Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence Movies (36 Worth Watching AI Movies)


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Original Title: 36 Worth Watching Artificial Intelligence Movies: "Artificial Intelligence is the Study of How to Enable Computers to Do Intelligent Work Only Talents Can Do in the Past" - Professor Winston (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) With the development of human technology, especially computer technology, people are no longer unfamiliar with artificial intelligence technology.

2. Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Movies

人工智能更多的走入到了我们的生活当中,已经不再是那些让人啧啧称奇的电影桥段但那些电影中带来的感动和震撼,却是不会随着时光的消磨而淡化今天小编整理了一份榜单,带大家回顾36部经典的人工智能电影36. 机器人与弗兰克 Robot & Frank (2012)

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When Frank, who had just entered old age, began to experience mild symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, his two children provided his father with a robot to take care of his daily life. At first, Frank couldn't accept this cold robot, but as Frank and the robot got along, they gradually became good friends... 35 Machine butler Bicentennial Man (1999).

4. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Film Plot

This is a sci-fi romance adapted from the novel "Zhengzi Ren" by Isaac Asimov, a sci-fi writer. It tells the love story of a humanoid robot named "Andrew Martin" and four generations of "Richard Martin" Resident Evil (2002) has established a huge research center underground in Raccoon City, known as the Beehive, for the military's research on biological and chemical weapons. Due to an accident that resulted in the leakage of airborne biological and chemical weapons, the artificial intelligence system "Red Queen" responsible for beehive security initiated emergency measures, but hundreds of staff members died

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33. The space passenger Passengers (2016) starship Avalon carried more than 5000 colonists to the planet Homestead II. The journey took 120 years for the colonists and the crew to sleep in a small cabin. However, when the spacecraft passed a large asteroid belt, the protective shield was severely damaged, causing a failure. The mechanical engineer Jim Preston was awakened 90 years in advance.

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In a year of lonely life, only Arthur, the simulated robot bartender, accompanied... 32 In the distant future, a giant high-tech adult park called Delos was built in Westworld (1973), which includes three themed sections: Western World, Roman World, and Medieval World. The robot world provides tourists with killing and sexual satisfaction, while the background monitoring of this huge mechanical park gradually loses control of the robots. Tourists are killed by robots, and all those who want to escape are locked in

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West World "is a major HBO drama, and in 2018, it welcomed its second season 31 The story of Chaoneng Chappie (2015) takes place in South Africa in 2016. In response to the rising crime rate, a large weapons company developed a fully mechanized police force. They mass-produced and put the mechanized police into use, achieving remarkable results in combating crime.

8. Artificial Intelligence Movie Recommendation

As one of the developers, programmer Dean has been committed to creating a complete artificial intelligence robot. Dean secretly took a recently damaged mechanical police officer out of the company, preparing to improve his research. Unexpectedly, he was kidnapped by three bandits on the way and was threatened by them. Dean wrote the 22nd into a new system and reborn it under the name of "Chapai". Its birth is about to change the fate of many people.

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30. Transcendence (2014), a top artificial intelligence scientist named Will and his wife Evelyn, as well as his friend Max, are a team actively researching and developing AI, attempting to develop technologies that surpass previous technologies and sustainable life. With their efforts, they finally broke through the technical singularity and created a computer that can surpass the human brain.

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However, this also changed everything. After the terrorist organization "R.I.F.T." assassinated Will with radioactive bullets, Evelyn, who deeply loved Will, decided to upload Will's consciousness to the previously developed quantum computer... 29 Tron (1982) Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges Jeff Bridges) is a talented programmer. However, a game software he once developed was stolen by his former colleague. In order to prove that it was his own work, Kevin tried to enter the MCP of his former colleague's company, but found that it was powerful enough to control other programs at will

28. RoboCop (1987): Murphy was an ordinary police officer in Detroit, lacking in exceptional skills and skills. He was brutally beaten to death by a gang of thugs while on a mission, and his life trajectory changed. Detroit scientists were unable to save his body, but he was able to perfectly integrate his mind and machinery.

Murphy has become a mechanical police officer with a human mind and a mechanical body! 27. Star Wars rumor: The Republican system of Grand Theft One (2016) collapsed, and the shadow of the Galactic Empire shrouded every corner of the universe. In order to strengthen the suppression of resistance forces, Tarquinism directly gave birth to a super weapon capable of destroying the planet - the Death Star.

However, the Rebel Alliance firmly did not believe in the existence of the Death Star, and it was helpless for Qin and pilot Cassian Ando to go alone to the planet where the design of the Death Star was stored, marking the beginning of a war that was crucial to the fate of the entire universe... 26 I, Robot (2004) The original work of I, Robot is Isaac Asimov's classic science fiction.

