instructions, Xiaobao followed ChatGPT's instructions to complete a lottery webpage creation project. "ChatGPT answered well, just like a teacher, guiding me step by step, saving me a lot of time and energy." Xiaobao said that there were shortcomings in some areas, such as emotional gaps. Although ChatGPT performed well in text generation, it was not an all-round "homework writer".

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For example, students majoring in astronomical image processing have found that in this segmented field, ChatGPT's database is not very sufficient. "Using it to collect literature in our field is not very useful, possibly because the literature used in our major is in foreign languages, and ChatGPT's database does not contain this information.

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”In the eyes of Xiaohui, a graduate student in science and engineering, ChatGPT still appears to be a bit stretched in certain disciplines and fields. Some students have found that ChatGPT's processing ability is still limited when dealing with scenes that require creative expression. Qin Zi, who worked in sports broadcasting during his internship, believes that capturing some unexpected or moving events that occur in the field still requires people to complete, Using ChatGPT alone may result in some emotional gaps.

10. Artificial Intelligence Big Data

According to a survey conducted by a reporter from Beiqing Daily, many college students have already tried to borrow from ChatGPT when completing their daily assignments, even their graduation thesis. Of course, while homework has become "effortless", students have also felt some impact. Xiao Bao still remembers the feeling when he first used ChatGPT to write code, and for a moment, he even felt his future was dark, ChatGPT is too powerful! "He was once worried that in the future, he might no longer need to type code himself.

How much does it cost to write an 8000 word paper on behalf of traditional human resources? "" ChatGPT assisted ghostwriting costs 200 yuan, while pure human ghostwriting costs around 500 yuan. The final works are basically indistinguishable, including duplicate checks. "On a shopping platform, a reporter from Beiqing Daily conducted ghostwriting consultation as a customer.

A businessman said that just in the Season of graduation, many students have placed orders, and people generally choose the cheaper ChatGPT to write essays. Obviously, ChatGPT has also become a new "artifact" of some writing agencies outside the university campus. On some shopping platforms, many businessmen advertise "super AI writing", and claim in their introduction that ChatGPT can easily deal with soft articles, advertising language, poetry, stories, papers Various writing needs such as novels.

These ghostwriting institutions and individuals use AI tools such as ChatGPT to complete ghostwriting tasks faster and cheaper, thereby gaining more profits. It is understood that there are currently two operating modes for ghostwriting: "traditional" human ghostwriting and AI assisted ghostwriting. "Traditional" human ghostwriting does not involve AI in synthesis, and merchants will arrange professional teachers or students to complete ghostwriting. This mode generally depends on the number of words and submission time required by customers The pricing is based on specific requirements such as difficulty of the question and duplication rate. Overall, the price ranges from 70 to 100 yuan per thousand words.

In the AI assisted ghostwriting mode, many merchants claim to have purchased an OpenAI account in the United States and can use the ChatGPT4.0 ghostwriting mode normally. The fee is as low as about 10 yuan per thousand words. In addition, a reporter from Beiqing Daily also noticed that some merchants sell "fake" ChatGPT accounts to customers, so that customers can use them on their own, thus achieving modern writing.

These products provide language chat functions similar to ChatGPT, and also support AI assisted writing. AI ghostwriting merchant Ayang (pseudonym) claims that recently, nearly 10 people consult AI ghostwriting in his store every day, and half of them place the final order. In his opinion, compared to manual ghostwriting, ChatGPT and other AI ghostwriting are cheap for three reasons: easy operation, strong professionalism, and high efficiency.

Ayang introduced that if ChatGPT4.0 is asked to write an academic paper, the instructions to input are very simple. You only need to input specific requirements for each component of the paper, such as abstract, keywords, introduction, research background, chapter titles, acknowledgments, and other structural information. Then, ChatGPT4.0 can write a paper based on this topic.

Sometimes, if a topic or chapter is not determined and only a broad topic is given, ChatGPT 4.0 can also complete ghostwriting. In addition, Ayang believes that if only academic and professional aspects are discussed, ChatGPT 4.0 is actually much stronger than many human writers. "Its data in professional fields is very good, but it may have less data in certain niche fields, but even so, it can still write papers.

”Ayang said that compared to human writers, ChatGPT4.0 is more efficient. Ayang said that if an 8000 word paper is handed over to a human writer, it can take several days at the earliest. However, if ChatGPT4.0 is used to handle the same workload, it can be completed in about 20 minutes.

Regarding the penetration of AI technologies such as ChatGPT in the academic field and the impact on the gray industry of ghostwriting, Ayang also proposed his own view: "Ultimately, it depends on what purpose people use it for. Some people only use it as a reference, while others use it for the purpose of changing ghostwriting technology. It is not based on human will. What we can do is continuously improve ourselves and become stronger than it.

”The phenomenon is that some universities have banned or restricted the use of ChatGPT. A reporter from Beiqing Daily learned that currently, some universities both domestically and internationally have issued relevant regulations prohibiting or restricting the use of ChatGPT. The University of Hong Kong has issued a notice to all teachers and students, requesting that the use of ChatGPT or other AI tools in classes, homework, or exams be completely prohibited on campus.

