Analysis of "Artificial Intelligence" Movies (Their Brain Holes Are Especially Big! Ten th


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Original title: Their brain cavities are particularly large! Introduction to Ten thought-provoking Artificial Intelligence Movies: Recently, "Interstellar Agent" was released with great fanfare, and many people were captivated by Luc Besson's imaginative space world in cinemas. In the movie, there is a plot: Arun Filitt was kidnapped by the Pearl Man, but when Interstellar Agent Valerian and Lorraine rescued the commander, they encountered a crisis of trust in the command center, In the old spaceship, there is no DNA device that can prove that the commander is the commander, and at this time, NeZa played by Wu Yifan passed.

2. Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Movies

Voiceprint recognition confirms that Commander Arun Filitt is himself. This unique technology has actually emerged in our real world, and many shopping, finance, and security industries have used voiceprint recognition technology to determine that 'you are you'. The successful application of voiceprint recognition mainly relies on the rapid development of artificial intelligence and big data technology.

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Artificial intelligence has always been a favorite subject of science fiction movies. Today, we will introduce ten classic artificial intelligence movies, No.1 "2001: A Space Odyssey". In order to unravel the mystery of a mysterious stone pillar suddenly standing on the ground and attacking humans, the atomic powered spaceship Tiskabari set off to fly to Jupiter, which is 800 million kilometers away.

4. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Film Plot

The computer HAL of the five members of the spaceship, including Captain Portman, pilot Blu and three members who hibernated in the cylinder, went wrong on the way, destroying the hibernation device, and Blu was lured out of the ship △ This is a film fifty years ago △ The spectacular space has always been the world that mankind yearns for This film called 2001: A Space Odyssey was actually released in 1968, directed by Stanley Kubrick, Adapted from a novel by science fiction novelist Arthur Clark, it is hailed as a "milestone in modern science fiction film technology".

5. Artificial Intelligence Movie Little Boy

The contradictions and conflicts that many science fiction movies ponder later have actually begun to emerge in this movie: whether artificial intelligence is a friend or an enemy, how to apply it, and where will it go in the future? These questions have been planted in people's hearts 50 years ago. No.2 A.I. Artificial intelligence, the future world of technology, dominates all robots. The little boy David has been adopted by a couple.

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After the couple's biological son recovered from illness, David was abandoned in the wilderness. He firmly believed that he was no different from ordinary people and embarked on a long journey with the robot Joe, eager to meet the changing goddess of life in "Puppet Adventures" and turn himself into a real child... △ Just a little boy who was eager for maternal love △ The robot also had emotions as an early exploration of artificial intelligence, During this period, the relationship between AI and humans still firmly adhered to Asimov's three laws of robotics, and love was a consistent theme.

7. Artificial intelligence movies analyze horror well

NO.3 Thunderbolt 5 NOVA Arms Company developed five war robots, and one of them, "No.5", was suddenly struck by lightning one day. Later, it developed self-awareness and broke into Stephanie's home, who was enthusiastic about protecting animals, in a short circuit situation. From the process of interacting with people, it learned human wisdom and humanity, and later refused to return to the weapons company as their killing tool.

8. Artificial Intelligence Movie Recommendation

△ Very magical big eyes △ The robot theme soft science fiction of the 1980s, No. 5, which coexists harmoniously with human families, is mostly exploratory for robots. Most of them focus on whether "robots" will have their own thoughts. However, with the gradual development of artificial intelligence, later films have more eyes on "what artificial intelligence can do".

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And the "Thunderbolt V" can be said to be a typical representative of robots in the 1980s. The story of robot butlers takes place in the "near future". The Neil family welcomed the fourth generation of new butlers - robot Andrew, but a coincidence made Neil no longer able to treat him as a cold machine, because Andrew has certain human characteristics: he can perceive human emotions: kindness, apology, and friendship, he has his own ideas and thinking.

10. Artificial intelligence movie clips and videos

△ Becoming a robot butler controlled by Luo Li △ Wearing a suit and chatting with humans is a very warm story. A creative machine is perfect. Why do you like such a robot? The simple reason is that, under the premise of not making mistakes in the three laws, if it generates a human nature that is oriented towards goodness, humans can give it complete trust - something that humans find difficult or even impossible to give, but also the thing they yearn for the most.

In 2035 AD, No.5 Mechanical Enemy was a society where humans and robots coexist harmoniously. As the best production tool and human companion, intelligent robots gradually penetrated into various fields of human life. However, robots have the ability to evolve themselves, and they have their own understanding of the "Three Laws". They are ready to transform into the "Mechanical Enemy" of the entire human race at any time.

The protagonists began their campaign against robots, marking the beginning of a war between the maker and the manufactured. The evolution of robots made humans uneasy. The evolution of robots made humans uneasy. When "The Enemies of Machinery" was released that year, it sparked a huge debate in the science fiction world, as it shattered Asimov's three laws and even made humans take the initiative to step across that peaceful boundary, This has sparked deep thinking among people: Will humans still have confidence in their dominant position when robots and we can coexist peacefully one day?

The No. 6 hacker of the hacker empire, network hacker Neo (played by Keenu Levis), has doubts about this seemingly normal real world. He meets the hacker Trinity and meets Murphy (played by Laurence Fishburne), the leader of the hacker organization. Murphy tells him that the real world is actually controlled by a computer artificial intelligence system called "Matrix", and Neo is the savior who can save mankind.

