Have you learned the AI era English (the only thing that may be related to you in the AI era is the


1. Artificial Intelligence Image Robot

Image source @ Visual Chinese Literature New Eyes, is the author Zhou Yao still discussing AGI? It's better to think about what business will be like in the AGI era than to see others developing weapons. Every era of technological revolution is the best opportunity to reflect on the form of business from scratch. However, in the beginning of 2023, the explosion of ChatGPT quickly sparked global attention and sparked a new wave of general artificial intelligence (AGI).

2. Artificial intelligence image generation

Under this trend, many internet technology companies at home and abroad have quickly followed up and released related products and applications, laying the foundation for promoting the comprehensive transformation of AI in various industries. Although different from the huge responsibilities borne by large enterprises such as the technology internet, in this technology wave, millions of enterprises and even individuals may face the risk of being eliminated when facing the baptism of new technology.

3. High definition artificial intelligence image materials

So, how to leverage this round of industry change, grasp market trends and industry trends, and improve personal abilities is closely related to every individual. In the era of AGI, the first person to feel a dilemma is Google, which is a website that crawls various web page information and interacts with users in the form of keywords.

4. Artificial intelligence image creativity

Because ChatGPT, supported by Microsoft, supports asking questions in natural language and returning conclusions generated after AI referencing all the information, it changes the role of "ferryman" guided by search engines to relevant websites and directly provides "new" answers. This has had a groundbreaking impact on business. Firstly, providing answers through dialogue is more in line with human needs, and secondly, those web pages have been disintermediated.

5. Artificial intelligence image materials

Based on the above two comprehensive deductions, it can be concluded that the real fear of the business transformation in the AGI era is: can I still create a ChatGPT on my own? Secondly, if I can't, how can I appear in the "answer"? Thirdly, I feel that the era of self building websites and creating accounts on platforms has passed. So how can companies that want to conduct business survive in the AGI era? Let's put the conclusion here: 1. Looking at the future, AGI is not the only disruptive technology in the future, and the metaverse will also be.

6. Artificial intelligence image high-definition

The technology is accelerating. In the future, you will take turns to break your once proud 100000 fan accounts, reading 100000 plus official account into nothing. 2. Considering the present, you need to quickly rebuild new connections with each innovative technology. 3. Although there will never be a perfect and unchanging business form, it will not prevent you from finding the largest common divisor between your ability and form, The "Bussiness Docker" with self built private property rights will never be outdated, so that it can easily transition between different technologies.

7. Artificial Intelligence Picture Cartoon

02 Looking for the future of business from technological trends. Before embarking on this journey, we might as well seek inspiration from the evolution of IT. Just like business, technicians are also being abandoned and embraced in rounds of technological change. After multiple iterations, there is a consensus on certain things. As early as in the era of physical machines, one or more applications were often deployed on a single physical machine, Moreover, the overall operation and maintenance operations need to be implemented on this physical machine, resulting in a problem where each service release takes a long time.

One of the methods for artificial intelligence images is to use object detection

Moreover, when multiple applications run on a physical machine, the boundaries of resources cannot be defined between applications, resulting in resource mismatch. Until 2013, the birth of Docker, a container technology product, ushered in an important turning point for the cloud service market in its infancy. Generally speaking, this is an open platform for developing, delivering and running applications. Here, Developers can package their own developed applications and place them in a portable container before publishing them to the runtime platform.

One of the methods for artificial intelligence film reading is to use object detection

Based on the use of Docker, enterprises will no longer be limited by space and time, and can achieve cross platform operation. A quite impressive case is that, like a container, its loaded goods are sealed in a box, and any transportation vehicle that can load the container can transport it to its destination. Docker encapsulates all the dependencies of the application into a simple object, any machine that can run Docker, Both can meet the needs of enterprise business operation.

