AIM scam (AI scam breaks out, with 4.3 million people being scammed in 10 minutes. There is always a


1. The advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

The development of AI artificial intelligence technology is becoming increasingly rapid and confusing. Although it has injected new vitality into social and economic development and civilization progress, it has still left some people taking advantage. Recently, the Baotou police released a typical case of using artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out telecommunications fraud, Mr. Guo, the legal representative of a technology company in Fuzhou.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

Obtained 4.3 million yuan in 10 minutes.

3. Debate on the pros and cons of artificial intelligence

The AI fraud incident this time actually utilized technological elements, just like the very popular "AI singer" a while ago, who imitated human voices and intelligent face changing technology, making Mr. Guo mistakenly believe that he really needed money as his friend. Another thing is that the fraudster did not add Mr. Guo with a new number, but instead used a commonly used number. This is also why Mr. Guo is easily deceived, and the fraudster also used technical means.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence PPT

In recent years, the development of China's artificial intelligence industry has been faster and faster, reaching 508 billion yuan in 2022. More and more enterprises and technical personnel have devoted themselves to the innovative development of artificial intelligence. However, some talents have taken a detour, using technology to exploit loopholes and choose fraud, causing economic losses to the people. The result is definitely that they cannot escape legal sanctions.

5. Discussion Paper on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

Mr. Guo immediately reported to the police. Upon receiving the alarm, the police banks in Fuzhou and Baotou quickly activated payment suspension mechanisms, successfully intercepting 3.3684 million yuan, but still 931600 yuan was transferred. Currently, full efforts are being made to recover this warning case. Although technology is favorable, there are still loopholes. We hope that relevant departments can introduce relevant management mechanisms, strengthen case investigation and collusion work, and crack down on such criminal activities severely, Not only deter criminals, but also maximize the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the masses; Strengthen cooperation with departments such as industry and commerce, and increase efforts to investigate and punish illegal operations.

6. Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

"Leather bag" company, eradicate the Lebensraum of such cheats; Make full use of media such as the internet, radio and television, newspapers, etc. to release warning information. Reporting/Feedback


AIM scam (AI scam breaks out, with 4.3 million people being scammed in 10 minutes. There is always a

AIM scam (AI scam breaks out, with 4.3 million people being scammed in 10 minutes. There is always a

Directory: 1. The advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence ...

2023-05-30 栏目:科技派
