Blue Book on the Development of New Generation Artificial Intelligence in the Guangdong Hong Kong Ma


1. Artificial Intelligence Image Robot

Author: Yang Lingling "The 'Pengcheng Cloud Brain' is like an 'encyclopedia'" On May 21, at the Dawan Science Forum, Gao Wen, an academician of the CAE Member and director of Pengcheng Laboratory, said, "We will help you prepare the 'encyclopedia' in advance. As for what you do with the 'encyclopedia', we will give you the choice.

2. Artificial intelligence image generation

”Pengcheng Cloud Brain "is a key scientific device that promotes the development of the digital economy. Currently, Pengcheng Laboratory has completed the open-source AI technology experimental platform" Pengcheng Cloud Brain I ", and is building a large-scale AI computing platform" Pengcheng Cloud Brain II "that combines research and empowerment. It has also launched preliminary research on the intelligent supercomputing platform" Pengcheng Cloud Brain III ".

3. High definition artificial intelligence image materials

Gao Wen introduced that only 1/4 of the machine time of "Pengcheng Yunnao II" is used for the laboratory's own scientific research, and the rest is open to universities, scientific research institutions, enterprises and other partners. At present, it has supported the training of nearly 1000 domestic AI models, including the "Pangu Model" of natural language processing and the "Great Sage Model" of computer vision.

4. Artificial intelligence image creativity

Source: The big model storm caused by the creative ChatGPT of Tuchong has swept from abroad to China. Currently, it has entered the stage of "immortal fighting". Faced with this massive industrial transformation, the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area has already laid out in advance the "Guangdong Province New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan (2018-2030)" issued in 2018, establishing Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Zhuhai as core technology experimental areas and talent highlands for the artificial intelligence industry, with Dongguan, Foshan Huizhou is a national leading area for intelligent social applications and a hub for entrepreneurship and innovation. It focuses on developing five major open innovation platforms for artificial intelligence, including Tencent, and proposes the goal of achieving a core industrial scale of 150 billion yuan and an industrial scale of 1.8 trillion yuan by 2025.

5. Artificial intelligence image materials

From the perspective of the national artificial intelligence map, the industrial scale of the Greater Bay Area belongs to the first tier, with rapid development of key terminal products and some leading products nationwide. The development potential of artificial intelligence is enormous, and the construction of the "Artificial Intelligence Greater Bay Area" has not been achieved in a single day since 2019, The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Science and Technology are carrying out the construction of national artificial intelligence innovation and application pilot zones and national new generation artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot zones nationwide.

6. Artificial intelligence image high-definition

Shenzhen and Guangzhou, located in the Greater Bay Area, have been approved to build pilot and experimental zones. Among them, Shenzhen, as the first batch of artificial intelligence innovation and application pilot zones recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the artificial intelligence innovation and development experimental zone determined by the Ministry of Science and Technology, has a core industrial scale of artificial intelligence of 30.8 billion yuan in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 34.4%, and a related output value of artificial intelligence of 218 billion yuan.

7. Artificial Intelligence Picture Cartoon

Guangzhou followed closely behind and was successively approved as the National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development Pilot Zone and the Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Application Pilot Zone in 2020 and 2021. In 2022, 14 artificial intelligence application scenarios were selected for the national "Intelligent Empowerment of 100 Sceneries" list, and the Guangzhou Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Pilot Zone laid out the industrial ecosystem with "one core and multiple points".

One of the methods for artificial intelligence images is to use object detection

According to Guangdong's plan, by 2025, a new pattern of regional innovation and application development will be formed, with Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the main engines, and other cities in the Pearl River Delta such as Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, and Zhongshan as the core. In this process, the Greater Bay Area will continue to promote a number of countries, provinces, and Guangdong Provincial Laboratories such as Pengcheng Laboratory, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy The construction and development of municipal laboratories are most well-known to the outside world, namely the "Pazhou Computing Valley" of Guangzhou Pazhou Laboratory and the "Pengcheng Cloud Brain" of Shenzhen Pengcheng Laboratory.

One of the methods for artificial intelligence film reading is to use object detection

If you look out from the tall buildings of the Guangzhou Global Trade Center, you will see leading digital economy enterprises such as Tencent, Alibaba, Vipshop, Xiaomi, and iFlytek settling and taking root in the core area of Pazhou Computing Valley.