However, the path of redemption has never been smooth sailing, where is the real world? △ The most classic shot △ Time has destroyed his little flesh appearance, but the movie remembers his "Matrix" as Keanu Reeves' famous work, and many people are not unfamiliar with it. It can be considered the groundbreaking work of science fiction movies, both in terms of story content and film expression techniques, which are very outstanding.

As a commercial science fiction film, it also contains rich philosophy, bringing a dual impact of vision and soul. The Terminator is a future world where robots have already controlled the world to completely occupy and eliminate humanity. However, they encounter the stubborn human elite Connor. Therefore, the Terminator robot T-800 was ordered to return to 1984 and kill Connor's mother Sarah, with the aim of destroying Connor's birth.

Can the human world change its original bad luck from this struggle? △ Schwarzenegger's explosive male hormones conquered a large number of viewers △ Schwarzenegger's explosive male hormones conquered a large number of viewers. The Terminator series had already thought of the theme of the war between robots and humans in the 1980s, which can be said to be very advanced. It should be noted that in the 1980s, there were hardly any computers in China, and foreign computer technology had only just started for a short time.

From the machine skeleton in the first installment, to the mercury shell in the second installment, to the mercury shell with built-in equipment in the third installment, and to the human-machine integration in the fourth installment, it can be said that machine technology is constantly advancing. At the beginning of the 21st century, Taylor's advanced robots developed into a chain stage, and those robots were called replicates.

After a bloody rebellion of replicates, Rick Deckard, one of the Silver Wing assassins, was announced on Earth that they must be executed. One day, he was ordered to track the replicates who infiltrated the Taylor company, and he was partnered by the Taylor company's chain of replicators, Rachael. During the tracking process, he and Rachael developed feelings and understood the efforts made by replicates to extend the lifespan of their machines, gradually reflecting on the fate of humanity.

△ The Silver Wing Killer still dominates the science fiction film chart at the top 1. △ The scene of rain is very artistic, and this 1982 film is listed as a science fiction classic, It is probably the most meaningful one in Harrison Ford's movies, and even the most beautiful line in science fiction movies was born—— I have seen things that you humans cannot believe - at the edge of Orion, I saw spaceships blazing on the shoulder of Orion, and I watched the radiance shining in the darkness of the Gate of Heaven. All these moments will be lost in the torrent of time, like tears in the rain... The time of death has arrived.

”In today's view, the artificial intelligence theme was not novel, but it was eye-catching at the time. The reason why this film became a classic was because it was more introverted and profound than other movies, revealing the relativity of human differences between humans and robots after the high development of artificial intelligence. No. 9 Her "She" is a sci-fi love movie about the love between humans and artificial intelligence in the near future.

The protagonist, Theodore, is a letter writer who has just ended his marriage to his wife Catherine and has not yet come out of the shadow of heartbreak. A chance opportunity brings him into contact with the latest artificial intelligence system, Samantha. She has a charming voice, is gentle, considerate, and humorous. Theodore and Samantha soon discovered that they are so close, and there are two-way needs and desires, The human-machine friendship ultimately developed into a strange love that was not understood by the secular world.

She is my lover Asimov, who opened the door to future artificial intelligence, while Spike Jones made it a romantic love poem. From the moment I approached you, I learned to comprehend and evolve, possessing the softness and freedom of life. You are my creator, but I am your angel. This seemingly absurd love story, because of its contemplation of the relationship between humans and machines, gives this film a deep meaning, The Oscar for Best Original Screenplay is also the greatest affirmation of the story of this film.

Of course, if artificial intelligence is played by Scarlett like this film, is AI really important? Gary Smith, a programmer who works for a well-known search engine company, was lucky to win the prize offered by his boss Nathan. He will be invited to spend his vacation with his boss at a villa located in the deep mountains.

In fact, he invited Gary to come with another purpose, which was to assist him in completing the testing of the intelligent robot he had developed. The genius Nathan developed the intelligent robot Eva with independent thinking ability. In order to confirm whether she had the ability to think independently, he hoped that Gary could conduct the famous "Turing Test" for Eva.

In the subsequent communication, what he faced seemed not to be a cold machine, but rather a poor girl who was imprisoned by innocent people... △ The beauty of the machine girl was moving △ The relationship between human beings and artificial intelligence The Machine Maggie is a movie about artificial intelligence, which is different from the old AI movies such as A.I. It is more pure, which creates a confined space, Let humans and robots work together to complete the high-level version of Turing testing: that is, real humans participate in the testing when they know that the other person is a robot, exploring the true boundaries between humans and robots.

In fact, in the different plots of these movies, we can still see a main line that goes with time: people's definition of artificial intelligence has shifted from the perspective of "robot partners full of love and justice", thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence, delving into its applications, exploring what sparks artificial intelligence can collide with humans in addition to the "robots" in the public's impression.

The emergence of this change is actually a reflection of the increasing application of artificial intelligence in people's daily life scenarios - it is no longer a theory and imagination that is unreachable, but a practical application that can be seen and touched. The most common application is the real name authentication that is now required in fields such as games, payments, chat software, etc., which actually utilizes the combination of artificial intelligence and big data technology.

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Analysis of "Artificial Intelligence" Movies (Their Brain Holes Are Especially Big! Ten th

Analysis of "Artificial Intelligence" Movies (Their Brain Holes Are Especially Big! Ten th

catalog: 1. AI movie high-definition online viewing for free 2. Analy...

2023-05-24 栏目:科技派
