Artificial intelligence related movies (there are several movies recommended for you to watch) Artif


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(Original title: How many movies about artificial intelligence would like to recommend to you?) With the development of computer technology, people are no longer unfamiliar with artificial intelligence technology. Years ago, the globally popular mobile phone can only make phone calls. Nowadays, the Siri carried by the iOS system and the voice assistant of Android can already interact with people.

2. Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Movies

What exactly will artificial intelligence develop in the future? Yee Yan Fung has specially selected 10 movies related to artificial intelligence for everyone. Some of the movies describe artificial intelligence as a frightening killer, while others are cute and adorable human assistants. Although there are significant differences, they are all boldly envisioned by directors for the development of artificial intelligence, and of course, some have even partially become a reality.

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It is very pleasant to stay alone or with family, drink tea, chat and watch movies during the short long vacation. Enjoy this rare holiday, let your thoughts be put on the wings of science and technology, and see the future together 2001: A Space Odyssey/2001 Space Roam (1968) Director: Stanley Kubrick

4. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Film Plot

Video introduction: After receiving a strange signal from a huge black monument on the moon, the astronauts on the "Exploration One" spacecraft were ordered to investigate the human logical thinking and error free artificial intelligence system "Hal 9000" on board during their journey towards Jupiter. This led to the deaths of Frank and three hibernating personnel, leaving Bauman to fight against the computer.

5. Artificial Intelligence Movie Little Boy

As an old 1968 movie, although the rhythm of the entire film is a bit dull and many people may not understand what the movie is about, the editor believes that this is actually the director deliberately putting those incredible things in front of you without explanation, making you feel confused and incomprehensible. This feeling is exactly the same as the protagonist's feeling in the movie.

6. Artificial Intelligence Movie Douban

So it is strongly recommended that friends resist the urge to press the fast forward button while watching movies, and supplement their knowledge points by reading Arthur Clark's novel. We believe that the interaction between astronauts and intelligent systems in the movie will definitely bring you surprises! View link:

7. Artificial intelligence movies analyze horror well

Matrix (1999) Director: Lili Wodrowski/Lana Wodrowski Film Introduction: In the future, in the 22nd century, humans and robots will erupt into war, and ultimately robots will rule the world to obtain energy. The artificial intelligence program system (matrix) that rules robots will control the majority of human consciousness, creating a virtual world of the 21st century.

8. Artificial Intelligence Movie Recommendation

The male protagonist "Neo" has engaged in a fierce struggle between the real world and the virtual world with other self-awareness humans in order to liberate humanity and break free from the matrix program of the virtual world. Translated into English: If asked which artificial intelligence related movie is the favorite among people working in the IT field, I believe most people will vote for the "Matrix" trilogy.

9. Artificial intelligence movie feedback 1500 words

Indeed, the entire film is very rigorous in terms of technical details and sci-fi concepts, especially its description of the internet and virtual reality, which is beyond the reach of other similar films. In one scene, the female protagonist went to the power station to cut off the electricity. The film clearly shows that the woman used Nmap (a software that scans network connection ports) to scan the port, then used sshnuke to break the password, and then used ssh to go online and turn off the electricity, demonstrating her truth-seeking attitude!

10. Artificial intelligence movie clips and videos

I, Robot/I, Robot (2004) Director: Alex Proyas Introduction: USR, headquartered in Chicago, has developed a more advanced NS-5 super robot. However, on the eve of the launch of the new product, Alfred Lonningbosch, the creator of the robot, unexpectedly committed suicide in the company. Detective Del Spooner took over the investigation of the case.

Translated into English: Science fiction novelist Isaac Asimov once proposed three laws for robots: the first law is that robots must not harm humans, or stand idly by while humans are harmed; The second law states that unless the first law is violated, robots must obey human commands; The third principle is that robots must protect themselves without violating the first and second principles.

However, this film rationalizes those unlikely mutinies, which has triggered people's thinking about robot ethics. It is a wonderful commercial film Her/She (2013) Director: Spike Jonze Film Introduction: Theodore, a newly divorced male writer, came into contact with the latest artificial intelligence operating system OS1 Samantha through an accidental opportunity.

