South Korea's large-scale outdoor reality show


1. Reality show wizard

Last year, the Korean love complex "Single is Hell" exploded. I thought that the scale had exceeded the lower limit,

2. Reality show English

Unexpectedly, South Korea Love Complex released a new film, which can be called the Korean version of "Can't Stop" Eden 2022 Douban score: 6.2

3. Survivors of reality show

Reason for recommendation: The duration of large-scale Korean love complex: 70min (unknown number of episodes) Recommendation index: ★★★★★ Although the program publicity is 15 forbidden levels, you can see from the posters and the previews that it is still naive. The whole variety show has only produced 4 episodes, but the amount of information can't be greater.

4. Reality Show Wizard Apple

In addition, the appearance and figure of the male and female guests are OK. Next, the speed is very fast. The old driver starts!

5. Reality show variety show

01 Before the start of the feature film, I will add the rules of the game to you. Six days and five nights, four men and four women on the beach island. Guests should not disclose personal information other than their names, but simply choose people by their appearance "instinct".

6. What does reality show mean

The appearance is to meet each other frankly in swimsuits. The figure of the guests is hotter than the sun on the island. Male 1, Huamei male brother type, very similar to Song Zhongji, a small milk dog.

7. Reality show game

Male 2, straight and sunny, fashionable, with a strong desire to win or lose.

8. English for reality show

Man 3, honest and mature, bumping into his face.

9. Reality show game doremi Suxing Biquge

Among the male guests, the most noticeable one is the male four "underpants brother". He appeared in thongs, his muscles fermenting and overflowing the screen. In addition to absolute self-confidence and male chauvinism, he also likes to play under clothes indoors and outdoors.

10. Reality show love video

In short, although they are wearing pants, they are more exciting than not. The overall quality of boys is good, but it is still a little worse than that of female guests. Nr. 1, pure temperament type, white and beautiful, elegant, looks like a man's favorite.

Second female, frank and sporty, with first-class figure, beautiful lines and beautiful black sister.

Nr. 3, seductive in red, active in heart.

Nv4, cute and sweet, looks lively and friendly, and has a good personality.

In the first round of men's and women's elections, the female one was the most popular and won two votes. However, the reversal comes soon.

The fourth woman put down her harsh words to the program group, "If I really want to flatter you, you are all dead". Within two days, three boys competed with each other for the fourth girl. Senior hunters often appear in the form of prey, and the female quartile is too high!

02 Love is like a battlefield. The game begins after the first sight. However, since the male guest applied sunscreen to the female guest, the picture has changed.

On the beach, the program group that can make trouble is playing the dodgeball version of "Eagle Catches Chicken" with two men and women. The boys protect the girls, and the girls lose when the ball hits them.

The secret of winning is that the male and female guests are close enough to stick closer. After the game started, Brother Pants didn't forget to eat pork, and he was very bold.

Of course, some male guests have real feelings. In order to win, we will not hesitate to gamble on the price of "end".

In addition to the game of cooperation between men and women, there is also the "hand-to-hand fight" between the same sex. Is it to be able to watch the game openly or to watch people? Old ironmen's fine products.

Winners of different games enjoy different privileges, such as the right to invite the opposite sex to date. However, the program team will distribute the photos of the guests in real time to create new contradictions.

At night, it's hotter here than in the daytime Of all the privileges, the most crazy thing for the winner is the right to allocate beds. Generally speaking, it is to decide who sleeps with whom.

The program limits that each room must be mixed with men and women, 2-3 people. With the consent of both men and women, the winner can even decide to share the bed.

In a private space, in an invisible corner, the bugle of adult games has just sounded

In addition to the guests, the host of the program is also very awesome, and is mocked as "audience mouthed". It can not only pierce the caution of the female guests at a glance, but also have no taboos, I dare to say.

In addition, according to the forecast, the later stage is more intensive and the scale is larger. Kiss directly, get angry in public for bed partners, and can't describe pictures

Those who are interested can have a look, hahaha


South Korea's large-scale outdoor reality show

South Korea's large-scale outdoor reality show

去年,韩国恋综《单身即地狱》爆火。没想到,韩国恋综又出了一部新的,堪称韩版《欲罢不能》.时 长: 70min。...

2023-03-03 栏目:娱乐瓜