The process of artificial intelligence film reading is reflected in

Moreover, in situations where the operating environment is complex and ever-changing, Docker's free attributes will be stronger. Whether it is a physical machine, virtual machine, public cloud, private cloud, or even a laptop, Docker ensures the consistency of the execution environment, so its running results will also be consistent. Therefore, today's cloud computing and its ecosystem, in short: cloud native.

The technologies, frameworks, and products adopted by enterprises have all grown on the cloud from the beginning, existing in the form of containers, and can be migrated across different cloud platforms, maximizing the continuous creativity of the open source world while also considering universality. Even better, in this environment, cloud users have the greatest private ownership.

In this way, the maximum productivity is matched between cloud platforms and cloud users: one is to improve the environment, while the other is to strive for strength due to private ownership. The most core things of the enterprise are still in their own hands, regardless of external changes, changes in front-end interactions, and changes in the back-end computing environment. As long as the enterprise grasps the container, it is not afraid of platform changes.

03 Pursuing the Essence of Business In the business environment, the existence of enterprises is like a subset of Dockers, facing a constantly changing business environment. Based on the evolution of objective policies and economic development trends in each period, enterprises are facing new challenges in operation and management. Taking the current situation as an example, digitization and intelligence have become important trends in today's business development, Higher requirements have also been put forward for the operation and management of enterprises.

Internally, changes in the external objective environment affect internal management. From top-level strategic design, business direction management, to organizational structure adjustments, all have a profound impact on the growth and changes of enterprises in the business environment. However, at the same time, the essence of business remains unchanged. Although this is a complex and multi-dimensional concept that covers economic, social, cultural, and other aspects, it is at the bottom of the business model, It has always been the enterprise that creates value, transmits value, and obtains value.

For these enterprises, building themselves into a "Docker" suitable for all kinds of technologies and business environments is in line with the laws of business nature, and the ultimate path of responding to changes with constant changes. 04 The era of fragmentation of consumption also calls for the containerization of business operation. We also need to respect the objective reality that the current business form has become fragmentation.

The business is becoming fragmentation and diversified. For example, Starbucks is no longer a third space coffee shop. It sells cards, peripherals, and also coffee. Delivery and delivery are very complicated. Coffee needs to be delivered by riders, cards need to be written off, and peripherals need to be delivered by logistics. At the same time, the above business types actually run in shopmall, hungry, Tmall, WeChat applet, and Tiktok.

Because each platform has a different positioning, Starbucks must open N stores on multiple platforms to gather these businesses. Of course, the cost efficiency of this mixed form is not economical. So what are the demands of businesses like Starbucks? Pack all the abilities into a container with a backend, and he can complete all the operations.

It is best to plug it into different platforms like a USB flash drive to attract customers. A judgment is that this form will become mainstream in the future. It is common for a caf é to be a restaurant, bar, bookstore, cultural and creative brand, and also sell clothing. Relying on an account system and parasitizing a single platform is very inefficient for them. In short, business must run on multiple platforms, but it is best to unify it in a single business container (Bussiness Docker).

The 05 mini program, as a commercial container (Bussiness Docker), once had an interesting discussion: Do you need to install an app in the era of the metaverse? Or follow an account? At the beginning of the birth of WeChat mini programs, Zhang Xiaolong once talked to the outside world about the original intention of making mini programs. In the era of PC internet, users on computer browsers quickly switch websites to obtain information without the need to download so-called applications.

In the era of mobile internet, during the use of mobile phones and the process of obtaining information, users also have to bear the cost of switching. However, WeChat determines that in the future, if a light bulb is seen in VR or AR, it should not be controlled by installing a light bulb app, Instead, what you see is what you get, and a "mini program" display switch appears directly. This is very close to the bolder demands of consumers after the current chatgpt: I don't want to browse n websites on n platforms, I just want the answer. Once it appears, let me click and choose.