In 2035 AD, it was a society where humans and robots coexist harmoniously. As the best production tool and human partner, intelligent robots gradually penetrated into various fields of human life. However, due to the limitations of the "Three Laws of Robots", humans have full trust in robots, and many robots have even become family members Metropolis (1927)

Metropolis (1927 film) is a expressionism science fiction silent film directed by Fritz Lang, a famous German film director, and also one of the most important works in the film history. The story is set in 2026. Human beings are divided into two classes. Fadi, the son of the ruler of the two different worlds, is fascinated when he sees a beautiful woman Maria in the underground city, and then follows her to see the underground city, Witnessing a fatal industrial accident and witnessing the plight of workers, a great change began to occur.

24. Giant: The Forbin Project Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) Forbin and his team developed an AI that they thought could benefit humanity, but they didn't expect AI to take the initiative... The movie raises questions about the future of AI development and explores the relationship between humans and AI.

Who can say that the future of super intelligent robots is a good thing? Of course not Marvin, a paranoid robot who provides a frustrating cosmic comedy story in Douglas Adams' classic series "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" with Marvin's classic line: "Life, don't talk to me about life.

22. Star Trek 8: First Contact (1996) This film takes the "first contact" between the earth people and the Vulcan people as the background, and focuses on the "Borg people", the great enemy in the TV series "The Next Generation of Star Trek" 21 Ace Spy (1997)

Super Agent Austin is a superhero who repeatedly defeats "Dr. Evil" to save the world. Dr. Evil freezes himself in outer space, hoping to fight against Austin again in the future. After 30 years, Dr. Evil returns, and the US Secret Service immediately thaws Austin, pinning all hope of defeating evil on him.

However, 30 years of changes caught the agent off guard, and beautiful assistant Vanessa Kensington stepped forward to help Austin complete the task. However, how could Austin, like 30 years ago, defeat the Evil Doctor and save the Earth Ball? 20. Thunderbolt Five (1986).

Thunderbolt 5 is not as terrifying as many artificial intelligence movies. It is a science fiction comedy film, not set in an anti utopian future - the story takes place on Earth where NOVA Arms developed five war robots, and one of them, "No.5," was suddenly struck by lightning one day, and then developed self-awareness and began calling itself "Johnny 5.

It escaped to the street, but was seen as a major threat by humans, and the remaining four robots were also chasing it. It had to find ways to convince humans that "it is a life, not a robot for war." Most of the plot of the story has a comedic pleasure that you find hard to find in such movies Avengers Alliance: The Age of Creation (2015)

If you've heard a story like this: A clever AI decides that humans are the real threat to Earth and must be eradicated to save the planet. Okay, so goes "Avengers: The Age of Aurora". The Avengers have to face the ultimate test, stop the mysterious villain Aurora from implementing the human extinction plan, and save the endangered planet.

In this thrilling blockbuster, superheroes must regroup, including Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor, and more Star Trek (2014) "Star Trek" is considered a tribute to the classic science fiction film "2001: A Space Odyssey", where the protagonist Cooper and the daughter of the base manager Professor Brand, Emilia, physicist Romili, geologist Doyle, and two robots, TARS and CASE, board the Perpetual spacecraft and travel to space.

Director Christopher Nolan said in an interview that he did not want to personify the robots in the work "robots in this work are robots (so) they make you have to think about what human means" 17 Transformers (2007) AI often confronts humans in wars. In Transformers, robots fight against robots, hanging the fate of Earth on the balance, marking the beginning of a robot war.

16. Ex Machinery (2015): Genius inventor Bateman invited programmer Galle to spend the weekend at his forest villa. This villa is actually a high-tech research institute where Galle met an artificial intelligence robot named "Ava" and conducted a "Turing test" on Ava's human intelligence as required.

Galler fell in love with Ava during many times of Contact process. He decided to help Ava escape from this prison style villa and let her get freedom, but the door of hell opened...... 15 The war game "Terminator" (1983) taught us that leaving military decisions to machines is foolish, and the same goes for "War Game".

Matthew Broderick plays the role of a hacker genius boy. One day, he searches and finds a network computer. After a simple crack, he starts playing a game called "Global Thermonuclear War", a game that simulates World War II. However, David is unaware that hidden behind "Global Thermonuclear War" is the US military's War Operations Plan Response System (WOPR).

This confidential system controls the weapons of the US military, and the "Global Thermonuclear War" game launched by David unexpectedly caused the system to automatically prepare to launch a nuclear bomb! 14. The story of Silver Wing Killer 2049 (2017) takes place 30 years after the power outage. The clone K is the new generation of Silver Wing Killer. In today's world, the boundary between humans and clones is clearer. The clone was instilled with the idea of serving humanity from the very beginning, and it is absolutely not allowed to generate human emotions.

13. Artificial Intelligence (2001): Monica's son Martin was seriously ill and hospitalized, and his life was in danger. In order to alleviate the pain, she adopted a robot child named David. David's survival mission was to love her, Martin woke up, recovered his health, and returned home. A series of things caused David to "fall out of favor" and was eventually abandoned by Monica.

This is a futuristic fairy tale detective story: When a robot can love, it can also die of heartbreak 12. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) As promised by the evil Terminator, he returned.