The process of artificial intelligence film reading is reflected in

Pazhou Computing Valley Source: Xu Ning, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Tuchong Creative Pazhou Experimental Zone, stated that in 2023, Pazhou will continue to focus on the three pillars of artificial intelligence development, namely "algorithm, computing power, and computing quantity", and will make every effort to promote the construction of "Pazhou Computing Valley". At this forum, Gao Wen also stated that Pengcheng Laboratory has invested 4 billion yuan and is preparing to invest an additional 6 billion yuan for machines with super computing power, It can solve the training of all large models so far, and then use the computing power of Pengcheng Laboratory and publicly available data to train a large model base that is open to the whole society.

Gao Wen mentioned that in the future, data from many enterprises will be collected to create an enhanced model. The enhanced model will only be open to data providers, and the enhanced model is better and stronger than the standard model. In this way, it will promote the development of the new generation of artificial intelligence in China, especially in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. In fact, before ChatGPT ignited AIGC, the spark of artificial intelligence had already ignited in the Greater Bay Area, And a group of artificial intelligence startups such as Yuncong Technology, Yuntian Lifei, Wenyuan Zhixing, and Xiaoma Zhixing have emerged.

From the Guanzhou subway station in Guangzhou, I took a ride on the ride, and the person in front of me may be an unmanned minibus. "The climate in Guangzhou almost meets all the conditions for unmanned driving testing." At the beginning of my entrepreneurship, Han Xu, the founder and CEO of Wenyuan Zhixing, and his team discovered that Guangzhou has a lot of rainfall, and there are many rivers, bridges, and tunnels, making it the first choice for conducting unmanned driving experiments.

In 2018, Wen Yuanzhixing, relying on the mutual cooperation of all aspects of artificial intelligence algorithms such as perception, decision-making and planning, and positioning, completed the first unmanned driving through the river tunnel in the storm without GPS signal in the industry. Then, Wen Yuanzhixing took the lead in the industry to carry out the commercial operation of driverless taxis. Recently, Prime Minister of Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong visited China and came to Guangzhou as the first stop, We will make a special trip to the WeRide headquarters of Wenyuan Zhixing located on Guangzhou International Biological Island to visit and experience the unmanned minibus of Wenyuan Zhixing.

Open Phoenix News and view more high-definition images of Li Xianlong experiencing unmanned minibuses. Source: In addition to entrepreneurial companies, the official website of Wenyuan Zhixing also includes leading enterprises headquartered in the Greater Bay Area, such as Huawei, Tencent, and DJI. With a large artificial intelligence business, it also has a demonstration effect. Taking Huawei as an example, in April 2021, the Pangu model was officially released to the public.

Since the release of the Pangu Big Model, a mature system has been developed in three stages: L0, L1, and L2. The so-called L0 refers to the basic big model in five levels of fields, including the NLP big model and the CV big model; And L1 refers to industry models, such as meteorology, mining, electricity, and other industries; L2 refers to models targeting segmented scenarios in various industries, such as unmanned aerial vehicle inspections in the power industry.

Huawei's rotating chairman Hu Houkun previously stated that the Pangu pre trained large model has completed the transformation from an academic model to an industrial model, forming a development path of "basic big model, industry big model, and segmented scene big model", and has achieved cost reduction and efficiency increase in fields such as healthcare, internet, finance, coal mining, agriculture, and meteorology.

Zhang Wei, the director of the Cloud Brain Empowerment Research Institute at Pengcheng Laboratory, pointed out in an interview with Time Weekly that the development of artificial intelligence and the soundness of traditional industries are one of the advantages of the Greater Bay Area. "In the future, the development of artificial intelligence in the Greater Bay Area will require a dual wheel drive of scientific research and industry, and scientific research alone is not enough. Without a huge application demand to drive it, technology will also be difficult to move from the backend to the front end.

”He said, "Due to the economic development of the Greater Bay Area and the enhanced vitality of the entrepreneurial environment, we are also more attractive in gathering talents," Vice President of the University of Hong Kong, Gong Peng, told Time Weekly. This is thanks to the support of the country for the development of the University of Hong Kong. "We provide young people with space for vigorous development, promote more perfect discipline construction, and assist in the integration of science and industry development.

”Dai Gang, Director of the International Cooperation Department (Hong Kong Macao Taiwan Office) of the Ministry of Science and Technology, believes that the Greater Bay Area has listed artificial intelligence as a key development area. Hong Kong has significant advantages in basic research on artificial intelligence, and mainland cities have a strong industrial foundation and rich landing scenarios. With the joint cooperation of various cities, it is inevitable that in the future, a science and technology innovation center with global influence will be formed.


Blue Book on the Development of New Generation Artificial Intelligence in the Guangdong Hong Kong Ma

Blue Book on the Development of New Generation Artificial Intelligence in the Guangdong Hong Kong Ma


2023-05-30 栏目:科技派