From the perspective of WeChat, the concept of mini programs was proposed, which is a set of "apps" running on the WeChat system. As an international giant, Google naturally also saw this trend. As early as 2020, it began to try Progressive Web Applications (PWA). If we continue to trace back, we can even find Alibaba Yunos' cloud app in 2011- an app that can be used without installing search.

Of course, for enterprises, the existence of small programs is like a Docker tool, which can quickly achieve production and launch with lower development costs and shorter development cycles. In private small programs owned by enterprises, consumers can directly access services and achieve connectivity. According to data disclosed by WeChat public courses, the number of small programs opened from WeChat advertisements has increased by 53% in the past year, The number of non gaming mini program traffic has increased by 23%.

At the same time, the number of developers has increased by 23% year-on-year, and the number of accounts developed using the cloud has exceeded 3 million. It can be said that small programs are a product form that is closer to the concept of Bussiness Docker. Although they were not originally designed for the AGI era, and although small programs are no longer a fashionable concept, from the perspective of "containers", they may go further in the future business world.

Because every part of the future is partially existing in the current 06 Bussiness Docker - the unfinished change Although WeChat applet, Alipay applet, and Google's trial progressive Web application (PWA) all show the core characteristics of a business container (Bussiness Docker).

But as analyzed earlier, we believe that the most important characteristic of Docker is that it can seamlessly adapt to various operating platforms. Internally, it is the private property "container" of individual enterprises, while closed is various data assets. Externally, it can play the same role on different platforms, allowing consumers to enjoy relevant services in any scenario and at any time.

However, current small programs cannot run smoothly between various platforms, so there is still a certain distance from an ideal business container (Bussiness Docker). This distance is caused by the objective environment and is determined by the underlying form of business logic. Back to the technical level, the first step is to understand how Dockers achieve cross platform application.

To summarize, it ensures the consistency of the execution environment and the achievement of industry awareness. We need to first bring back the time to 2013, when Docker founder Solomon Hykes first publicly introduced this product in a speech at the PyCon conference. Subsequently, on March 20, 2013, his company released the first version of Docker and opened up the Docker source code.

In September of the same year, Red Hat became the main partner of Docker and began using Docker to drive its OpenShift cloud business. After this round of validation, international giants such as Google and Amazon quickly saw the enormous energy contained in this product, driving its cloud service platform to provide Docker support.

It is precisely because mainstream cloud vendors joined that Docker's development progress continued to accelerate. As a result, Docker technology quickly became popular worldwide amidst the gradually breaking recognition. However, the popularization of industry innovation often takes time to baptize. Therefore, it was not until 2019 that the container market basically stabilized.

That is to say, from the birth of Docker to becoming the consensus of the global cloud computing industry, although it has been proved to be a fairly common technology in the future, Docker has also taken about 13 years. Therefore, if Docker is taken as a case, it will also be a long and lasting construction process for business containers such as WeChat Alipay applet, which covers a wider range.

It needs to overcome the constraints of internal and external environments. On the one hand, participants in various industries need to reshape their understanding of assets. On the other hand, for various enterprise service providers in the industry, it is even more necessary to promote co construction with an open attitude and accelerate the establishment of industry standards. Conclusion: Nowadays, the popularity of ChatGPT has accelerated the entry of various industries into the era of generative AI.

In this era, some of the original things will disappear, and some new things will grow out to be more suitable for the new relations of production. Maybe we can't foresee the future business form, but at this time point, we look forward again and review again. All the laws and trends we see tell us that in terms of business form, enterprises also need to build their own private property business containers (Bussiness Docker), Cannot bet on a single platform and become a "tenant farmer" without property rights.

Only in this way can we smoothly enter the next era and platform in different platforms and relations of production of different generations


Have you learned the AI era English (the only thing that may be related to you in the AI era is the

Have you learned the AI era English (the only thing that may be related to you in the AI era is the

Directory: 1. Artificial Intelligence Image Robot 2. Artificial intel...

2023-05-30 栏目:科技派