If it is necessary to use it, prior written permission from the relevant course supervisor is required, otherwise it will be considered as "potential plagiarism" behavior. If the teacher suspects that students have used ChatGPT, they can ask students to discuss relevant papers or works, set up additional oral exams, add classroom exams, etc. In addition, some journals and publishing institutions have also put forward corresponding requirements for the use of artificial intelligence writing tools.

The Journal of Jinan University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) explicitly stated that it will not accept any large-scale language modeling tools (such as ChatGPT) for the time being. The article "Journal of Tianjin Normal University (Basic Education Edition)" also issued a relevant statement, suggesting that the author explain the use of artificial intelligence writing tools (such as ChatGPT) in references, acknowledgments, and other text.

The viewpoint of being good at utilizing and improving students' comprehensive abilities, ChatGPT, is widely used in academic paper writing. This reality has also attracted the attention and reflection of some university teachers. Professor Wang Tao from the History Department of Nanjing University believes that whether teachers can detect whether students' submitted assignments are completed using ChatGPT is directly related to the level of students' use of ChatGPT.

If the teacher is more concerned about artificial intelligence and has an intuitive understanding of generative artificial intelligence tools, they may have some judgment on their text style, especially when the homework involves "innovative" topics. If students rely heavily on ChatGPT, it is easy to see the "artificial intelligence tone" of the text. Liang Jun, a teacher at Beijing Sport University, also believes that it is difficult to distinguish whether students use ChatGPT to complete homework, In order to avoid students abusing ChatGPT, the only thing teachers can do is probably to eliminate the students' desire to use ChatGPT to complete homework from the source. They can encourage them to use the GPT to organize the framework or find references, thereby saving time. However, the final core content still needs to be completed by the students themselves.

”In response to the recent situation where some students in domestic universities have started using ChatGPT to find answers, write programming, and organize literature, Professor Wang Tao believes that using ChatGPT for self-directed learning is a good phenomenon. "I see foreign professors treating students using it to write homework as a monster, but there is actually no need to be so nervous.

If students are good at using ChatGPT, it is actually beneficial for improving students' comprehensive abilities, improving the quality of homework, and urging professors to reflect on their teaching methods and content. "For students who use ChatGPT to assist in homework writing or even complete ghostwriting, Chu Chaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences, said in an interview with Beiqing Daily," ChatGPT itself does not have integrity, only those who use it have integrity issues.

”Chu Chaohui believes that humans need to retain autonomy and self-awareness, and not use tools to "enslave" themselves. Regardless of the level of technological development in the future, humans need to adhere to the principle of putting people first. Chu Chaohui also mentioned that teachers need to more carefully examine whether students have used ChatGPT for plagiarism: "Its output content lacks personalized answers, and many are universal and standardized responses.

Teachers can judge and evaluate students' learning outcomes from this perspective "Article/Our reporter Wang Jingyi, Zhang Zhiyi, intern representative Ziting as the coordinator/Lin Yan, Zhang Bin, provided pictures/Visual China discussion: Let technology grow? Or is it banned? Regarding whether tools such as ChatGPT that improve performance should be banned, Chu Chaohui believes: "We cannot ban them all at once, but we should use them locally.

In the future, it is particularly important for teachers and students to improve digital literacy, cultivate critical thinking, and reconstruct knowledge and curriculum system. "For whether teachers and students should be prohibited from using ChatGPT in colleges and universities, Liang Jun, a teacher at Beijing Sport University, also holds the view that" we cannot cut across the board "because different people may have different needs. For example, teachers can save time and effort to improve their work efficiency by using ChatGPT for lesson preparation.

Therefore, Liang Jun stated that it is not advisable to "strangle" ChatGPT in the cradle too early, but rather to give technology some room for growth. "Instead of banning it, it is better to standardize its use." A teacher from the School of Media at Guizhou University also mentioned that for students, the biggest drawback of abusing ChatGPT may be that it will make them less sensitive to the accuracy and authenticity of information, Because ChatGPT is based on large-scale text training and cannot be verified by facts, students often overlook this when using it.

”The teacher also believes that due to copyright issues inherent in the content output of this technology, and the lack of standardized citation and labeling of academic content provided, there is a serious risk of academic misconduct for students directly using it to complete homework. There is no doubt that ChatGPT and other AI technologies can indeed bring a lot of convenience and innovation to teachers and students.

Chu Chaohui introduced that, for example, based on students' learning situations and interests, ChatGPT can provide personalized learning content for students. In teaching, ChatGPT can serve as an auxiliary tool to analyze, predict, evaluate students' learning data, and provide feedback and suggestions to teachers. However, in certain teaching fields, ChatGPT may still find it difficult to find a "useful place".

Because this technology currently mainly has outstanding expressive power in information transmission and processing, and teaching involving emotions, attitudes, values, and other aspects requires more humanized and personalized responses. ChatGPT is difficult to achieve this. Therefore, from this perspective, ChatGPT can only serve as an auxiliary tool and cannot completely replace the role of humans.

Finally, Chu Chaohui also pointed out that with the development of information technology, the problems and benefits brought by ChatGPT are increasing at the same time. Therefore, humans need to respond to these problems with higher intelligence. "Humans need to maintain an open mindset, constantly learn and explore, in order to cope with future challenges