However, this time, he was a good robot sent from the future to fight against more advanced Terminators, and defended human leader John Connor that "Terminator 2" was a great movie, winning four Oscars, and raising the bar for science fiction action movies. At that time, the movie's $96 million budget made it the most expensive movie in history, but now it seems that this is a small cost.

11. Star Wars 7: Force Awakens: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) Thirty years after the fall of the Galactic Empire, the dark forces of the First Order emerged from the rest of the ashes, spreading and growing, posing a threat to the Milky Way. At the same time, Luke Skywalker announced his disappearance, and a map of the galaxy surrounding Luke's whereabouts sparked a battle between the enemy and ourselves.

The robot BB8 with a map hidden is being pursued... 10 Moon (2009) In this science fiction film directed by British director Duncan Jones, astronaut Sam is about to end his three-year supervision of a lunar robot mining mission, with only one robot, Gerty, accompanying Sam at the base.

He couldn't wait to return to Earth to see his wife and daughter, but something was not quite right. Sam's life was in a danger he had never thought of before... 9 The Matrix (1999) is a classic work against utopian computer futurism.

Network hacker Neo became suspicious of the seemingly normal real world. He met hacker Trinity and met the leader of the hacker organization, Mephis Mephis, who told him that the real world was actually controlled by a computer artificial intelligence system called "Matrix". People were like the animals they raised, without freedom or thought, and Neo was the savior who could save humanity.

8. Robot Story WALL · E (2008): This is the story of a kind-hearted planetary gatekeeper, describing the sweeping robot WALL · E on Earth who falls in love with the female robot Eve and follows her on an adventure into space. 7 Her (2013) "She" (also known as "Cloud Lover") tells the sci-fi love story of a person falling in love with AI in the near future.

The delicate protagonist Theodore discovered that he had fallen in love with the latest artificial intelligence system OS1. Its incarnation, Samantha, had a charming voice, gentle and thoughtful, yet humorous. To Theodore's surprise, she also fell in love with him Star Trek: Unlimited Space (1979) In the late 23rd century, 2271 was about 7412.6 in the Star Age, when a powerful extraterrestrial force was detected in the Klingon field in the form of a huge energy cloud, and is believed to be heading for the Earth.

This cloud destroyed the encountered Klingon starship and a Starfleet monitoring station on the way. The Starfleet decided to send the prototype starship Enterprise to block this "object". The cloud is called V'ger, and it is an AI machine. Its hometown is at the other end of the galaxy, and it is a planet ruled by robots.

5. Terminator (1984) As AI becomes more advanced, what happens when AI is able to reason and decides to eliminate all humans? In this movie, AI is the ultimate enemy in 2029, as artificial intelligence machines led by SkyNet attempt to eliminate all surviving humans.

Skynet sends a T-800 Terminator back to 1984年的洛杉矶,并将其程序目标设定为杀死莎拉·康纳而人类抵抗军也将一位战士凯尔·瑞斯送回1984年去保护莎拉在探索AI的两面时,导演卡梅隆向世界展示了AI在最坏的情况下会有多糟糕。

4. 银翼杀手 Blade Runner (1982)在未来的地球上,科学家们创造出被称为人造人的生化机器人来做一些危险的工作,比如星际采矿经过外界殖民地连锁六号战斗组的血腥暴动后,地球上宣布复制人为违法物——必须处死。

特勤小组——银翼杀手受命侦查任何入侵复制人,并予以击毙那不叫做处决,而是称之为退休在这个曲折的黑色故事中,垂死的机器人追踪着他们的创造者,请求延长他们的生命,而银翼杀手则试图帮助他们找到他们的创造者3. 异形(1979)

《异形》有一句著名的台词:“在太空中,没有人能听到你的尖叫!”但在影院中,尖叫声简直此起彼伏以至于它的创造者,奥斯卡金像奖最佳视觉效果奖得主H.R. Giger几十年后仍会做恶梦在AI方面,这部电影描绘了神秘的机器人科学官Ash沉默的恶意,Ash其实在为公司执行任务:将异形运送回地球作为武器研究的工具,而其他的事物与人一概不管。

2. 星球大战4:新希望(1977)如果说C-3PO和R2-D2电影史上最著名的人工智能,你很难反驳这一点在某种程度上,从“新希望”开始,它们也成了《星球大战》系列的粘合剂它们为人类提供喜剧性的安慰,它们是如此的人性化,以至于很难相信它们没有灵魂。

1. 2001:太空漫游(1968)几十年过去了,斯坦利·库布里克的杰作仍然流传至今整个故事开始于地球上居住的原始的猿猴它们因为某个巨大的黑石板产生的进化,并因此而懂得并使用工具来狩猎动物随后,故事来到了人类科技已有能力能够运送自己到月球去的时候。




Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence Movies (36 Worth Watching AI Movies)

Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence Movies (36 Worth Watching AI Movies)


2023-05-24 栏目:科技派