She was gentle, considerate, yet witty and humorous, and quickly gained the favor of Theodore. Later, all of this gradually developed into a strange relationship that was not understood by the secular world. Translated into English: It is said that the goddess Scarlett Johnson won the Best Actress in this film solely by her voice. Are you curious about why? The speed and visual stimulation of the film are much slower than most Hollywood blockbusters, but it is precisely this that allows the audience to quietly feel the realism of artificial intelligence systems.

The functions displayed in OS1 in the movie are mostly based on existing artificial intelligence associations, making the audience feel interesting while also quite realistic viewing links: -1-1.1

Star Trek/Interstellar (2014) Director: Christopher Nolan Film Introduction: The future of the earth is full of yellow sand, wheat, okra and other basic crops have been extinct due to the blight disease, human beings are counting down the few scenes left in the sandstorm every day, Cooper reluctantly said goodbye to his daughter, and joined a plan to find a livable planet to save mankind.

Translated into English: A film that has been popular worldwide in 2014, director Nolan himself is the box office guarantee of the robot Tass in the film. Not only is the design simple and can be easily transformed, but also smart and witty. The key is a strong sense of humor. If I could have an intelligent robot in the future, Tass would definitely be the best choice for the robot butler/Bicentennial Man (1999).

Director: Chris Columbus Film introduction: Robot Andrew is the housekeeper of a family for four consecutive generations. After years of wind and rain and human separation and death, he has acquired human knowledge and gradually learned how to experience human emotions. In the following years, Andrew has been pursuing freedom and even love. Finally, with the help of an engineer, he replaced his machine parts with artificial organ from inside to outside, Almost become a real person.

Translated into English: The focus of the film is not on the ethical issues brought about by the awakening robots or the confrontation between humans and robots. Instead, it cleverly simulates certain thinking processes and intelligent behaviors of humans through the robot Andrew, describing the scene where artificial intelligence and humans achieve peaceful coexistence. View link: 。

Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001) Director: Steven Spielberg Film Introduction: A human mother adopts a robotic child named David, but later abandons him to avoid being chased by a robotic slaughterhouse. David begins to search for his survival value.

Translated into English: Another masterpiece by Spielberg, the robot boy Daivd was programmed to be loved at the factory, so it expresses this desire through its own behavior in the play. This setting is very in line with the characteristics of artificial intelligence, and we hope that everyone can carefully observe the viewing link when watching: 。

Robot Story/WALL E (2008) Director: Andrew Stanton Film Introduction: Humans were forced to leave Earth due to environmental pollution, leaving behind some cleaning robots responsible for cleaning their homes. Despite all the robots being damaged, only Wally persisted in this seemingly endless work until one day, Eva from the universe broke this unchanging life, and Wally gradually gained his own consciousness.

As the first science fiction film with the theme of "environmentalism" in history, the satire conveyed by the comparison between the human nature of robots and the inhumanity of humans in the film far surpasses the scope that ordinary animated films can carry; Among them, the destruction of the Earth and the rigidity of future humans are used to satirize the obesity problem, environmental awareness, and consumerism of Americans; Using the self-awareness of robots to satirize the convergence of human consciousness in the era, and so on.

Finally, "box office explains everything". If you haven't seen this movie yet, take your other half or children with you to watch it. I believe this movie will surely move your heart. Super Marine Corps/Big Hero 6 (2014) Director: Don Hall/Chris Williams Introduction: Mysterious villains stole the magnetic robot of the hero, Xiao Hong, and want to dominate the world, Genius Xiaohong assembles the healing robot "Dabai" left by his brother into a super warrior and engages in a battle against a mysterious opponent with a conspiracy.

Translated into English: The streamlined production of movies has led to a lack of innovation in the plot, but Disney has done a lot of work on the details of this movie, especially its lack of scientific content. For example, when intelligent robots scan and record the human body status of male protagonists, and when the body emits red light to warm them, it is believed that similar technological achievements will emerge in the medical industry in the near future.

And the editor believes that whether it's children full of childlike innocence or big friends who enter society after watching movies, they will expect to have a healing robot as cute as Bai


Artificial intelligence related movies (there are several movies recommended for you to watch) Artif

Artificial intelligence related movies (there are several movies recommended for you to watch) Artif


2023-05-24 栏目:科技派
